برنامج لياقة عالي الكثافة

1441 Fitness Medicine Balls 1 to 10 KG
1441 Fitness Medicine Balls 1 to 10 KG من Dhs. 75.00 Dhs. 125.00
Versatility: Medicine balls come in various sizes, weights, and materials, providing versatility in exercises and training options. They can be used for a wide range of exercises, including throwing, slamming, twisting, lifting, and carrying. Medicine balls can be incorporated into strength training, core workouts, plyometric exercises, and rehabilitation programs. Functional strength: Medicine ball exercises focus on functional movements that mimic real-life activities and sports. By performing exercises that involve multiple muscle groups and joints, you can improve your overall functional strength and coordination. Core engagement: Many medicine ball exercises require core stability and activation. The dynamic nature of the exercises challenges your core muscles to work harder to maintain balance and control, leading to improved core strength and stability. Power and explosive strength: Medicine balls are often used for explosive exercises that involve throwing or slamming the ball with force. These exercises help develop power and explosive strength in your upper body, lower body, and core. Coordination and balance: Medicine ball exercises require coordination and balance as you perform movements that involve catching, throwing, and transferring the ball. Regular practice can improve your hand-eye coordination and overall body control. Rehabilitation and injury prevention: Medicine balls can be used in rehabilitation programs to aid in injury recovery and prevention. They provide a low-impact option for strengthening muscles, improving range of motion, and enhancing stability. Portable and space-efficient: Medicine balls are relatively compact and easy to transport, making them a portable fitness tool. They can be used in various settings, including home gyms, outdoor spaces, or commercial fitness facilities. Additionally, they do not require much space for storage. Suitable for all fitness levels: Medicine balls are suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes. They can be adapted to different fitness goals and modified to match individual strength and ability levels.
-49% أُوكَازيُون
LivePro Suspension Trainer - LP8162
LivePro Suspension Trainer - LP8162 Dhs. 140.00 Dhs. 272.00
Description: This suspension trainer can improve core stability, is small, flexible, and can enhance your flexibility to exercise. It is also easy to carry and install anytime and anywhere. The kit includes hanging straps, door buckles, hanging buckles, and net bags. The length of the blue adjustment belt on the suspension can be freely adjusted. Training with the suspension trainer does not only exercise your whole body but also increases your bodyƒ??s stability. Features: High quality polypropylene:?ÿThe suspension trainer is 3.8cm wide with a load bearing capacity of 200kg. It is made out of high density polypropylene webbing and is strong and durable.?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ Arbitrary length adjustment:?ÿThe length of the webbing can be adjusted according to oneƒ??s needs from 180 to 270cm. ?ÿ Alloy carabiner: The diameter of the alloy buckle is 9.5mm that is fixed and adjusted by a hexagonal screw. The load of the buckle can reach 300kg. Safe training is assured with a fast, safe, and firm installation. Integrated design:?ÿThe hand and food handles are integrated with freely switchable movement. There is a comfortable foam grip that does not hurt the hand and reduces injury during training.?ÿ ?ÿ Anytime and anywhere:?ÿThe suspension trainer is lightweight and convenient. It is easy to install as long as you find a fixed location. You can exercise with it anytime and anywhere.?ÿ ?ÿ ?ÿ?ÿ Encryption on line:?ÿThe trainer has thick wires with multi-column embedded treading wire reinforcement. This reinforcement is firm and resistant to pulling.?ÿ Various scenes:?ÿThis is a basic fitness equipment that is suitable for full-body, functional, strength, and HIIT training. It is a wise investment in the gym.?ÿ ?ÿ?ÿ Specifications: Dimensions: 23 x 17 x 30 cm; Weight: 1.04 kg Adjustment Range: 180-270 cm Webbing Width: 3.8cm Material: Polypropylene + Alloy
-54% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium - 3 in 1 Foam Plyometric Box (Plyo box)
1441 فيتنس بريميوم - 3 في 1 صندوق بليومتريك إسفنجي (صندوق بليو) Dhs. 599.00 Dhs. 1,281.00
مصنوع من رغوة البولي ايثيلين فائقة الكثافة التي تكون متينة بما يكفي لأداء حركات بليومترية متعددة لكنها ناعمة لتوفير منصة صندوق قفزة آمنة تحمي المفاصل عند القفزات. غطاء الفينيل السميك المتين يقاوم التآكل والتمزق بينما يظل متماسكًا حتى بعد الاستخدام الكثيف. لا داعي للقلق بشأن الأوساخ وآثار الأقدام لأن غطاء PVC يسمح لك بمسح الصندوق بسرعة وسهولة. ثلاثة في واحد - ما عليك سوى تدوير الصندوق للحصول على مقاس 20 بوصة و 24 بوصة و 30 بوصة لا إصابات - مادة رغوية متينة لذلك لا داعي للقلق بشأن الإصابة مضاد للانزلاق - السطح خالٍ من الانزلاق ، مما يعني أنه يمكنك الحصول على الثبات مع كل مجموعة من القفزات يتم تغطية جميع الرصيد الأصلي من المنتجات من خلال رصيد بنسبة 100٪ من دعم الرضا. ما الذي يجعلنا مختلفين؟ الثقوب المحفورة مسبقًا غاطسة بشكل أعمق حتى لا تعلق نفسك بمسمار. زوايا نصف قطر موجهة وأسطح ناعمة لمنع الشظايا. تم تصميم فتحات المقبض الأكبر حجمًا بحيث يمكن التقاطها من أي اتجاه. مصمم لمواكبة تقدمك. مع 3 في 1 Plyo Box ، يمكنك ضبط طولك مع زيادة كثافة تدريبك. تدرب بجد وبقدر ما تستطيع. الحجم - 30 × 24 × 20 بوصة الوزن - 66 رطلا
-55% أُوكَازيُون
Wooden Plyobox
1441 Fitness 3 In 1 Wooden Plyo Box - (24 × 30 × 20 بوصة) | إيجابيات Dhs. 399.00 Dhs. 877.00
سمات: هذا الصندوق متين ومستقر وسهل الاستخدام والتجميع ، وهو خيار مثالي لمركز الصالة الرياضية مع العديد من المستخدمين ومثالي لك للقيام بتمارين القفز في المنزل وفر مساحة أكبر مع صندوق واحد فقط يمكن استخدامه لتغيير ارتفاع القفزة الذي تريده لجميع مستويات الارتفاع الثلاثة يوجد دعامة داخلية (على 3 أحجام كبيرة) لأقصى قوة ؛ يضمن عدم الانزلاق على السطح ودعم الرياضيين ذوي الوزن الثقيل الحركات البليومترية هي الحركات التي يتم فيها استخدام القوة والمرونة وأعصاب العضلات للقفز أعلى - الرمي لمسافة أبعد - بشكل أقوى. مثالي لعمليات التدرج ، وضربات الصندوق القرفصاء ، وعمل CrossFit و MMA تتميز بفتحات مثقوبة مسبقًا للتجميع السريع وزوايا دائرية حيث يمكنك بذل أقصى جهد دون التعرض للأذى. طبقة خارجية مغطاة بالبولي لحماية السطح الخارجي
-55% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness 4 in 1 Soft Plyo Box قابل للتعديل
1441 Fitness 4 in 1 Soft Plyo Box قابل للتعديل Dhs. 1,399.00 Dhs. 3,095.00
سمات : يساعد تمامًا في تمرين تدريبات التوازن يتميز بأربعة أحجام مختلفة تتناسب تمامًا مع أحجام الجسم المختلفة (15 سم ، 30 سم ، 45 سم ، 60 سم) ، يحمي من الإصابة بينما يظل ثابتًا بدرجة كافية لجميع التمارين. - تنجيد من الفينيل بخياطة مزدوجة. رغوة داخلية متينة وناعمة. تضمن شرائط الفيلكرو الكبيرة عدم انزلاق الصناديق عند تكديسها. مصنوعة من رغوة عالية الجودة EVA. يأتي بألوان متعددة (أخضر ، أزرق ، أحمر ، أسود)   تحديد: أبعاد كل صندوق في المجموعة كما يلي: حجم الصندوق رقم 1 90 لتر × 75 عرض × 15 ارتفاع (سم) حجم العلبة رقم 2 90 لتر × 75 عرض × 30 ارتفاع (سم) حجم العلبة رقم 3 90 لتر × 75 عرض × 45 ارتفاع (سم) حجم العلبة رقم 4 90 لتر × 75 عرض × 60 ارتفاع (سم)
-55% أُوكَازيُون
Foam Roller
1441 Fitness Foam Roller - 32 CM Length Dhs. 45.00 Dhs. 100.00
Transform your fitness routine with our foam rollers: perfect for relieving muscle tension, enhancing flexibility, and elevating your yoga and massage sessions! Description : The sleek design of this makes it an excellent travel companion. The Trigger Foam Roller is designed to withstand constant, heavy, and repeated use without breaking down. Its Unique design allows for targeted massages. Great workout tool for crunches, bicycles, push-ups and more, whether you're looking to massage your lats, quads, lower back, or any other large muscle group, or trying to achieve a killer core body workout, the Trigger Point Foam Roller is certain to suit your needs. It is the most versatile and comprehensive foam roller and workout tool. Not only perfect for self-myofascial release and massage therapy, but also great for balance & stretching training, yoga, physical therapy, Pilates and other sports training applications.  Features : MASSAGE ROLLER - Used for fascial and soft tissue release across the entire body QUALITY - Dense EVA foam rollers are built to last VERSATILE - Used on athletes of any activity level for pre workout and post workout recovery GRID FOAM ROLLER - Designed with different raised areas for different types of massage hitting your muscles from different angles Specifications : Length: 32 cm Diameter: 12 cm High density EVA material with Grid surface Strong hard PVC pipe inside Water resistant Colors : Assorted
-59% أُوكَازيُون
 Agility Hurdles-Pack of 5
1441 Fitness Agility Hurdle للتدريب الرياضي (مجموعة من 5) - 41FWG227 Dhs. 140.00 Dhs. 340.00
سمات :  جودة عالية: قضيب المانع مصنوع من أنبوب PVC مسطح صلب شديد التحمل ، هذه هي أكثر عقبات خفة الحركة ديمومة للرياضيين المحترفين والبالغين والأطفال. يوفر PVC خفيف الوزن ومتين ومقاوم للعوامل الجوية متانة طويلة الأمد. تمارين السرعة الديناميكية والرشاقة: حواجز اللياقة مثالية لتعزيز السرعة والقوة الأساسية الوظيفية والمرونة الديناميكية والتنسيق والتوازن. لون ساطع: توفر الألوان الزاهية الفلورية رؤية واضحة وعالية أثناء التدريب. توفر ألوان النيون تباينًا رائعًا مع معظم الخلفيات. تُستخدم على نطاق واسع: يمكن استخدامها كعقبات في سباقات المضمار والقفز وألعاب القوى والتدريب التنسيقي لجميع الرياضات مثل كرة القدم وكرة السلة وكرة القدم والمسار والميدان والبيسبول واللاكروس وهوكي الميدان وما إلى ذلك.  مناسبة لجميع الرياضات: تعتبر رياضات فريق حواجز السرعة هذه ضرورية للممارسة ، بغض النظر عما تلعبه أنت وفريقك. رائع لكرة القدم ، كرة القدم ، البيسبول ، الهوكي ، سباقات المضمار والميدان أو أكثر. 
1441 Fitness Premium Wall Balls - ( 3 KG to 15 KG)
1441 Fitness Premium Wall Balls - ( 3 KG to 15 KG) من Dhs. 100.00 Dhs. 203.00
Description: Introducing the 1441 Fitness Premium Wall Balls – the perfect addition to elevate your fitness routine. Crafted with exceptional precision and quality, these wall balls are essential for both beginners and seasoned athletes looking to enhance their strength, power, and coordination. Key Features: High-Quality Construction: Made with a soft yet durable PVC exterior and filled with rubber instead of sand, these wall balls ensure a comfortable grip and long-lasting performance. The double stitching on each seam adds extra durability, ensuring the ball maintains its shape through the most intense workouts. Versatile Use: Ideal for a wide range of exercises, including wall throws, squats, and core workouts. These balls are designed to withstand the rigors of cross-training and are perfect for both commercial gyms and home use. Various Weight Options: Available in a range of sizes, from 3 kg to 15 kg, allowing you to customize the intensity of your workouts according to your fitness goals. Consistent Performance: Each ball is meticulously designed to maintain its shape and balance, providing consistent performance and reliable results, regardless of the exercise. Compact Packaging: Packed in a 35 x 35 x 35 cm box, these wall balls are easy to store and transport. Elevate your fitness regimen with the 1441 Fitness Premium Wall Balls – a versatile and high-quality tool for achieving your strength and conditioning goals. Invest in these wall balls today and experience the difference in your workouts.
-55% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness TPE Resistance Tube Set
1441 Fitness TPE Resistance Tube Set Dhs. 55.00 Dhs. 121.00
Description: Elevate your home workouts with the 1441 Fitness TPE Resistance Tube Set with Handle. Designed for durability and versatility, this resistance tube set is your go-to solution for comprehensive strength training, muscle toning, and improving endurance—all from the comfort of your home. Key Features: High-Quality Natural TPE Rubber Construction: Made from 100% natural TPE rubber, these resistance tubes offer exceptional durability and elasticity. The high-quality material ensures the tubes can withstand intense workouts, giving you the confidence to push your limits without worrying about wear and tear. Comprehensive Home Workout Solution: Whether you're targeting major muscle groups or focusing on building stamina, this resistance tube set is perfect for a wide range of exercises. It's a versatile addition to any home gym, allowing you to enjoy the flexibility of working out at your own pace and convenience. Ergonomic Foam Handles: The tubes come with ergonomically designed foam handles that provide a secure, comfortable grip during your workout. The handles are paired with a reinforced link mechanism that ensures stability and safety, allowing you to focus on your exercises without distractions. Varying Resistance Levels: This set includes five resistance tubes with varying levels of resistance, ranging from 10LB to 30LB. The different intensity options make it easy to customize your workout routine, ensuring you can progressively increase the difficulty as your strength and endurance improve. Latex-Free Material: Unlike traditional resistance bands made from latex, the 1441 Fitness TPE Resistance Tube Set is crafted from TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer), making it a safer alternative for those with latex allergies, while still providing the same level of performance. In-Box Contents: 1 Set of 5 Resistance Toning Tubes with varying resistance levels (10LB to 30LB) Ergonomic foam handles for a comfortable grip Why Choose the 1441 Fitness TPE Resistance Tube Set? This resistance tube set is not just a piece of equipment—it's a complete workout solution. Whether you're looking to tone your muscles, build strength, or improve your endurance, the 1441 Fitness TPE Resistance Tube Set with Handle provides everything you need for an effective workout. The high-quality TPE rubber construction ensures longevity, while the ergonomic design prioritizes your comfort and safety. Plus, with varying resistance levels, you can tailor your workout to match your fitness level and goals. Upgrade your fitness routine with the 1441 Fitness TPE Resistance Tube Set with Handle and experience the difference in your home workouts. Order yours today and start your journey towards better fitness!
 Latex Resistance Bands
1441 Fitness Latex Resistance Bands من Dhs. 25.00 Dhs. 43.00
DESCRIPTION: Push yourself to the limits with 1441 Fitness Latex Resistance Bands. The resistance band is a heavy-duty multifunctional piece of equipment, perfect for that workout when power and ultimate explosive strength are your goals. Our extreme resistance band is a seamless loop of strong durable latex rubber which can be used in a variety of different ways to strengthen, tone, and stretch your entire body muscle area. Regular use of our resistance bands can help you get fit, lose weight, and achieve your own fitness goals. The  Bands are widely used in fitness training programs, cross, weightlifting, stretching, plyometrics, rehab, and many other regimes. Features : The Resistance Power Band is a heavy-duty band designed to help you get fit and achieve your fitness goals. Seamless construction from strong latex rubber for unrivaled elasticity. Use as part of cross-fit, weight, and general fitness training programs. Multi-functional, lightweight, and easily portable.
1441 Fitness Premium Z Grip Slam Ball - (2 Kg to 30 Kg)
1441 Fitness Premium Z Grip Slam Ball - (2 Kg to 30 Kg) من Dhs. 50.00 Dhs. 81.00
Features : Slam Balls feature clear weight markings, consistent with the weight labelling on our other products. Their textured surface, with a pattern resembling a honeycomb, as well as an optimum diameter ensures a firm grip during exercises. Slam Balls are made of a premium quality rubber, featuring outstanding resistance to any damage.
-52% أُوكَازيُون
Barbell Squat Pad
وسادة القرفصاء بالبار Dhs. 25.00 Dhs. 52.00
وصف : احمِ كتفيك ورقبتك أثناء القرفصاء باستخدام وسادة Hastings Barbell Pad. تحتوي وسادة الحديد هذه على حشوة إسفنجية سميكة للتوسيد ، مما يقلل من الحمل على كتفيك أثناء أداء الرفع الثقيل والقرفصاء. ستساعد وسادة الحديد أيضًا في الإمساك بقوة بالبار. يتم تثبيت الوسادة بإحكام حول قضيب الحديد بحيث يظل في مكانه ويمكنك التركيز على تدريب وزنك. تقليل مخاطر الاصابةوزع الوزن ويخفف الضغط المؤلم على رقبتك أو كتفيك أو وركيك ، حتى تتمكن من أداء أثقل تمرينات القرفصاء بشكل مريح. مانع للانزلاقتضمن المواد المتقدمة أن الوسادة لن تتحرك أو تتدحرج عن الشريط ، وهي مصممة لتوفير أقصى درجات الراحة. تمارين متعددةتتميز وسادة الحديد بسطح قبضة كبير ، مما يجعلها مثالية للتمارين مثل القرفصاء والاندفاع والضغطات على الورك. محمولتصميم خفيف الوزن ، سهل التركيب والإزالة ، لكنه يظل مثبتًا أثناء التدريبات. وسادة Hastings Barbell Pad خفيفة الوزن وبالتالي يسهل حملها في حقيبتك الرياضية. وسادة الحديد مناسبة للاستخدام التجاري و / أو المنزلي.
-50% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Battle Rope Anchor Hook
1441 Fitness Battle Rope Anchor Hook Dhs. 99.00 Dhs. 195.00
Product Description Secure your battling ropes with confidence using the 1441 Fitness Battling Rope Anchor. Designed for wall mounting, this anchor provides a stable and reliable solution for your high-intensity rope workouts. Key Features: Sturdy Installation: Designed for wall mounting, this anchor ensures a secure and stable attachment for your battling ropes, allowing you to perform intense workouts without any worries. Durable Construction: Built to withstand the rigors of heavy use, the anchor is made from high-quality materials that ensure long-lasting durability and performance. Compact Design: The sleek and compact design of the anchor makes it an unobtrusive addition to your gym or fitness space, providing functionality without taking up unnecessary space. Benefits: Enhanced Workout Stability: Provides a secure anchor point for your battling ropes, ensuring stability during high-intensity exercises. Space-Saving Solution: The wall-mounted design helps save floor space, making it ideal for gyms and fitness centers with limited space. Easy Installation: Simple and straightforward installation process allows you to set up the anchor quickly and start your workouts without delay. Specifications: Installation: Wall mounting Weight: 2 kg Upgrade your fitness setup with the 1441 Fitness Battling Rope Anchor. Experience the stability and durability you need for effective rope workouts, all while saving space and enhancing the overall functionality of your gym.
-25% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Shaker Water Bottle
1441 Fitness Water Bottle Dhs. 15.00 Dhs. 20.00
Description Introducing the 1441 Fitness Shaker Water Bottle - 800ML, a reliable and convenient hydration solution for your active lifestyle. This sleek and durable water bottle is designed to keep you refreshed throughout the day. With a generous capacity of 800ML, this water bottle ensures you stay hydrated during your workouts, outdoor adventures, or simply while on the go. Its ergonomic design allows for a comfortable grip, making it easy to carry and handle. Crafted from high-quality materials, the 1441 Fitness Shaker Water Bottle is built to withstand the rigors of daily use. Its leak-proof lid ensures that your beverage stays securely contained, preventing any unwanted spills or messes. The wide mouth opening allows for easy filling and cleaning, while the integrated carry handle adds convenience to your hydration routine. Whether you're hitting the gym, going for a hike, or simply need a reliable water bottle for everyday use, the 1441 Fitness Shaker Water Bottle - 800ML is the perfect choice. Stay hydrated and refreshed with this professional-grade water bottle that combines functionality, durability, and style. Order your 1441 Fitness Shaker Water Bottle - 800ML today and experience the convenience and reliability it offers. Stay hydrated, stay active!
Battle Ropes
حبل معركة اللياقة 1441 9 - 15 متر من Dhs. 180.00 Dhs. 408.00
وصف : يتم تصنيع Battling Rope من خلال عملية تجديل مزدوجة خاصة تخلق حبلًا ناعمًا وقويًا للغاية. لقد تم تصميمها لتحمل الاستخدام الصارم وستستمر لسنوات قادمة. إنها مريحة جدًا في التمسك بها ولن تتساقط ، مما يجعلها مثالية للاستخدام في الداخل أو في الهواء الطلق. لديهم نسبة قوة ممتازة وحبال ثقيلة للاستخدام. لديهم أيضًا مقاومة عالية للتآكل ونظرًا لكونهم مزدوجي التضفير ، فلن يتمددوا مثل بعض الحبال المصنوعة من النايلون أو البولي يوريثان. مثل كل حبال القتال / اللياقة لدينا ، فهي تأتي بشكل قياسي مع مقابض فينيل شديدة التحمل على كلا الطرفين.  كيف تستخدم حبال اللياقة؟ تعتبر Fitness Ropes تمرينًا مكثفًا ، ولكنها سهلة التعلم والاستخدام. أكثر التمارين التي يستخدمها الناس شيوعًا هي صنع الأمواج والبطولات ، عندما تستخدم ثنيًا كاملاً للجسم وتمديده وأنت تسحق الحبال لأسفل من أجل القوة والقوة والتحمل. يمكن أن تتنوع الموجات في مجموعات لا نهائية تقريبًا من مجموعة واسعة من العناصر: يتحرك Grappler Toss ، حيث تقوم بإنشاء حركات دوارة داخلية وخارجية. موجات صعود وهبوط ، بديلة / تبادلية ومتقاطعة. ضبط الممثلين والمدد ، مع التدريب المتقطع عالي الكثافة يكون فعالًا بشكل خاص مع الحبال. دمج القرفصاء والاندفاع ، بما في ذلك الحركات الأمامية والخلفية والجانبية بالإضافة إلى إضافة حركات بليومترية للجزء السفلي من الجسم مثل قفز القرفصاء والاندفاع وحركات القفز الجانبي. حتى تغيير القبضة إلى حيث تواجه نهاية الحبل هو تباين كبير مع تحدٍ إضافي. تدرب بمفردك ومع شريك ، يمكن أن يكون لديك شريك تدريب آخر "نادى" بحركات لإبقاء التمرين جديدًا وغير متوقع ، مما يزيد من وقت رد فعلك.  قم بتغيير وضع التدريب الخاص بك ، من الوقوف والركوع إلى الجلوس على كرة ثبات ، أو حتى وضع وجهك لأسفل للقيام بموجات ذراع واحدة. يمكن أيضًا استخدام Fitness Rope لأكثر من تموج. يمكنك استخدامه لمزيد من تمارين القوة التقليدية مثل الصفوف والسحب من خلال رميها على مرساة ثابتة واستخدامها لسحب نفسك. هذا يشكل تحديًا ممتازًا للقبضة والذي سيحسن كلاً من قبضة وسحب / قوة التجديف. سمات :  سيسمح لك بتحدي جميع أنظمة الجسم - القلب والأوعية الدموية ، والعصبية ، وأكثر من ذلك يقدم بديلاً تدريبًا تفاعليًا وممتعًا للغاية عن رفع الأثقال التقليدي وعمل القلب والأوعية الدموية مواد ذات جودة عالية متانة طويلة فوائد استخدام حبال اللياقة تعتبر Battling / Fitness Ropes أداة ممتازة لتحسين لياقتك العامة وتزداد شعبيتها بسرعة لأسباب كبيرة. إنها ممتعة جدًا للاستخدام وستوفر لك واحدة من أفضل التدريبات الشاملة المتاحة. ستلاحظ نتائج مذهلة في التحمل العضلي وتكييف القلب والأوعية الدموية وحرق الدهون. في كثير من الأحيان لا تجد أداة متعددة الاستخدامات بما يكفي لمعالجة كل هذه المجالات في وقت واحد. الفوائد تشمل: عظيم للقوة والقوة والتحمل. يزيد من القدرة الهوائية واللاهوائية. طور قوة قبضة أفضل. يوفر تمرينًا رائعًا لكامل الجسم ، بما في ذلك تكييف جذع الجسم. تدريب القلب والأوعية الدموية البديل منخفض التأثير ولكنه عالي الكثافة. من السهل ضبط شدة التمرين على الفور حسب الاحتياجات الفردية ، دون الحاجة إلى تعديل المعدات. يستخدم الحركات الطبيعية مع عملية ترحيل وظيفية عالية. آمن وممتع لجميع الأعمار - سيجعلك تشعر وكأنك طفل مرة أخرى!  
Premium Battle Rope in UAE
1441 Fitness Premium Battle Rope من Dhs. 175.00 Dhs. 393.00
Target muscles and boost endurance with our Premium Battle Rope. Product Description Introducing the 1441 Fitness Premium Battle Rope - an essential addition to elevate your fitness routine. This battle rope is expertly designed to deliver a challenging and effective workout, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts alike. Key Features: High-Quality Construction: Built with premium materials, the 1441 Fitness Premium Battle Rope is designed for intense workouts and long-lasting durability. Comfortable Grip: The 1.5-inch diameter ensures a comfortable grip while maintaining optimal resistance for maximum workout results. Versatile Workouts: Ideal for a variety of exercises such as waves, slams, and spirals, this battle rope targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Optimal Length: With a length of 50 feet, the rope provides ample space for dynamic movements, enabling you to unleash your full potential. Portable Design: Its compact and portable nature allows you to take your workouts anywhere, whether at the gym, in the park, or at home. Benefits: Strength Building: Enhance your muscle strength with high-intensity rope workouts. Endurance Improvement: Boost your cardiovascular endurance through dynamic, continuous movements. Full-Body Engagement: Achieve a full-body workout that targets various muscle groups simultaneously. Fitness Versatility: Perfect for a range of fitness levels, from beginners to advanced users. Convenient Storage: Easy to store and transport, making it ideal for any workout setting. Invest in Your Fitness Journey The 1441 Fitness Premium Battle Rope is the perfect tool for anyone looking to build strength, improve endurance, and enhance overall fitness. Experience the benefits of a full-body workout like never before and take your training to the next level with this professional-grade battle rope. Invest in the 1441 Fitness Premium Battle Rope today and achieve your fitness goals with a versatile, durable, and effective workout tool.
1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball - (3 KG to 15 KG)
1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball - (3 KG to 15 KG) من Dhs. 90.00 Dhs. 191.00
Description: Introducing the 1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball – a versatile and durable piece of fitness equipment designed to elevate your workout routine. Whether you're incorporating it into your strength training, endurance exercises, or core workouts, this wall ball is a must-have for any gym or home fitness setup. Key Features: High-Quality Construction: Crafted from premium materials like PU (Polyurethane) and PP (Polypropylene), this wall ball is built to withstand intense workouts. Its sturdy and durable design ensures it will maintain its shape and performance even with regular use. Camouflage Design: The eye-catching camouflage pattern not only adds a stylish flair to your gym but also ensures that the wall ball stands out, making it easy to locate during high-intensity training sessions. Versatile Weight Options: Available in a range of sizes from 2kg to 14kg, the 1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball allows you to choose the perfect weight for your fitness level and goals. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced athlete, there's a wall ball that fits your needs. Compact and Efficient: With a packing size of 37 x 37 x 37 cm, this wall ball is easy to store when not in use. Its compact design also makes it ideal for smaller spaces, ensuring you can perform a wide range of exercises without needing a large workout area. Multi-Functional Training Tool: The 1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball is perfect for a variety of exercises including wall throws, squats, sit-ups, and more. It's an excellent tool for improving your strength, coordination, and endurance. Why Choose the 1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball? The 1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball combines durability, functionality, and style, making it an essential addition to any fitness enthusiast's collection. Its versatile design ensures that it can be used in various workouts, helping you achieve your fitness goals efficiently. Invest in the 1441 Fitness Camouflage Wall Ball today and take your training to the next level. Whether you're building strength, improving coordination, or increasing endurance, this wall ball will help you get there. Order yours now and see the difference it can make in your fitness journey. Materials: PU + PPSize Options: 3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/12/15 kgPacking Size: 37 x 37 x 37 cm
Best Adjustable Weight Vest
1441 Fitness Adjustable Weight Vest 10 Kg - 20 KG من Dhs. 150.00 Dhs. 470.00
Level up your workouts with our adjustable weight vest—choose your challenge, build your power. Product Description: Elevate your workout intensity and achieve your fitness goals with the 1441 Fitness Military Adjustable Weight Vest. Available in 10, 15, and 20 KG options, this weightlifting vest is designed to enhance your strength, endurance, and overall performance. Key Features: Increased Intensity: Adding extra weight to your body increases the overall intensity of your workout. This challenges your muscles and cardiovascular system, helping to build strength and endurance. Improved Strength and Power: Wearing the weight vest during resistance training exercises such as squats, lunges, or push-ups increases the resistance and workload on your muscles, improving strength and power. Enhanced Calorie Burning: The added weight of the vest increases energy expenditure during exercise, resulting in higher calorie burning. This is beneficial for weight loss and improving overall body composition. Functional Training: Ideal for functional training, the weight vest helps improve your ability to perform daily tasks by mimicking real-life activities. Enhance your lifting, carrying, and climbing abilities with added weight. Versatility: Suitable for a variety of exercises and activities, including bodyweight exercises, cardio, and sport-specific training. Easily incorporate the vest into different training routines for added challenge and variety. Convenience: Portable and easy to use, the weight vest can be worn during various workouts, both indoors and outdoors, without requiring additional equipment or space. Core Stability and Balance: Wearing the weight vest challenges your core muscles, improving balance and stability. This is especially beneficial for activities requiring a strong and stable core, such as running, jumping, or dynamic movements. Benefits: Increased Workout Intensity: Enhance the intensity of your workouts by adding extra weight, challenging your muscles and cardiovascular system. Improved Muscle Strength and Power: Increase resistance and workload on your muscles, improving strength and power through resistance training. Higher Calorie Burn: Boost energy expenditure and calorie burning, aiding in weight loss and improving body composition. Enhanced Functional Fitness: Improve your ability to perform daily tasks and real-life activities with added weight. Versatile Training Tool: Suitable for a wide range of exercises and activities, adding variety and challenge to your workouts. Portable and Convenient: Easy to use and transport, the weight vest can be worn during different types of workouts without additional equipment. Improved Core Stability and Balance: Challenge your core muscles and improve balance and stability, essential for dynamic movements and activities. Specifications: Weight Options: 10 KG, 15 KG, 20 KG Material: Durable military-grade fabric with adjustable components Adjustability: Fully adjustable waistband and padded shoulder straps for a snug and secure fit Usage: Versatile Training: Perfect for resistance training, cardio, functional training, and sport-specific exercises. Progressive Resistance: Start with lighter weights and gradually increase resistance as your fitness level improves. Safety Note: Gradual Progression: Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance to match your fitness level. Proper Form and Technique: Maintain proper form and technique during exercises to prevent injury. Consult a Professional: Consult a fitness professional to determine the right weight and usage for your specific goals and needs. Invest in the 1441 Fitness Military Adjustable Weight Vest and take your workouts to the next level. Experience the benefits of increased intensity, improved strength, enhanced calorie burning, and versatile training with this professional-grade fitness accessory. Achieve your fitness goals with confidence and efficiency.
-69% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Multi-Function Training Tire
1441 Fitness Functional Training Tyre - 80 Kg Dhs. 1,499.00 Dhs. 4,719.00
Foam Tires can be used in a variety of ways with the added benefit of a compact design, doesn't make a mess, even more training possibilities, and made of foam to prevent injury. Exercises that can be performed include deadlifts, framers walk, sled push/pull, tire flips, step-ups, box jumps and more!Made with dense foam that's durable enough to take a beating. Multiple handles are stitched along the sides and top of the foam tire which allows for variety of grips and exercises.
-29% أُوكَازيُون
Half Balance Ball
1441 Fitness Balance Ball Dhs. 299.00 Dhs. 417.00
Master balance and core strength effortlessly with the professional-grade Half Balance Ball. Product Description Introducing the 1441 Fitness Half Balance Ball, a professional-grade fitness accessory designed to enhance your workout routine. Crafted with high-quality imported PVC material, this balance ball features a unique wave-like design on its spherical surface, providing optimal grip and stability during your exercises. Key Features: High-Quality Material: Made with premium imported PVC material, the Half Balance Ball ensures durability and longevity, making it a reliable addition to your fitness equipment. Unique Wave-Like Design: The spherical surface features a wave-like design that offers superior grip and stability, allowing you to perform exercises with confidence. Enhanced Safety: Equipped with six reinforced rubber corners, the Half Balance Ball provides enhanced slip resistance and stability. The addition of a non-slip pad further stabilizes the ball, allowing you to apply force without worrying about losing balance. Versatile Fitness Tool: Ideal for improving core strength, balance, and overall fitness, this balance ball is perfect for individuals of all fitness levels. Benefits: Improved Core Strength: Engage your core muscles effectively, enhancing your overall strength and stability. Enhanced Balance: Perform exercises that improve your balance and coordination, crucial for overall functional fitness. Safe and Stable Workouts: The reinforced rubber corners and non-slip pad ensure a secure and stable workout experience, allowing you to focus on your exercises without any distractions. Specifications: Material: PVC + base plate reinforced PP Size: 58 cm / 4600 g Measurements (Meas): 1 piece per carton, 61 x 61 x 12 cm Net Weight/Gross Weight: 5.2/6.2 kg Invest in the 1441 Fitness Half Balance Ball and take your workouts to the next level. Whether you're looking to improve your core strength, balance, or overall fitness, this premium fitness accessory is the perfect choice for individuals of all fitness levels. Enhance your exercise routine with confidence and stability using this professional-grade balance ball.
1441 Fitness Pro Grip Slam Ball (2 to 20 KG)
1441 كرة فتنس برو جريب سلام (2 إلى 20 كجم) من Dhs. 160.00 Dhs. 181.00
قم ببناء القوة والقوة المتفجرة مع كرة البطولات الثقيلة هذه لماذا هذه الكرة البطولات الاربع على الآخرين؟ بادئ ذي بدء ، إنها الأداة المثالية للتدريب المتقاطع ، والقوة الأساسية ، والدائرة والتدريب الوظيفي. كما أنه يعد إضافة ممتازة إلى أي تمرين عالي الكثافة لكامل الجسم تقريبًا. زيادة السرعة والقدرة على التحمل وتحسين التنسيق مع كرة البطولات الاربع جيدة التصنيع هذه. هل تتدرب بجد؟ يمكن أن تتعرض الكرة البطولية للتدريب Pro Grip بدون ارتداد للضرب. إن تركيبته الفائقة المليئة بالرمال تجعله مناسبًا للتدريب عالي الكثافة. لذا امض قدمًا وقم برميها على الحائط أو الأرض بشكل متكرر. نظرًا لتصميمها المبتكر عدم الارتداد ، فإن كرة الضرب هذه لن ترتد أو تتدحرج بعيدًا أثناء استخدامها. تتميز كرة البطولات الثقيلة هذه أيضًا بسطح محكم. مزيد من سهولة الاستخدام يتميز بقبضة سهلة وأقصى قدر من التحكم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، سطحه مصنوع من مادة PVC شديدة التحمل ويسهل مسحه والحفاظ عليه نظيفًا. وهذا يجعله مثاليًا للإعدادات التي يتم الاتجار بها بشكل كبير ومتعددة الاستخدامات مثل معسكرات التدريب أو الملاكمة أو الصالات الرياضية التجارية والبيئات الصفية. سمات: تصنيع عالي الجودة بمواد متينة مرجح بالرمل لمنع الارتداد أو التدحرج مصمم للاستخدام المكثف ، بما في ذلك الضربات القوية المتكررة إضافة ممتازة إلى أي تمارين عالية الكثافة في جميع أنحاء الجسم سطح محكم سهل الإمساك به من السهل مسح هيكل PVC والحفاظ عليه نظيفًا مثالي للاستخدام في المناطق ذات الكثافة السكانية العالية ، بما في ذلك الصالات الرياضية والفصول الدراسية
-53% أُوكَازيُون
Medipull Rope
حبل ميديبول للياقة البدنية 1441 (يُباع كزوج) - 41FLF42 Dhs. 280.00 Dhs. 590.00
سمات: الصالة الرياضية المنزلية الخاصة بك - ليس لديك وقت للتوجه إلى صالة الألعاب الرياضية المحلية كل يوم؟ مع هذه المجموعة من أحزمة المقاومة ، يمكنك الاستمتاع بتمرين كامل للجسم دون حتى الخروج من منزلك. مجموعات العضلات المختلفة - استخدم أحزمة اللياقة هذه لأداء الصفوف والسحب والرفع ومجموعات التمارين لتمرين ذراعيك وظهرك وفخذيك وساقيك وصدرك ومنطقة البطن. مقاومة قابلة للتعديل –3 مستويات مقاومة تصل إلى 7.5 كجم ، بفضل ثلاثة مستويات مقاومة مختلفة ، يمكن تكييف MediPull مع مستوى لياقتك في أي وقت من الأوقات على الإطلاق وتخصيصه لجميع التمارين. تمرن في أي مكان- أحضر الصالة الرياضية في أي وقت وفي أي مكان. تقليل أو تشكيل دهون الجسم بالكامل. مناسب لجميع الأسطح الملساء مثل الأرضيات والبلاط والزجاج وأسطح الطاولات والأرضيات والجدران الملساء والصلبة. تحديد: مشترك: 360 درجة رمح ربط شل: ABS عالية القوة مضخة الشفط: ضغط يدوي الصيانة: صيانة مجانية الوزن الصافي: 1 كجم المقاس: 13 * 12 * 27 سم
-48% أُوكَازيُون
Agility Cones
1441 Fitness Agilty Cone (يُباع حسب القطعة) Dhs. 10.00 Dhs. 19.00
سمات :  ساعد راكبي الترويض على البقاء دقيقين أثناء الركوب في الساحات الخلفية والمدارس ووحدات العمل وتنظيم الأحداث الكبيرة ومواقف السيارات السكنية. فصول للتدريب الرياضي وخفة الحركة للتزلج على الجليد وكرة القدم والأنشطة الخارجية. تحديد المناطق الآمنة ، بما في ذلك مناطق البناء. اصنع تعرجًا ممتعًا للدراجات والسيارات. كديكورات لبناء الحفلات. تدريب الكلاب.
-77% أُوكَازيُون
Livepro Resistance Training Cables - LP8408
Livepro Resistance Training Cables - LP8408 Dhs. 175.00 Dhs. 755.00
Description : The Livepro rope trainer is a portable fitness stretching device that exercises the whole body. It uses a unique suction technology and a smooth surface to allow athletes to train anytime and anywhere. The ropy trainer has three different types of resistance levels 2.5kg, 5kg, and 7.5 kg. The trainer can be adjusted according to oneƒ??s needs and has optimal performance at all degrees within 360. The maximum length of the rope is 1.5 and can be pulled more than 10,000 times. 1.Adjustable resistanceThere are two resistance adjustment buttons with three levels of resistance to adapt to any training needs.2..Flexible and portableThe rope trainer weighs 0.79kg, is light, and portable. It only needs a smooth surface to stick to and then one can train anytime, anywhere.3.Suction cup fixedThe unique suction cup technology allows it to be firmly fixed anywhere.4.Training at any angleThis trainer is very flexible, can be pulled to 1.5m, has a 360 degree angle, and any posture could be used.5.Comfortable handleThe comfortable TPE material has a non-slip texture designed surface. It not only looks beautiful but also increases the friction between the handle and the hand. This makes it more easily grasped.6.High quality nylon ropeThe rope trainersƒ?? high quality nylon drawstrings are not easily broken and can be used for a long time.7.Logo and warrantyThe Livepro trademark is posted on the main body of the trainer and will not wear off. There is a 3 month comprehensive warranty for damage.5.Various scenesThis ropy trainer is suitable for commercial gyms, clubs, boutique fitness studios, garage gyms, and school gyms. It is a wise investment for gyms. ?ÿ Technical Parameters Brand Livepro Color black + blue Material ABS+PP+TPE+nylon Weight 0.97kg Size 130x120x275mm Rope length 1.5m 3 gear resistance 2.5kg??�5kg??�7.5kg
-64% أُوكَازيُون
Livepro Multi function Aerobic Step - LP8246
Livepro Multi function Aerobic Step - LP8246 Dhs. 650.00 Dhs. 1,798.00
Description: This multifunctional pedal brings more creative thinking to pedal training sessions. One pedal can be used for a variety of purposes, including pedal exercises, push-ups, dumbbell benches, and strength training with a tensioner. The folding foot can be used to increase or decrease the height of the pedal, adjusting the brace foot can change the different tilt angle, experience a different way of movement. Non-slip padded feet and non-slip surface can increase the stability of the pedal, so that the movement is safer and more professional. Features: Anti-slip texture design:?ÿAnti-slip surface material plus texture is designed to enhance the anti-slip function. Stable as a mountain:?ÿRubber foot pad not only protects the ground but also enhances the stability of the pedal, ensuring that no displacement occurs during exercise. Adjustable height:?ÿOur multifunctional pedals can be adjusted to increase or decrease the height of the pedal by folding the foot, so that the trainers can adjust it according to their needs and increase the fun of training. Three levels:?ÿThe backrest angle of the pedal is adjustable in 3 gears, stretching the support column to adjust to the corresponding angle. Multifunctional storage:?ÿMultifunctional storage space inside the pedal for accessories such as tension tubes used with the pedal, is very convenient. Specifications: Brand Livepro Color Blue + black + gray Material PP+TPE Weight 12kg Size 122??33??20-35.5cm
-43% أُوكَازيُون
Fitness Speed Jumping Rope
حبل قفز السرعة للياقة البدنية 1441 Dhs. 30.00 Dhs. 52.00
سمات : يدور الحبل بسرعة وسلس ، وهو أمر مطلوب في الرياضات المتقاطعة والسرعة. القبضة مريحة حتى عندما تتعرق راحة يدك. تتيح لك المقابض الوظيفية المزدوجة قبضة مريحة لأداء التمارين التي تريدها. حبل مقاوم للتشابك يقلل من إجهاد اليد ويسهل القفز. الحبل مصنوع من كابل فولاذي مما يجعله قويًا جدًا. يساعد الأسلاك الفولاذية أيضًا في عمل المزيد من الدورات في الدقيقة. يحسن صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية.
-57% أُوكَازيُون
Agility Ladder
1441 سلم رشاقة اللياقة للتدريب المتقاطع Dhs. 45.00 Dhs. 104.00
سمات: مواد عالية الجودة: تم تصميم سلم الرشاقة من Prosportsae من مادة PP عالية الجودة مصممة لتدوم لسنوات من الاستخدام والتدريب. مسافة درجة قابلة للتعديل 15 بوصة: تم بناء سلم السرعة هذا بمسافة مدرجة تبلغ 15 بوصة ، ويصل الطول الإجمالي إلى 10 أمتار. يمكن نقل الدرجات الفردية وتغييرها حسب الاحتياجات التفضيلية. خطوه سهله: ببساطة قم بفك الأشرطة والدرجات لتثبيتها على الأسطح للاستخدام. حقيبة حمل محمولة: تم تجهيز السلم بحقيبة إضافية لسهولة الحمل وقابلية النقل والتدريب أثناء التنقل. معدات التكييف: سلم التدريب السريع هو أداة مثالية لجميع الرياضيين والمدربين لتحسين سرعة القدم والتحكم في الحركة والاستجابة الجانبية والتنسيق والتوازن العام واللياقة العامة.
1441 Fitness Adjustable Weight Vest 10 - 30 Kg
1441 Fitness Adjustable Weight Vest 10 - 30 Kg من Dhs. 275.00 Dhs. 426.00
Product Description Take your fitness training to the next level with the 1441 Fitness Camouflage Adjustable Weight Vest. This versatile piece of fitness gear is designed to provide a snug and secure fit, making it an essential addition to any workout routine. Key Features: Removable Weights: The gravity vest comes with removable weight packs that can be easily adjusted to suit individual needs. The total weight of the vest can be modified by adding or removing weight packs, allowing users to gradually increase resistance and challenge based on their fitness level and goals. Adjustable Waistband and Padded Shoulder Straps: The fully adjustable waistband and padded shoulder straps ensure a tight and comfortable fit. This design accommodates various body shapes and sizes, providing a secure and comfortable experience during workouts. Multiple Weight Options: The vest is equipped with weight bags of different weights, typically available in 10KG, 20KG, and 30KG options. Users can select the appropriate weight based on their training needs and abilities, offering different levels of resistance and challenge to help build muscle strength and endurance. Resistance Training: Ideal for resistance training, the gravity vest increases the resistance of your workouts, enhancing speed and agility training. It is suitable for various sports and training activities, including running, strength training, and aerobic exercise, helping users achieve higher exercise intensity and better results. Benefits: Customizable Resistance: Easily adjust the weight of the vest to match your fitness level and goals, allowing for progressive resistance training. Comfortable Fit: The adjustable waistband and padded shoulder straps ensure a snug and secure fit, providing comfort during intense workouts. Versatile Training Tool: Suitable for a wide range of exercises, including running, strength training, and aerobic workouts, enhancing overall fitness and performance. Enhanced Muscle Strength and Endurance: The added resistance helps build muscle strength and endurance, improving overall workout effectiveness. Specifications: Material: Durable camouflage fabric with adjustable components Weight Options: 10KG, 20KG, 30KG Adjustability: Fully adjustable waistband and padded shoulder straps Usage: Versatile Training: Perfect for resistance training, speed and agility training, running, strength training, and aerobic exercises. Progressive Resistance: Gradually increase the weight to match your fitness progress and goals, ensuring continuous improvement. Invest in the 1441 Fitness Camouflage Adjustable Weight Vest and elevate your training regimen. Experience the benefits of customizable resistance, a comfortable fit, and versatile training options with this professional-grade fitness accessory. Achieve your fitness goals with enhanced muscle strength, endurance, and overall performance.