1441 Fitness Functional Training Tyre - 80 Kg
Dhs. 1,499.00
Dhs. 4,719.00
Foam Tires can be used in a variety of ways with the added benefit of a compact design, doesn't make a mess, even more training possibilities, and made of foam to prevent injury. Exercises that can be performed include deadlifts, framers walk, sled push/pull, tire flips, step-ups, box jumps and more!Made with dense foam that's durable enough to take a beating. Multiple handles are stitched along the sides and top of the foam tire which allows for variety of grips and exercises.

1441 Fitness Super Squat - 41FU3065
Dhs. 3,999.00
Dhs. 9,267.00
The Evost Series Super Squat offers both forward and reverse squat training modes to activate the major muscles of the thighs and hips. The wide, angled foot platform keeps the user’s path of motion on an incline plane, greatly releasing pressure on the spine. The locking lever will automatically drop when you start training and can be easily reset by pedaling when you exit.
41FU3065 - The Evost Series Super Squat offers both forward and reverse squat training modes to activate the major muscles of the thighs and hips. The wide, angled foot platform keeps the user's path of motion on an incline plane, greatly releasing pressure on the spine. The locking lever will automatically drop when you start training and can be easily reset by pedaling when you exit.
1. Dual Training Posture● Back and shoulder pads provide good support and comfort when training with your back, and the sloping plane of motion helps relieve spinal pressure. When facing training, a breech position farther from the gravity line can better activate the gluteal muscles, regardless of the danger caused by the offset of the center of gravity.
2. More Focused● Different from free weight training, Super Squat reduces the muscle groups involved in stabilizing the torso, and the direct transmission of the load to the legs and hips which improving the training effect.
3. Weight Plate Storage● Optimized weight plate storage makes loading and unloading easier, and the easy-to-reach location further enhances the user experience.
Dimensions (LxWxH): 231 x 107 x 204cm

1441 Fitness Barbell Landing Pad / Weight Lifting Pad - (Sold as Pair)
Dhs. 699.00
Dhs. 1,917.00
Lift with confidence using our high-density Weight Lifting Pad.
Barbell Landing Pad features thick, high-density foam to absorb and diffuse the noise and vibration associated with heavy barbell drops, which helps protect the floor from damage
Each Barbell Landing Pad comes with a carry handle for convenient on-the-go-fitness for personal trainers & athletes.
The Landing Pad is great for both outdoor and indoor workouts
Durable and high-quality support foam will not tear, flatten or lose shape. PVC cover built to withstand the damage from heavy drops and is strong enough to hold its color and form for long-term use
The weightlifting pad measures 30 x 24 inch to give you enough room to comfortably drop your weight on and 6-inch thickness to lessen the impact, vibration, and noise from each drop
Included Components: One Pair Pad
Dimensions: - 80 x 60 x 20 cm

Insight Fitness Recumbent Bike - RR5
Dhs. 5,999.00
Dhs. 12,808.00
Description :
This very high quality recline bike Is waiting for a new home in your home gym or commercial facility.
It has some great tech, a USB charger and wireless connectivity. There are 11 programs including target heart rate, manual and interval training.
The really great thing about this machine is that it has a maximum user weight of 150kgs. If you didn't know the user weight is one of the best ways to see how well made a machine is, the heavier it is the more weight it can handle which equals a better made machine.
Features :
Console Display: 6 Windows+40 x 16 Dot Matrix
Brake: Self-generated
Resistance Levels: 20
Crank: Oversized
Pedal: Two-sided weighted pedal
Flywheel Weight: 8kg
Handle Bar Control: Yes
Console Readouts: Time, Distance, Calories, RPM, Resistance, Watt, Heart Rate
Accessary Tray & Cup Holder: Yes
USB Charger: Yes
Programs: Target (3), Prog(5), My Workout(3)
Maximum User Weight: 150 Kg
Product Weight: 85 Kg
Product Dimension (L x W x H): 167.8 x 64 x 149.5 cm
Two Years Exclusive Warranty

Livepro Commercial Sled Push - LP8142
Dhs. 1,050.00
Dhs. 2,448.00
Resistance sled is a sled-like training tool that can be stacked with heavy weights (usually barbell weight plates), in order to increase physical fitness and speed during exercise, and can mobilize almost the whole body muscle groups during training, with great exertion and simple movements, making it a priority for strength training.
The sled is made of durable steel tubing, with very little welded construction, very strong and durable. It can also be pushed and pulled on multiple surfaces with accessories and has a flat bottom, allowing training on a variety of surfaces.
High-quality steel tube:?ÿThe resistance sled is made of high-quality steel pipe, made of 60??60??5mm and 50??2mm pipes, weighing 35kg, which is strong and durable. The surface blue with black plastic powder coating makes the surface smooth and more textured,corrosion-resistant, not easy to rust after high temperature baking.
A variety of sports:?ÿSled is equipped with sled undershirt, climbing buckle and sled strap, allowing a quick change of direction of movement, saving time and energy, and it can also load the weight plates to do weighted resistance training, exercise the explosive power and strength of the movement.
Smooth Base:?ÿSmooth base allows for pushing and pulling on a variety of surfaces.
black + blue
Product Weight
35 kg
Max Weight
200 kg
110 x 67 x 70 -107cm

1441 Fitness PU Round Dumbbell Set with Rack - 2.5 Kg to 20 Kg
Dhs. 2,499.00
Dhs. 5,317.00
Heavy-duty Rubber Encased Heads which minimize noise, floor damage, and wear and tear on the dumbbells themselves.
Easy-grip, ergonomic Chrome-Plated Handle
Proprietary head to handle construction ensures the head does not come loose
Perfect for strength and isolation training.
Product Details :
The Dumbbell Set Contains :
2.5 kg x 1 Pair
5 Kg x 1 Pair
7.5 Kg x 1 Pair
10 Kg x 1 Pair
12.5 Kg x 1 Pair
15 Kg x 1 Pair
17.5 Kg x 1 Pair
20 Kg x 1 Pair
1 x 3 Tier Dumbbell Rack
Specification :
Dumbbell Rack Dimensions : 42 x 28 x 36 Inches ( W x L x H )

1441 جهاز سميث للخدمة الشاقة للياقة البدنية مع كابل كروس أوفر وحامل القرفصاء - J009
Dhs. 3,499.00
Dhs. 7,401.00
ملاحظة: لا يتم تضمين لوحات الوزن والبار مع الجهاز
1441 Fitness Functional Smith Machine هو جهاز التدريب الشامل الكل في واحد. لقد جمعت بين مدرب وظيفي مع قضيب حداد تجاري متوازن ، أضاف رفًا للقرفصاء بأذرع نصاب وصمم نظام بكرة ذكيًا في آلة واحدة مدمجة مدمجة.
التمارين: آلة سميث ، كروس كروس أوفر ، سكواتس ، تمرين سحب ، سحب عضلات ثلاثية الرؤوس ، العضلة ذات الرأسين ، السحب لأسفل ، الضغط على المقعد المنحدر / المسطح / المنحدر ، الضغط على الكتف ، الصفوف الخلفية وجميع العضلات التي تحتاجها للتدريب
كبلات متعددة المستويات
رف حديد قابل للتعديل ، وسحب الغابة
الوظيفة: الظهر والصدر والذراعين والكتف والساقين والعضلات الأساسية وجهاز استرخاء العضلات وتمارين اللياقة البدنية الشاملة.
أنايشمل: شريط سحب جانبي ، شريط مرفق T-Row ، شريط مرفق Tricep Dip
الوزن الأقصى للحمل 300 كجم ،
150 × 155 × 220 سم
ارتفاع 220 سم
أقصى حمل على الكابلات: 440 رطل (200 كجم)
الضمان: 2 سنوات

1441 كرة فتنس برو جريب سلام (2 إلى 20 كجم)
Dhs. 160.00
Dhs. 181.00
قم ببناء القوة والقوة المتفجرة مع كرة البطولات الثقيلة هذه
لماذا هذه الكرة البطولات الاربع على الآخرين؟ بادئ ذي بدء ، إنها الأداة المثالية للتدريب المتقاطع ، والقوة الأساسية ، والدائرة والتدريب الوظيفي. كما أنه يعد إضافة ممتازة إلى أي تمرين عالي الكثافة لكامل الجسم تقريبًا. زيادة السرعة والقدرة على التحمل وتحسين التنسيق مع كرة البطولات الاربع جيدة التصنيع هذه.
هل تتدرب بجد؟ يمكن أن تتعرض الكرة البطولية للتدريب Pro Grip بدون ارتداد للضرب. إن تركيبته الفائقة المليئة بالرمال تجعله مناسبًا للتدريب عالي الكثافة. لذا امض قدمًا وقم برميها على الحائط أو الأرض بشكل متكرر. نظرًا لتصميمها المبتكر عدم الارتداد ، فإن كرة الضرب هذه لن ترتد أو تتدحرج بعيدًا أثناء استخدامها.
تتميز كرة البطولات الثقيلة هذه أيضًا بسطح محكم. مزيد من سهولة الاستخدام يتميز بقبضة سهلة وأقصى قدر من التحكم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، سطحه مصنوع من مادة PVC شديدة التحمل ويسهل مسحه والحفاظ عليه نظيفًا. وهذا يجعله مثاليًا للإعدادات التي يتم الاتجار بها بشكل كبير ومتعددة الاستخدامات مثل معسكرات التدريب أو الملاكمة أو الصالات الرياضية التجارية والبيئات الصفية.
تصنيع عالي الجودة بمواد متينة
مرجح بالرمل لمنع الارتداد أو التدحرج
مصمم للاستخدام المكثف ، بما في ذلك الضربات القوية المتكررة
إضافة ممتازة إلى أي تمارين عالية الكثافة في جميع أنحاء الجسم
سطح محكم سهل الإمساك به
من السهل مسح هيكل PVC والحفاظ عليه نظيفًا
مثالي للاستخدام في المناطق ذات الكثافة السكانية العالية ، بما في ذلك الصالات الرياضية والفصول الدراسية

1441 تمرين رفع جانبي للياقة - 41FFH05
Dhs. 3,999.00
Dhs. 7,445.00
سمات :
حركة Iso-lateral لتنمية القوة المتساوية
يوفر المقعد القابل للتعديل ارتفاعًا مناسبًا للتمرين
وسادة الصدر لتوفير الاستقرار
وسادات ذراع دوارة للحركة الطبيعية
تخصيص :
مصمم لتطوير الدالية وبناء أكتاف ضخمة
الحجم (L × W × H): 1262 × 1182 × 1549 (50 × 47 × 61 بوصة)
منطقة التمرين (الطول × العرض): 135 سم × 142 سم (53 بوصة × 56 بوصة)
الوزن: 202 كجم (445 رطلاً)
عدد الأثقال: 70 كجم (154 رطلاً)
تفاصيل الضمان:
ضمان الجهاز: سنتان
التنجيد: 6 شهور
الإطار: ضمان 5 سنوات
عدد الخدمات المجانية: مرتين في السنة الأولى

1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball - (3 KG to 15 KG)
من Dhs. 90.00
Dhs. 191.00
Introducing the 1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball – a versatile and durable piece of fitness equipment designed to elevate your workout routine. Whether you're incorporating it into your strength training, endurance exercises, or core workouts, this wall ball is a must-have for any gym or home fitness setup.
Key Features:
High-Quality Construction: Crafted from premium materials like PU (Polyurethane) and PP (Polypropylene), this wall ball is built to withstand intense workouts. Its sturdy and durable design ensures it will maintain its shape and performance even with regular use.
Camouflage Design: The eye-catching camouflage pattern not only adds a stylish flair to your gym but also ensures that the wall ball stands out, making it easy to locate during high-intensity training sessions.
Versatile Weight Options: Available in a range of sizes from 2kg to 14kg, the 1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball allows you to choose the perfect weight for your fitness level and goals. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced athlete, there's a wall ball that fits your needs.
Compact and Efficient: With a packing size of 37 x 37 x 37 cm, this wall ball is easy to store when not in use. Its compact design also makes it ideal for smaller spaces, ensuring you can perform a wide range of exercises without needing a large workout area.
Multi-Functional Training Tool: The 1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball is perfect for a variety of exercises including wall throws, squats, sit-ups, and more. It's an excellent tool for improving your strength, coordination, and endurance.
Why Choose the 1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball?
The 1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball combines durability, functionality, and style, making it an essential addition to any fitness enthusiast's collection. Its versatile design ensures that it can be used in various workouts, helping you achieve your fitness goals efficiently.
Invest in the 1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball today and take your training to the next level. Whether you're building strength, improving coordination, or increasing endurance, this wall ball will help you get there. Order yours now and see the difference it can make in your fitness journey.
Materials: PU + PPSize Options: 3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12/15 kgPacking Size: 37 x 37 x 37 cm

1441 Fitness Power Sled Push Tank - Adjustable Resistance
Dhs. 3,399.00
Dhs. 5,317.00
Strength and power development: Power sleds are often used to enhance lower body strength and power. Pushing or pulling a loaded sled requires the engagement of the legs, glutes, and core muscles, which can help improve overall lower body strength and explosiveness.
Speed and acceleration training: Power sleds can be used to improve speed and acceleration. By pushing or pulling the sled with maximum effort, athletes can develop the necessary power and drive to generate speed and improve their sprinting abilities.

1441 Fitness Competition Rubber Bumper Plates - (5 KG to 25 KG)
من Dhs. 120.00
Dhs. 255.00
Product Description
The 1441 Fitness Competition Bumper Plates are the ultimate choice for professional and competitive weightlifting environments. These premium-grade weightlifting discs are meticulously crafted from high-density rubber with a durable steel core, ensuring exceptional durability and precision in weight calibration. Designed to meet strict competition standards, these plates are ideal for serious athletes and professionals looking to enhance their performance in competitive settings.
Key Features:
Precision Weight Calibration: Engineered to meet strict competition standards, these plates guarantee consistent weight accuracy and low tolerances, ensuring fairness and precision in every lift.
High-Density Rubber & Steel Construction: Made from premium high-density rubber encasing a solid steel core, these plates offer exceptional durability, reducing wear even with high-frequency use, making them perfect for competitive environments.
Minimal Bounce: Designed with optimal shock absorption, these plates provide a stable and controlled lifting experience, minimizing bounce and enhancing safety during intense lifts.
Color-Coded Design: Featuring a distinctive design with color coding for easy identification of different weight increments, these plates adhere to international competition regulations, ensuring quick and accurate weight selection.
Professional Appearance: These plates not only perform at the highest level but also feature a sleek and professional appearance. Customizable with specific brand logos, they enhance the professionalism and identity of any competition.
Available in Multiple Sizes: Available in a range of sizes — 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg, and 25 kg — allowing for a comprehensive set that meets all your training and competition needs.
Product Advantages:
Strict Weight Calibration: Ensures adherence to stringent standards and specifications, crucial for maintaining fairness and accuracy in competitive weightlifting.
Durable High-Density Rubber & Steel Core: Exhibits outstanding durability, reducing wear and tear even under high-frequency use, making these plates a long-lasting investment for professional settings.
Material: High-density rubber with a steel core
Weight Accuracy: Low tolerance, precise calibration
Bounce: Minimal, with optimal shock absorption
Color Coding: Yes, in accordance with international competition standards
Available Sizes: 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg, 25 kg
Elevate your weightlifting performance with the 1441 Fitness Competition Bumper Plates - engineered for precision, durability, and adherence to the highest competition standards. Whether you're training or competing, these plates deliver the reliability and performance that serious athletes demand.

1441 مدرب لياقة بدنية شديد التحمل مع جهاز سميث - 41FC91
Dhs. 6,999.00
Dhs. 14,891.00
تعد آلة سميث متعددة الوظائف هذه قطعة رائعة من المعدات للمبتدئين الذين يبدؤون رحلة اللياقة البدنية الخاصة بهم وصولاً إلى الخبراء الذين يتطلعون إلى نقل تمارينهم إلى المستوى التالي.
إنه جهاز متعدد المهارات رائع أن يوفر لك تمرينًا لكامل الجسم ، مما يستفيد منه جميع مجموعات العضلات الرئيسية. يتميز بحامل القرفصاء ، والضغط على الساق ، وقضيب السحب ، والضغط على الصدر ، وبكرات الصف والمزيد ، مما يتيح لك أداء مجموعة واسعة من التمارين
يحتوي على خطافات أمان مدمجة تعمل على إبعاد التخويف عن الرفع وتقليل خطر الإصابة بشكل كبير.
يمكنك تعليق الشريط في أي وقت من التمرين ، مما يتيح لك الانتقال بالتمرين إلى المستوى التالي بثقة. كما أنه يزيل عنصر تثبيت القضيب ، ويعزز الوضع الجيد والشكل ويسمح لك بتدريب عضلات معينة بشكل أكثر فعالية.
تتميز آلة Phoenix Fitness متعددة الوظائف سميث بكابلات بكرات شديدة التحمل ، وهي مصنوعة من أفضل المواد عالية الجودة ، مما يجعلها متينة للغاية.
تأتي آلة سميث لدينا مع المرفقات التالية: مرفق ضغط الأرجل ، لوحة القرفصاء ، شريط الجلوس ، جهاز ضغط الصدر ، ملحقان كابل ، مقودان ، مرفق صف ، قضبان سحب ، أذرع متعددة الوظائف وشريط معدني طويل.
أبعاد الآلة: ٢١٠ × ١٩٦ × ٢٢٢ سم
وزن الجهاز: 450 كجم
وزن الأثقال: 70 كجم × 2
الضمان: 2 سنوات

1441 Fitness Adjustable Squat Rack - SQR03
Dhs. 1,899.00
Dhs. 2,977.00
Product Description
Take your strength training to the next level with the 1441 Fitness Premium Squat Rack Stand - SQR03. This robust and versatile squat rack is designed to support a wide range of exercises, making it an essential addition to any serious fitness enthusiast's gym.
Key Features:
Heavy-Duty Construction: Built with a main tube size of 75 x 75 x 3 mm, the SQR03 squat rack offers exceptional durability and stability, ensuring it can withstand the most intense workouts.
Versatile Training Options: Ideal for a variety of exercises including squats, bench presses, and pull-ups, this squat rack provides a comprehensive solution for your strength training needs.
Spacious Design: With dimensions of 196 x 204 x 198 cm, the SQR03 offers ample space for a wide range of movements, ensuring you can perform your exercises with maximum efficiency and safety.
Enhanced Strength Training: Perfect for building muscle and strength, the squat rack supports a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups.
Sturdy and Reliable: The heavy-duty construction ensures the rack remains stable and secure during your workouts, providing peace of mind and allowing you to focus on your training.
Versatile Use: Whether you're performing squats, bench presses, or pull-ups, the SQR03 squat rack is designed to accommodate your workout needs, making it a versatile addition to your gym.
Dimensions (L x W x H): 196 x 204 x 198 cm
Main Tube Size: 75 x 75 x 3 mm
Upgrade your home gym or fitness center with the 1441 Fitness Premium Squat Rack Stand - SQR03. Experience the benefits of a robust, versatile, and reliable squat rack that supports a wide range of strength training exercises. Achieve your fitness goals with confidence and efficiency using this professional-grade equipment.

1441 Fitness Olympic Flat Bench - 41FFBO02
Dhs. 1,499.00
Dhs. 3,189.00
Product Description:
The 1441 Fitness Premium Commercial Flat Bench is an essential addition to any serious strength training setup. Engineered for both durability and performance, this bench is built with a robust square tube frame that ensures stability during your most intense workouts.
Key Benefits:
Improved Muscular Balance: The flat bench press targets the pectoral muscles and is often paired with exercises like rows or pull-ups to maintain a balanced workout routine. This balance helps improve posture and reduces the risk of muscular imbalances and injuries.
Mental and Emotional Well-being: Regular use of the bench press, combined with other weightlifting exercises, can significantly boost your mental and emotional health. Achieving personal fitness goals enhances self-confidence, contributing to overall mental well-being and a sense of accomplishment.
Square Tube Dimensions: 75 x 75 x 3.0mm, 50 x 70 x 3.0mm
Assembly Size: 1641 x 1722 x 1265mm
Sheet Metal Thickness: 8mm, 5mm
Enhance your strength training regime with the 1441 Fitness Premium Olympic Flat Bench, designed to deliver outstanding performance and support your journey towards achieving peak physical condition.

1441 Fitness Sled Track Grass with Marking - 10 x 2 Meters
Dhs. 4,599.00
Dhs. 8,083.00
Product Description
Elevate your gym's aesthetics and functionality with the 1441 Fitness Premium Artificial Lawn. Designed with personalized numberings, this artificial lawn allows you to create a unique and tailored look that perfectly matches your gym's atmosphere. Beyond its visual appeal, the artificial lawn offers exceptional comfort, safety, and durability, making it an ideal flooring solution for fitness centers.
Key Features:
Personalized Numberings: Customize the look of your gym with personalized numberings on the lawn, adding a unique and tailored touch.
Soft and Skin-Friendly Texture: The artificial lawn provides a comfortable surface for workouts, enhancing the overall satisfaction of your clients.
Fire-Resistant and Flame-Retardant: Safety is a top priority. Our artificial lawn is designed to be fire-resistant and flame-retardant, providing peace of mind for you and your clients.
Dense and Thick Pile: Constructed with a dense and thick pile, the lawn ensures durability and longevity, offering a realistic and lush appearance that enhances the visual appeal of your space.
High-Quality Materials: Made from a combination of PE, PP, Net, and SBR Latex, this artificial lawn is built to withstand rigorous use while maintaining its quality and appearance.
Material: PE+PP+Net+SBR Latex
Size: Length 1020 cm x Width 200 cm x Height 2 cm
Gauge: 3/8 inch
Stitch Rate: 300 stitches/m
Fiber: 11500 dtex
Customizable Design: Personalize the lawn with numberings to create a distinctive look that aligns with your gym's brand and aesthetic.
Comfortable Surface: The soft and skin-friendly texture provides a pleasant workout experience, making it ideal for various fitness activities.
Enhanced Safety: The fire-resistant and flame-retardant features ensure a safe environment for your clients, minimizing risks during workouts.
Durable and Long-Lasting: The dense and thick pile construction guarantees durability, allowing the lawn to maintain its lush appearance over time.
Visually Appealing: The realistic and lush look of the lawn creates an inviting and professional space that will leave a lasting impression on your clients.
Upgrade Your Gym Flooring
Invest in the 1441 Fitness Premium Artificial Lawn to enhance both the aesthetics and functionality of your gym. With its customizable design, exceptional comfort, and safety features, this artificial lawn is the perfect addition to any fitness center, providing a reliable and visually appealing flooring solution that will impress your clients.

1441 Fitness Glute - 41FA514
Dhs. 3,999.00
Dhs. 7,019.00
وضعية قدم قابلة للتعديل
يستوعب طول الساق المتنوع
متباعد الساعد ووسادة الركبة
عرض موقف دقيق ومريح
وسادة الركبة المحورية لسهولة الضبط
أبعاد الآلة: 184 * 134 * 160 سم
وزن الجهاز: 212 كجم
وزن الأثقال: 80 كلغ
الضمان: 2 سنوات

1441 Fitness Safety Squat Bar
Dhs. 650.00
Dhs. 957.00
The Olympic Safety Squat Barbell is a must-have piece of equipment for any serious weightlifter or powerlifter. This barbell is specially designed to provide a safe and comfortable squatting experience, thanks to its unique shape and features.
The barbell features two padded safety handles that are positioned in front of the shoulders, which allows the lifter to maintain a more upright posture and reduces the risk of injury to the neck and back. Additionally, the barbell is designed to distribute the weight more evenly across the lifter's back, which also helps to reduce strain on the lower back and hips.
The Olympic Safety Squat Barbell is compatible with all Olympic-sized weight plates and has a weight capacity of up to 700 pounds. The bar is made from high-quality steel and has a black powder-coated finish, which not only looks great but also helps to protect the bar from rust and corrosion.
Weight : 20 KG
Length: 220 CM

1441 Fitness Adjustable Squat Stand - SQR01
Dhs. 799.00
Dhs. 1,274.00
Product Description
Experience unparalleled versatility and stability with the 1441 Fitness Premium Movable Squat Rack - SQR01. Designed to accommodate a variety of exercise routines and body types, this squat rack is an essential addition to any fitness enthusiast's gym.
Key Features:
Multiple Adjustable Positions: The SQR01 squat rack features multiple adjustable positions, allowing you to easily find the perfect height and angle for exercises such as squats, lunges, and shoulder presses. This versatility ensures optimal results for users of all body types.
Secure and Slip-Resistant: Equipped with threaded foot pads, the rack guarantees a secure and slip-resistant grip on any surface. The anti-slip and wear-resistant properties provide added safety, allowing you to focus solely on your workout without worrying about stability issues.
Durable Construction: Built with a main tube size of 60 x 60 x 3 mm, the SQR01 squat rack offers exceptional durability and stability, ensuring it can withstand the most intense workouts.
Versatile Exercise Options: Perform a wide range of exercises with ease, thanks to the adjustable positions that accommodate various routines and body types.
Enhanced Safety: The anti-slip and wear-resistant properties of the threaded foot pads ensure a secure grip, providing peace of mind during your workouts.
Durable and Stable: The robust construction of the SQR01 squat rack ensures long-lasting durability and stability, making it a reliable addition to your fitness equipment.
Main Tube Size: 60 x 60 x 3 mm
Measurements (Meas): 124 x 54 x 16 cm
Net Weight/Gross Weight: 45/47 kg
Upgrade your fitness routine with the 1441 Fitness Premium Movable Squat Rack - SQR01. Experience the benefits of a versatile, secure, and durable squat rack that supports a wide range of strength training exercises. Achieve your fitness goals with confidence and efficiency using this professional-grade equipment.

1441 Fitness Adjustable Weight Vest 10 - 30 Kg
من Dhs. 275.00
Dhs. 426.00
Product Description
Take your fitness training to the next level with the 1441 Fitness Camouflage Adjustable Weight Vest. This versatile piece of fitness gear is designed to provide a snug and secure fit, making it an essential addition to any workout routine.
Key Features:
Removable Weights: The gravity vest comes with removable weight packs that can be easily adjusted to suit individual needs. The total weight of the vest can be modified by adding or removing weight packs, allowing users to gradually increase resistance and challenge based on their fitness level and goals.
Adjustable Waistband and Padded Shoulder Straps: The fully adjustable waistband and padded shoulder straps ensure a tight and comfortable fit. This design accommodates various body shapes and sizes, providing a secure and comfortable experience during workouts.
Multiple Weight Options: The vest is equipped with weight bags of different weights, typically available in 10KG, 20KG, and 30KG options. Users can select the appropriate weight based on their training needs and abilities, offering different levels of resistance and challenge to help build muscle strength and endurance.
Resistance Training: Ideal for resistance training, the gravity vest increases the resistance of your workouts, enhancing speed and agility training. It is suitable for various sports and training activities, including running, strength training, and aerobic exercise, helping users achieve higher exercise intensity and better results.
Customizable Resistance: Easily adjust the weight of the vest to match your fitness level and goals, allowing for progressive resistance training.
Comfortable Fit: The adjustable waistband and padded shoulder straps ensure a snug and secure fit, providing comfort during intense workouts.
Versatile Training Tool: Suitable for a wide range of exercises, including running, strength training, and aerobic workouts, enhancing overall fitness and performance.
Enhanced Muscle Strength and Endurance: The added resistance helps build muscle strength and endurance, improving overall workout effectiveness.
Material: Durable camouflage fabric with adjustable components
Weight Options: 10KG, 20KG, 30KG
Adjustability: Fully adjustable waistband and padded shoulder straps
Versatile Training: Perfect for resistance training, speed and agility training, running, strength training, and aerobic exercises.
Progressive Resistance: Gradually increase the weight to match your fitness progress and goals, ensuring continuous improvement.
Invest in the 1441 Fitness Camouflage Adjustable Weight Vest and elevate your training regimen. Experience the benefits of customizable resistance, a comfortable fit, and versatile training options with this professional-grade fitness accessory. Achieve your fitness goals with enhanced muscle strength, endurance, and overall performance.

1441 Fitness Wall Mounted Single Pulley Station
Dhs. 4,500.00
Dhs. 6,383.00
Product Description
Elevate your strength training routine with the 1441 Fitness Premium Performance Tower. This single-station cable machine is designed to engage multiple muscle groups, providing a comprehensive workout experience that targets the upper body, core, and lower back muscles.
Key Features:
Versatile Upper Body Training: The Premium Performance Tower is perfect for engaging upper body muscles such as your lats and traps. It allows for a variety of exercises that target these muscle groups, helping you build strength and muscle mass.
Core and Lower Back Strengthening: In addition to upper body workouts, this cable machine also strengthens your core and lower back muscles. Improved core strength enhances stability and overall functional fitness.
Muscle Mass Increase: Regular use of the Performance Tower can lead to increased muscle mass, making it an essential tool for those looking to build a more muscular physique.
Improved Stability: By engaging multiple muscle groups, this machine helps improve your overall stability, which is crucial for both athletic performance and everyday activities.
Comprehensive Workout: Engage your lats, traps, core, and lower back muscles with a single machine, providing a full-body workout experience.
Enhanced Muscle Strength: Build and tone your muscles effectively, resulting in increased strength and muscle mass.
Improved Stability and Core Strength: Strengthen your core and lower back, enhancing your overall stability and functional fitness.
Versatile Exercise Options: The cable machine allows for a wide range of exercises, making it a versatile addition to any fitness routine.
Material: High-quality, durable construction designed to withstand rigorous use.
Upgrade your fitness regimen with the 1441 Fitness Premium Performance Tower. Experience the benefits of comprehensive upper body, core, and lower back training, all with a single, versatile machine. Achieve your fitness goals and build a stronger, more stable physique with this professional-grade equipment.

Livepro - Sets Barbell Wall Rack - LP8894
Dhs. 799.00
Dhs. 2,126.00
Description :
This storage set is the ideal barbell set storage solution for the gym. Whether you are in a commercial health club or a home gym. With a metal frame plus a matte black finish for a very textured look, it combines an aesthetically pleasing design with high quality materials for an overall aesthetically pleasing look. The shelf can be fixed to the wall and floor, which is sturdy, durable and very stable.
Features :
With high-quality Q235 pipe
Adopt seamless welding technology
Black frosting sprayed
Suitable for barbell sets
Anti-scratch leather ring of weight plates
Material: Q235
Size: 100L??40.1W??180.9H(cm)
Weight= 28kg
Assembly required

LivePro Premium Bumper Plate 5 KG to 25 KG - LP8026
من Dhs. 140.00
Dhs. 213.00
Our high-elastic barbell plates are made of virgin rubber and are thicker than ordinary rubber. These plates are used professionally for barbell athletic training. They are silent when dropped and do not damage the floor.
These barbells are highly elastic, waterproof, and wear-resistant. These plates have undergone a rigorous drop test and were able to be dropped 20,000 times from a standard height without deformation or damage. There are a total of 5 easily distinguishable colors to choose from, with each color representing a different weight.
Weight accuracy:?ÿEach plate is accurately calculated and integrally formed one at a time. These plates have a weight tolerance of +/- 1%.
High elastic rubber:?ÿThese plates are made of virgin rubber which is low odor and has a longer natural vulcanization time. The rubber particles are pressed at high temperatures, with higher elasticity, are durable, and do not crack with long term use.
Durability:?ÿThe rubber of these plates are formed at high temperatures. The central stainless steel sleeves have ultra high elasticity levels which effectively cushion impacts. These plates have undergone a rigorous drop test and were able to be dropped 20,000 times from a standard height.
Cost-effective:?ÿThe plates are pressed with rubber granules of specific high quality rubber. Compared to rubber plates of the same specification and shape, ours are thicker and of a lower cost.
Wear-resisting:?ÿThe biggest advantage of our plates is that they can be used outdoor and on rough and corrosive surfaces (such as asphalt). The biggest disadvantage is that they are highly elastic.
5-25kg(5kg increments)
Bell diameter

LivePro Studio Body Pump Barbell Set - LP8032
Dhs. 635.00
Dhs. 1,011.00
Livepro studio chromed barbell set is made of high-quality and durable polyurethane material, which is a kind of high strength and durable weight plates with high elasticity and anti-drop.
20kg set includes a pair of 5kg weight plates, a pair of 2.5 kg weight plates and a pair of 1.25 kg weight plates; 20kg set includes a pair of 10kg weight plates, a pair of 5kg weight plates, a pair of 2.5 kg weight plates, and a pair of 1.25 kg weight plates.
The vibrant color scheme helps to identify the weight quickly.?ÿ
High-quality polyurethane:?ÿThey are made of high quality polyurethane material, the matte grain surface looks very textured, and they are UV resistant, heat resistant, abrasion resistant, canƒ??t fade, have low odor, high strength, drop and wear resistant, and do not hurt the ground and surrounding products.
Vibrant color scheme:?ÿThe studio barbell set series has a vibrant color scheme with good-looking and quick weight identification.
Non-slip grip:?ÿBoth the color-printed and foam bars have a non-slip grip. The color-printed bar has blue printing on the grip to increase hand grip, while the foam bar comes with non-slip properties.
Quick installation:?ÿSnap-heads are securely fastened for quick installation.
Color of plates
red and black / green and black
blue and black / gray and black
Color-printed bar color
black and blue
Foam bar color
silver gray
Rod material
color printing rod steel
foam rod steel + foam
Material of plates
color-printed rod 140cm / foam rod 130cm
Grip diameter

LiveUp Single Leg Squat - LP6070
Dhs. 480.00
Dhs. 1,274.00
This single leg squat rack has an ergonomic design.13 height-adjustable holes and a swivel foam footrest keep your feet firmly on the curve.Made of high quality steel, strong and durable.The adjustable single-leg squat rack allows students to comfortably perform single-leg exercises such as the sin- gle-leg bench squats, Bulgarian splits, and rear-foot over- head splits.
Made of high-quality steel pipe
There are a total of 13 height adjust- ment holes with a spacing of 2.5cm
Comfortable foot rest
Size: 53??58??58cm
Weight: 14.5kg
Max user weight: 150 Kg
Assembly required

Livepro Squat Rack - LP6000
Dhs. 1,699.00
Dhs. 4,679.00
Perfect weighted squat rack.
Weighted squat is a great exercise for lower body strength.
It would activate your quad and glutes the most while engaging a lot of other muscle groups as well.
Improve your cardiovascular function and performance.
Product Weight: 85 Kg
Weight Capacity: 500 kg
Product Dimensions: 125 × 138 × 230cm

تمرين ضغط الكتف للياقة البدنية 1441 - 41FFH06
Dhs. 3,999.00
Dhs. 7,445.00
سمات :
يسمح بتنوع التمارين.
مقابض يدوية متعددة المواضع لاستيعاب أحجام المستخدمين المختلفة
أذرع متوازنة لإحساس سلس مباشر بوزن بدء منخفض
وسادة مقعد قابلة للتعديل لوضع البداية المطلوب والشكل المناسب.
يستخدم بشكل أساسي لتدريب العضلات الدالية أثناء عمل مجموعات العضلات بما في ذلك العضلة ثلاثية الرؤوس وعضلات الظهر العلوية
الحجم (L × W × H): 1324 × 1297 × 1549 (53 بوصة × 52 بوصة × 61 بوصة)
منطقة التمرين (الطول × العرض): 178 سم × 153 سم (70 × 60 بوصة)
الوزن: 249 كجم (548 رطلاً)
عدد الأثقال: 100 كجم (220 رطلاً)
تفاصيل الضمان:
ضمان الجهاز: سنتان
التنجيد: 6 شهور
الإطار: ضمان 5 سنوات
عدد الخدمات المجانية: مرتين في السنة الأولى

1441 Fitness Curl Body Pump Barbell - 40 KG
Dhs. 400.00
Dhs. 670.00
Product Description
The 1441 Fitness Fixed Weight Curl Barbell - 40 KG is an ideal addition to any fitness enthusiast's equipment collection. Designed for simplicity and efficiency, this barbell is perfect for no-fuss fitness sessions. Simply choose your weight, pick it up, and start lifting until you get tired. It’s especially valuable for those tight on space, providing a versatile workout tool that can be easily stored away when not in use.
Key Features:
No-Fuss Workouts: Fixed weight bars eliminate the need for messing with plates and collars. Just pick it up and start lifting.
Space Efficient: Perfect for small spaces such as homes, garages, or apartments. The barbell can be easily stored away after workouts.
High-Quality Construction: Made from durable steel, coated with chrome for rust and abrasion resistance.
Great Grip: Features a standard knurl for a secure grip during your lifts.
Protective Rubber Ends: The ends of the barbell are covered with protective rubber, preventing damage from drops and enhancing durability.
Versatile Exercise Options: One bar offers numerous exercise possibilities to achieve various fitness goals.
Convenience: No need for additional equipment or changing weights. Just grab the barbell and start your workout.
Durability: Chrome coating and rubber ends ensure the barbell withstands heavy use and remains in good condition.
Compact Design: Ideal for those with limited space. Easy to use and store without hassle.
Effective Training: Provides a straightforward way to build strength and muscle with a fixed weight barbell.
Safety: Protective rubber ends help to prevent damage to floors and the bar itself.
Weight: 40 kg
Material: Steel with chrome coating
Grip: Standard knurl
Protective Ends: Rubber caps
About this Item:
No Fussing, Just Lifting: Fixed Weight Bars allow you to choose a weight, then pick it up and put it down until you get tired! No messing with plates and collars, & no other equipment required. One bar; numerous exercise options to achieve all your goals.
Compact & Space Efficient: These bars are especially valuable for people tight on space. Those looking for strength training gear for their home, garage, or apartment will love them! One set price gets you one set bar that can be brought out for workouts and tucked away afterwards with minimum fuss and ultimate spatial efficiency.
What’s in the Package: Each Fixed Barbell is made from steel, coated in chrome, with protective rubber caps on each end.
No Sweat Guarantee: Leave the sweating and swearing for your training!
Elevate your strength training with the 1441 Fitness Fixed Weight Curl Barbell - 40 KG. Enjoy the convenience, durability, and efficiency it brings to your workouts.