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Commercial Grade

1441 رف دمبل عمودي للياقة البدنية - 6 أزواج
Dhs. 299.00
Dhs. 607.00
شد عضلاتك وحسّن قوتك وقم بإجراء مجموعة واسعة من التدريبات والتمارين الفعالة باستخدام أدوات التمرين الممتازة هذه المناسبة لجميع المستخدمين. احصل على النتائج التي تريدها من التدريبات الخاصة بك مع الدمبل المطاطية السداسية. يمنعها التصميم السداسي من التدحرج بعيدًا عندما لا تكون قيد الاستخدام ، كما تساعد الرؤوس المغلفة بالمطاط الزهر المُثبتة على تقليل الضوضاء والأضرار عند وضعها على الأرض لمزيد من التدريبات الممتعة في المنزل وأثناء الاستخدام التجاري.
يمكن استخدامه للدمبل المطلي ، الدمبل الثابتة ، الدمبل المطاطي ، الدمبل المطلي ، الدمبل للغطس وغيرها من مواصفات الدمبل.
مثالي للبالغين أو الأطفال ، ولعشاق اللياقة البدنية وكبار السن الذين يسترخون في المنزل في منطقة التمرين لممارسة الرياضة بشكل فعال
سهل التجميع والاستخدام ، قابل للتعديل في الارتفاع والعرض ، مناسب للأصدقاء من مختلف الأحجام والأعمار.
تمنع فتحة البطاقة البلاستيكية ABS مقبض الحديد من الاتصال المباشر بالإطار الفولاذي ، ولكنها أيضًا تجعل من السهل وضع الدمبل.
عدم الانزلاق: وسادة القدم غير قابلة للانزلاق وتمنع تلف الأرضية ، مما يزيد أيضًا من السلامة.
تخصيص :
أبعاد المنتج: 50 × 40 × 105 سم (الطول × العرض × الارتفاع)

Studio Dumbbell Rack - 10 Pair
Dhs. 499.00
Dhs. 1,112.00
Transform your workout space with the 10 Pair Dumbbell Rack—your ultimate solution for a tidy gym and easy access to your weights!
The 10-pair dumbbell rack exemplifies efficient organization and durability.
This rack is purposefully designed to accommodate and display a collection of ten pairs of dumbbells, promoting an orderly workout area.
With its well-spaced tiers, it ensures easy access to each set of dumbbells, fostering a streamlined fitness experience.
The rack's robust construction guarantees the secure storage of the dumbbells, preventing clutter and contributing to a safe training environment. Its sleek and modern design not only optimizes space but also enhances the visual appeal of any fitness facility or home gym. The 10-pair dumbbell rack is a fusion of functionality and aesthetics, embodying the perfect balance between practicality and style.
Sturdy rack holds up to 10 pairs of dumbbells
Compact footprint
cylinder frame allows easier access/placement of dumbbells
Assembly size: 49*52*127cm
Packing: 132*55*28kg
N.W./G.W.: 22/24kg

1441 حامل دمبل من 3 طبقات لـ8 أزواج
Dhs. 499.00
Dhs. 902.00
سمات :
تحتوي على ثلاث طبقات تناسب أحجام وأنماط الدمبل المختلفة وهي مصنوعة من إطار فولاذي متين مع طبقة طلاء مسحوق.
تسمح لك هذه المعدات الثقيلة بتخزين وتنظيم الدمبل ؛ سواء الحديد الزهر أو الصلب الصلب مريح.
يتميز 1441 Fitness 3 Tier Dumbbell Rack بتصميم مريح وبنية فولاذية من الدرجة التجارية.
قضبان الدمبل مصنوعة من فولاذ شديد القوة ومقاوم للخدمة الشاقة ولها طبقة طلاء مسحوق لضمان المتانة.
تسمح الأرجل المطاطية بحماية الأرضية من الخدوش ، وتمتص الصدمات لإعادة تكديس الأوزان ، وتمنع الرف من الانزلاق.
يضمن الهيكل الملحوم المتين السلامة ، بينما يسمح تصميم الإطار الزاوي بالوصول السهل.
تجعل الطبقات الزاوية من السهل إزالة الدمبل الثقيل واستبداله.
تحديد :
يمكن أن يستغرق الأمر ما يصل إلى 10 أزواج.
سعة الوزن 453 كجم
الأبعاد المجمعة: 93 × 62.23 × 81.82 سم (الطول × العرض × الارتفاع)
ضمان 2 سنة

1441 حامل دمبل من 3 مستويات للياقة البدنية لـ 10 أزواج
Dhs. 599.00
Dhs. 971.00
سمات :
تحتوي على ثلاث طبقات تناسب أحجام وأنماط الدمبل المختلفة وهي مصنوعة من إطار فولاذي متين مع طبقة طلاء مسحوق.
تسمح لك هذه المعدات الثقيلة بتخزين وتنظيم الدمبل ؛ سواء الحديد الزهر أو الصلب الصلب مريح.
يتميز 1441 Fitness 3 Tier Dumbbell Rack بتصميم مريح وبنية فولاذية من الدرجة التجارية.
قضبان الدمبل مصنوعة من فولاذ شديد القوة ومقاوم للخدمة الشاقة ولها طبقة طلاء مسحوق لضمان المتانة.
تسمح الأرجل المطاطية بحماية الأرضية من الخدوش ، وتمتص الصدمات لإعادة تكديس الأوزان ، وتمنع الرف من الانزلاق.
يضمن الهيكل الملحوم المتين السلامة ، بينما يسمح تصميم الإطار الزاوي بالوصول السهل.
تجعل الطبقات الزاوية من السهل إزالة الدمبل الثقيل واستبداله.
تحديد :
يمكن أن يستغرق الأمر ما يصل إلى 10 إلى 12 زوجًا.
سعة الوزن 453 كجم
الأبعاد المجمعة: 106 × 62.3 × 81.23 سم (الطول × العرض × الارتفاع)
ضمان 2 سنة

Studio Dumbbell Rack - 10 Pair
Dhs. 950.00
Dhs. 1,977.00
Transform your gym with our Premium 10 Pair Vertical Dumbbell Rack—where space-saving meets unbeatable style!
One up your muscles, improve your strength, and perform a wide range of effective drills and exercises with these excellent workout tools that are suitable for all users. Get the results you want from your workouts with the rubber hex dumbbells. The hexagonal design prevents them from rolling away when not in use and the pinned cast iron rubber-encased heads help to reduce noise and damage when placed on the floor for more pleasant workouts both at home and during commercial use.
The sturdy rack holds up to 10 pairs of dumbbells
Compact footprint
The curved frame allows easier access/placement of dumbbells
Assembly required
Assembly size: 73 x 60 x 139.6 cm

1441 رف Kettlebell للياقة البدنية من المستوى 2 لـ 10 أباريق
Dhs. 690.00
Dhs. 1,102.00
إن رف kettlebell ذو الطبقتين مصنوع من الفولاذ القوي وهو سهل التركيب.
يمكن تركيب الحامل معًا في غضون 15 دقيقة بإحكام بسيط للبراغي.
اعتمادًا على حجم الجرس ، يمكن لكل مستوى استيعاب 10-15 جرسًا. إنه مثالي لتنظيم صالة الألعاب الرياضية في منزلك.
يتميز الحامل أيضًا ببطانات مطاطية مؤمنة على كل طبقة للمساعدة في حماية أجراس الغلاية من العلامات أو الخدوش
الأبعاد: 120 × 35 × 65 سم (الطول × العرض × الارتفاع)
الوزن: 24 كجم

1441 حامل دمبل فيتنس 3 طبقات لـ 15 زوجًا - 41FF72.5
Dhs. 1,999.00
Dhs. 3,190.00
وصف :
قم بتخزين الدمبلز الخاص بك في مساحة مخصصة يمكنك الوصول إليها بسهولة مع الحفاظ على الأشياء منظمة في صالة الألعاب الرياضية في منزلك! قم بتخزين الدمبلز الخاص بك في مساحة مخصصة يمكنك الوصول إليها بسهولة مع الحفاظ على الأشياء منظمة في صالة الألعاب الرياضية في منزلك! تصميم يوفر المساحة: يتيح لك تصميمه الموفر للمساحة وضع حامل شجرة الأثقال في أي جزء من صالة الألعاب الرياضية أو المنزل لسهولة الوصول إلى الأوزان الحرة الخاصة بك. يؤمن الدمبل والأرضيات الخاصة بك: قاعدة حامل الدمبل حامل بالإضافة إلى ذلك للحفاظ على أرضياتك من التعرض للأذى ، حيث تحمي حوامل الأوزان هذه الدمبلز وأرضيتك بشكل متساوٍ. حافظ على مكانك مرتبًا وتخزين أوزان الدمبل الخاصة بك بفضل حاملنا المتين ، وستكون الأوزان الصالة الرياضية والمنزل آمنة للتخزين مجانًا
تخصيص :
رقم الموديل: FF72
المادة: معدن ، فولاذ
التطبيقات: تجاري
قابلة للطي:
الجنس: للجنسين
اسم المنتج: رف دمبل 3 طبقات
الحجم: 2236 * 794 * 1070 ملم
وزن المنتج: 70 كجم
ضمان 2 سنة

1441 رف دمبل عمودي للياقة البدنية - 10 أزواج
Dhs. 399.00
Dhs. 901.00
شد عضلاتك وحسّن قوتك وقم بإجراء مجموعة واسعة من التدريبات والتمارين الفعالة باستخدام أدوات التمرين الممتازة هذه المناسبة لجميع المستخدمين. احصل على النتائج التي تريدها من التدريبات الخاصة بك مع الدمبل المطاطية السداسية. يمنعها التصميم السداسي من التدحرج بعيدًا عندما لا تكون قيد الاستخدام ، كما تساعد الرؤوس المغلفة بالمطاط الزهر المُثبتة على تقليل الضوضاء والأضرار عند وضعها على الأرض لمزيد من التدريبات الممتعة في المنزل وأثناء الاستخدام التجاري.
يمكن استخدامه للدمبل المطلي ، الدمبل الثابتة ، الدمبل المطاطي ، الدمبل المطلي ، الدمبل للغطس وغيرها من مواصفات الدمبل.
مثالي للبالغين أو الأطفال ، ولعشاق اللياقة البدنية وكبار السن الذين يسترخون في المنزل في منطقة التمرين لممارسة الرياضة بشكل فعال
سهل التجميع والاستخدام ، قابل للتعديل في الارتفاع والعرض ، مناسب للأصدقاء من مختلف الأحجام والأعمار.
تمنع فتحة البطاقة البلاستيكية ABS مقبض الحديد من الاتصال المباشر بالإطار الفولاذي ، ولكنها أيضًا تجعل من السهل وضع الدمبل.
عدم الانزلاق: وسادة القدم غير قابلة للانزلاق وتمنع تلف الأرضية ، مما يزيد أيضًا من السلامة
تخصيص :
أبعاد المنتج: 125 × 55 × 55 سم (الطول × العرض × الارتفاع)

2 Tier Dumbbell Rack - 10 Pair
Dhs. 1,599.00
Dhs. 2,903.00
Product Description:
The 1441 Fitness 2 Tier Premium Dumbbell Rack - 10 Pair epitomizes efficient organization and durability. Perfect for both home gyms and commercial fitness centers, this rack is designed to accommodate and elegantly display a collection of ten pairs of dumbbells. Featuring two well-spaced tiers, it ensures convenient access to each set of dumbbells, enhancing the flow of your workout. Crafted with sturdiness in mind, the rack provides a secure and clutter-free storage solution, contributing to a safe training environment. Its sleek design not only optimizes space but also adds a touch of modern aesthetics to any fitness setting. The 2-tier, 10 pair dumbbell rack seamlessly marries functionality with style, offering an elegant and practical storage solution for your dumbbell assortment.
Bullet Points:
Efficient Organization: Designed to hold up to 10 pairs of dumbbells, the rack maximizes storage efficiency, keeping your workout space tidy and organized.
Durable Construction: Crafted with high-quality materials, this rack ensures long-lasting durability and stability, providing a secure storage solution for your dumbbells.
Convenient Access: Featuring two well-spaced tiers, the rack allows for easy access to each set of dumbbells, enhancing the flow and efficiency of your workout.
Sleek and Modern Design: The stylish design of the rack adds a touch of modern aesthetics to any fitness setting, making it a visually appealing addition to your gym.
Safe Training Environment: By offering a secure and clutter-free storage solution, the rack contributes to a safer training environment, minimizing the risk of accidents.
Main Tube Size: 120 x 60 x 2 mm
Assembly Size: 2430 x 640 x 770 mm

1441 شجرة لوحة أولمبية للياقة البدنية مع حامل 4 قضبان
Dhs. 399.00
Dhs. 820.00
ستة أعمدة تخزين لوحة الوزن مقاس 2 × 8 بوصة تُبقي الألواح معلقة بأمان بعيدًا عن الأرض لسهولة التخزين والإزالة.
أربعة حاملات بار أولمبية تخزن جميع أنماط القضبان الأولمبية.
مصمم بتوزيع حمل مركزي للوزن يقضي فعليًا على مخاطر الانقلاب.
يتميز بصلب شديد التحمل مقاس 2 × 2 بوصة و 2 بوصة × 3 بوصات مع هيكل ملحوم من جميع الجوانب
تم الانتهاء من طبقة طلاء مسحوق شديدة الصلابة مطبقة إلكتروستاتيكيًا
أبعاد المنتج: 62.5 × 65.5 × 110 (طول × عرض × ارتفاع) سم
وزن المنتج: 15 كجم
سعة الوزن: 1000 رطل / 453.5 كجم

شجرة اللوحة الأولمبية شديدة التحمل للياقة البدنية 1441 41AN01
Dhs. 810.00
Dhs. 1,454.00
مصنوعة من الفولاذ شديد المقاومة للشد
The Plate Tree هو حل قوي للحفاظ على صالة الألعاب الرياضية منظمة بأدنى حد من البصمة.
ويضم 7 حوامل لوحات.
الأبعاد: 80 × 80 × 90 سم
الوزن: 30 كجم

رف سلع اللياقة البدنية 1441 - 41FC33
Dhs. 1,199.00
Dhs. 3,225.00
الأبعاد: 64 * 214 * 145 سم
الوزن الصافي: 108 كجم
الضمان: سنتان

Weight Plates Rack - 41FE6233
Dhs. 999.00
Dhs. 2,538.00
An alternative solution for weight plates storage, a smaller footprint allows for more flexible position changes while maintaining compatibility with different types of weight plates.
● Dimensions: 1435*740*432mm
● Weight : 52kg

Bumper Plates Trolley with Wheels
Dhs. 499.00
Dhs. 899.00
Effortlessly organize and protect your bumper plates with our Bumper Plate Rack!
The bumper plate rack serves the purpose of providing a designated storage space for bumper plates.
Its main function is to keep the bumper plates organized and easily accessible, ensuring a clutter-free workout area. Having a dedicated rack helps prevent bumper plates from getting misplaced or scattered around, saving time and effort when searching for the desired weights.
Additionally, the rack helps protect the bumper plates from damage by providing a stable and secure storage solution.
It also promotes safety by reducing the risk of tripping or accidents caused by scattered bumper plates on the floor.
Overall, the bumper plate rack plays a crucial role in maintaining a neat and efficient workout space while prolonging the lifespan of the bumper plates.
Dimensions: Assembly size: 53 x 53 x9 6.5cm

10 pc Barbell Holder
Dhs. 499.00
Dhs. 925.00
Store your barbells in style with our Premium Barbell Holder-sturdy steel construction for reliable storage!
With a 10-hole barbell bar base, this rack provides a secure and stable storage solution for your valuable equipment.
Safety is our top priority, which is why our rack is designed to ensure stability and prevent accidents. The barbell bar base is carefully crafted to securely hold your bars in place, minimizing the risk of them falling or rolling away. You can have peace of mind knowing that your equipment is stored safely.
Our rack is built to last, thanks to its tightly welded construction and high-quality steel material. This ensures durability and strength, allowing the rack to withstand heavy usage and provide long-lasting performance. You can trust that our rack will be a reliable addition to your gym or fitness facility.
Upgrade your workout space with our Barbell Bar Storage Rack. Experience the convenience and peace of mind it offers, knowing that your barbell bars are securely stored and easily accessible.
Dimensions: 91 x 68 x 26 cm
N.W./G.W.: 16.8/18kg

Barbell Rack Black Color for 10 Piece - BR09
Dhs. 699.00
Dhs. 1,548.00
The 1441 Fitness Barbell Rack for 10 Piece is a sturdy and reliable storage solution for your barbells. With the capacity to hold up to 10 barbells, this rack is perfect for organizing your gym or home workout space. The sleek design and durable construction make it a great addition to any fitness environment, ensuring your barbells are kept safe and secure when not in use.

Kettlebell Rack for 18 Pcs
Dhs. 850.00
Dhs. 1,827.00
Streamline your workout space with our Kettlebell Rack 3 Tier – effortless assembly, maximum organization, endless gains.
Our 3 tier kettlebell rack is made of strong steel and is super easy to put together.
The Rack can be put together within 15 minutes with simple tightening of screws.
Depending on the size of the kettlebell, each level can hold 10-15 kettlebells. It is ideal for organizing your home gym.
The rack also features secured rubber linings on each layer to help protect your kettlebells from marks or scratches
Assembly size: 137*61*91cm
Packing1: 95*65*20cm
N.W./G.W.: 15/16kg
Packing2: 132*27*8cm
N.W./G.W.: 27/28kg

10 Ball Rack
Dhs. 450.00
Dhs. 767.00
Description :
Rack is durable, lightweight and high-grade steel to store and display your medcine ball of any size and weight. The durable black finish and vertical design will save space in areas where space is limited. All racks are fully welded and ship assembled.
Features :
ORGANIZE YOUR WORKOUT: Keep your medicine balls organized and off the ground
5-TIER DUAL SIDE VERTICAL RACK: Holds up to 4 medium-sized medicine balls at a time SAFE DESIGN: Incline stand is designed for a secure hold to easily grab and store balls between workouts
SOLID CONSTRUCTION: Made from powder coated steel to handle the weight of your medicine balls STORE ANYWHERE: Adds a professional look to your home, gym, school, or training center.

4 Tier Commodity Rack - 41FC34
Dhs. 1,999.00
Dhs. 3,892.00
Maximize your space and elevate your gym’s style with our robust multi-tiered Gym Storage Rack!
Built with strength and durability in mind, this multi-tiered storage solution is perfect for any gym setting.
Our gym storage rack is engineered to handle the weight of your workout essentials with ease. Its robust construction and sturdy materials ensure exceptional load-bearing capacity, allowing you to store various gym equipment without worrying about stability or damage.
With its multi-layered design, our gym storage rack maximizes storage space without taking up valuable floor area. Keep your dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, and other fitness gear organized and easily accessible. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to a streamlined workout environment.
Not only does our gym storage rack offer practicality, but it also adds a touch of style to your fitness space. Its sleek and modern design seamlessly blends with any gym decor, making it a versatile addition to commercial gyms, fitness studios, or even your personal home gym.
Dimensions: 215 x 40 x 170 CM

LAT Attachment Rack
Dhs. 699.00
Dhs. 1,343.00
Elevate your fitness game with our heavy-duty steel Lat Pulldown Rack Attachment—where durability meets user-friendly design!
With its thickened steel plate construction, two types of hooks, sturdy base, and unique spacing, this rack offers a reliable and versatile way to organize your fitness accessories.
Durability and strength are the core features of our Fitness Accessories Storage Rack. Crafted with thickened steel plates, this rack is built to withstand heavy loads and provide a stable storage option for your fitness accessories. The reinforced construction ensures the longevity of the rack, allowing you to enjoy its benefits for years to come.
Our rack offers two types of hooks to accommodate different types of fitness accessories. Whether it's resistance bands, straps, or yoga blocks, our rack provides a versatile storage solution. The different hook options allow you to customize the arrangement of your accessories, ensuring they are neatly organized and easily accessible.
Stability is guaranteed with our Fitness Accessories Storage Rack. The sturdy base provides excellent support, preventing any wobbling or instability. You can trust that your accessories will be securely held in place, preventing any accidental slips or falls.
What sets our rack apart is its unique spacing. The carefully designed spacing between each hook allows for optimal organization and easy access to your fitness accessories. No more struggling to remove or store items due to cramped spacing. Our rack provides a user-friendly experience, allowing you to effortlessly retrieve and store your accessories.
Please Note Rack doesn't include the attachements.
Weight : 15 KG

Barbell Rack - BR10 (10 Pcs)
Dhs. 1,100.00
Dhs. 1,681.00
Product Description:
Crafted with high-quality materials, the 1441 Fitness Barbell Storage Rack offers multiple storage options while ensuring stability and durability. We believe in using only the best materials for our products, which is why our Barbell Storage Rack is made with premium-grade steel. This ensures the rack's strength and durability, allowing it to withstand heavy loads and provide long-lasting performance. You can trust that our rack will securely hold your barbells without any wobbling or instability.
Versatility is a key feature of our Barbell Storage Rack. With multiple storage options, you can easily organize and store different types of barbells, including Olympic bars, standard bars, and specialty bars. This allows you to keep your entire collection in one place, making it convenient to access the specific barbell you need for your workout.
Stability is a top priority when it comes to our Barbell Storage Rack. The design and construction ensure that your barbells are held securely in place, preventing any accidental slips or falls. You can have peace of mind knowing that your valuable equipment is stored safely and won't be damaged during storage.
Key Features:
High-Quality Construction: Made with premium-grade steel, ensuring strength and durability to withstand heavy loads and provide long-lasting performance.
Multiple Storage Options: Versatile design allows for the organization and storage of different types of barbells, including Olympic bars, standard bars, and specialty bars.
Superior Stability: Designed to securely hold your barbells in place, preventing accidental slips or falls and ensuring your equipment stays safe and undamaged.
Convenient Access: Keep your entire barbell collection in one place, making it easy to access the specific barbell you need for your workout.
Enhanced Safety: The robust construction and secure holding mechanism offer peace of mind that your valuable barbells are stored safely and won't be damaged during storage.
Packing: 81.5 x 78 x 142.5 CM
N.W/G.W: 55 / 58kg

Commercial Plate Rack and Bar Holder with Wheels
Dhs. 699.00
Dhs. 791.00
Product Description
Elevate your gym or home workout space with the 1441 Fitness Premium Weight Plate Rack with 4 Bar Holder & Wheels. This rack is meticulously designed to provide a convenient and efficient storage solution for both your barbells and weight plates. Its vertical design ensures that it takes up minimal space while maximizing storage capacity, transforming your workout area into a neat and organized space.
Key Features:
Efficient Vertical Design: Takes up minimal floor space while providing maximum storage for weight plates and barbells.
Easy Mobility: Equipped with sturdy wheels, this rack can be effortlessly moved to any desired location, whether you need to reposition it within your gym or move it for cleaning purposes.
Secure Barbell Storage: Vertical slots securely hold your barbells, preventing them from rolling or falling, ensuring safety and easy access.
Quick Access to Weight Plates: Strategically placed weight plate holders offer quick and hassle-free access to your plates, making your workout routine smoother and more efficient.
Durable Construction: Built with high-quality materials, this rack is designed to withstand the rigors of regular use, providing long-lasting durability.
Main Tube: 60 x 60 x 3 cm
Assembly Size: 63 x 77 x 150cm
Packing Size: 146 x 38 x 16cm
Net Weight/Gross Weight: 41kg / 43kg
Upgrade your gym or home workout space with the 1441 Fitness Premium Weight Plate Rack. Experience the convenience, versatility, and ease of use it offers. Keep your equipment organized, accessible, and always ready for your next workout session!

Commercial Plate Rack and Bar Holder
Dhs. 499.00
Dhs. 1,269.00
Product Description:
Elevate the organization and functionality of your workout space with the 1441 Fitness Premium Weight Plate Rack with 6 Bar Holder. This meticulously designed rack offers a compact and efficient solution for storing both your barbells and weight plates, making it an essential addition to any home gym or fitness facility.
Key Features:
Space-Saving Design: This rack is designed to maximize storage capacity while taking up minimal floor space, helping you maintain a clutter-free workout area.
Multiple Barbell Slots and Hooks: Accommodates multiple barbells of various sizes, ensuring they are securely stored and easily accessible.
Specially Designed Weight Plate Holders: Provides efficient and organized storage for weight plates, eliminating the mess of scattered plates.
Enhanced Safety: Built with sturdy construction and a non-slip base, this rack securely holds your barbells and weight plates, preventing accidents and damage.
Convenient and Accessible: The thoughtful design ensures that all your equipment is within easy reach, streamlining your workout routine.
Dimensions (L x W x H): 124 x 71 x 14 cm
Net Weight/Gross Weight: 17.5 kg / 20 kg
Upgrade your home gym or fitness facility with the 1441 Fitness Premium Weight Plate Rack with 6 Bar Holder. Experience the convenience, efficiency, and space-saving benefits it offers, and maximize your workout potential without compromising on space.

Ball 18 Balls Rack with Wheels
Dhs. 899.00
Dhs. 1,646.00
Product Description
Transform your gym or fitness space with the 1441 Fitness Circled Premium Medicine Ball Rack with Wheels. Designed to accommodate up to 15 pieces of various ball sizes, this versatile rack ensures your workout area remains clutter-free and organized. Whether you have small medicine balls or larger wall balls, our rack can handle them all, providing a seamless storage solution.
Key Features:
Versatile Storage: From small medicine balls to larger wall balls, this rack can accommodate a variety of sizes, ensuring all your equipment is neatly organized.
Space-Saving Design: Its compact design allows it to fit effortlessly into any corner or small space, maximizing the efficiency of your gym layout.
Easy Mobility: Equipped with built-in wheels, this rack offers unparalleled convenience. Effortlessly move and reposition the rack around your gym or fitness space without any heavy lifting.
Clutter-Free Workout Area: Keep your gym tidy and organized, making it easier to find and access your equipment.
Enhanced Efficiency: Save valuable floor space and create a more efficient workout environment.
Convenient Transport: Quickly and easily move the rack to create more space or reposition it as needed, thanks to the built-in wheels.
Packing 1 Dimensions: 90 x 83 x 19.5 cm
Net Weight/Gross Weight: 19/20 kg
Packing 2 Dimensions: 6 x 6 x 148 cm
Net Weight/Gross Weight: 3.5/4.2 kg
Note - Balls not Included.

3 pcs Gym Ball Rack
Dhs. 399.00
Dhs. 983.00
Product Description
Elevate the organization and aesthetics of your fitness space with the 1441 Fitness Gym Ball Storage Rack. Designed to accommodate up to 3 yoga balls, this rack combines simplicity and style to keep your workout area tidy and visually appealing.
Key Features:
Sleek and Modern Design: The simple and stylish aesthetic of this rack seamlessly blends into any environment, whether it's a yoga studio, home gym, or fitness space. Its clean lines and minimalist appearance make it a visually appealing addition to your surroundings.
Efficient Organization: With the capacity to hold up to 3 yoga balls, this rack ensures that your collection is neatly arranged and easily accessible. Say goodbye to searching for misplaced balls or dealing with a cluttered workout area.
Aesthetic Display: Showcase your yoga balls in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Whether you prefer a color-coordinated display or a random arrangement, this rack offers a visually appealing way to organize and display your yoga balls.
Clutter-Free Space: Keep your workout area tidy and organized, making it easier to find and access your yoga balls.
Enhanced Aesthetics: Add a touch of beauty to your space with the sleek and modern design of this rack.
Easy Access: Ensure that your yoga balls are stored in an orderly manner, enhancing the overall functionality of your fitness space.
Assembly Size: 140 x 140 x 189 cm
Packing Dimensions: 82 x 82 x 18 cm
Net Weight/Gross Weight: 14/15 kg
Upgrade your fitness environment with the 1441 Fitness Gym Ball Storage Rack. Experience the perfect blend of functionality and style, making your workout area more efficient and visually appealing.
Note - Balls not Included.

Insight Fitness 3 Tier Dumbbell Rack - DR027
Dhs. 1,999.00
Dhs. 2,299.00
FEATURES• Polypropylene cradles for quiet and safe dumbbell placement• 15 pair racks of any size dumbbells• Angled tray height prevents wrist strain when removing and replacing dumbbells

LivePro Olympic Weight Tree - LP8904
Dhs. 799.00
Dhs. 999.00
The Signature Series Olympic Weight Tree employs six weight horns for simple weight storage, accommodating up to 16 – 45lb weight plates & 8 – 35lb weight plates, totaling 1,000lbs. It also has labels for correct weight placement.
Footprint (L x W x H): 27” x 23” x 37”
Machine Weight: 95 LB