برنامج لياقة عالي الكثافة

Battle Ropes
حبل معركة اللياقة 1441 9 - 15 متر من Dhs. 175.00 Dhs. 350.00
وصف : يتم تصنيع Battling Rope من خلال عملية تجديل مزدوجة خاصة تخلق حبلًا ناعمًا وقويًا للغاية. لقد تم تصميمها لتحمل الاستخدام الصارم وستستمر لسنوات قادمة. إنها مريحة جدًا في التمسك بها ولن تتساقط ، مما يجعلها مثالية للاستخدام في الداخل أو في الهواء الطلق. لديهم نسبة قوة ممتازة وحبال ثقيلة للاستخدام. لديهم أيضًا مقاومة عالية للتآكل ونظرًا لكونهم مزدوجي التضفير ، فلن يتمددوا مثل بعض الحبال المصنوعة من النايلون أو البولي يوريثان. مثل كل حبال القتال / اللياقة لدينا ، فهي تأتي بشكل قياسي مع مقابض فينيل شديدة التحمل على كلا الطرفين.  كيف تستخدم حبال اللياقة؟ تعتبر Fitness Ropes تمرينًا مكثفًا ، ولكنها سهلة التعلم والاستخدام. أكثر التمارين التي يستخدمها الناس شيوعًا هي صنع الأمواج والبطولات ، عندما تستخدم ثنيًا كاملاً للجسم وتمديده وأنت تسحق الحبال لأسفل من أجل القوة والقوة والتحمل. يمكن أن تتنوع الموجات في مجموعات لا نهائية تقريبًا من مجموعة واسعة من العناصر: يتحرك Grappler Toss ، حيث تقوم بإنشاء حركات دوارة داخلية وخارجية. موجات صعود وهبوط ، بديلة / تبادلية ومتقاطعة. ضبط الممثلين والمدد ، مع التدريب المتقطع عالي الكثافة يكون فعالًا بشكل خاص مع الحبال. دمج القرفصاء والاندفاع ، بما في ذلك الحركات الأمامية والخلفية والجانبية بالإضافة إلى إضافة حركات بليومترية للجزء السفلي من الجسم مثل قفز القرفصاء والاندفاع وحركات القفز الجانبي. حتى تغيير القبضة إلى حيث تواجه نهاية الحبل هو تباين كبير مع تحدٍ إضافي. تدرب بمفردك ومع شريك ، يمكن أن يكون لديك شريك تدريب آخر "نادى" بحركات لإبقاء التمرين جديدًا وغير متوقع ، مما يزيد من وقت رد فعلك.  قم بتغيير وضع التدريب الخاص بك ، من الوقوف والركوع إلى الجلوس على كرة ثبات ، أو حتى وضع وجهك لأسفل للقيام بموجات ذراع واحدة. يمكن أيضًا استخدام Fitness Rope لأكثر من تموج. يمكنك استخدامه لمزيد من تمارين القوة التقليدية مثل الصفوف والسحب من خلال رميها على مرساة ثابتة واستخدامها لسحب نفسك. هذا يشكل تحديًا ممتازًا للقبضة والذي سيحسن كلاً من قبضة وسحب / قوة التجديف. سمات :  سيسمح لك بتحدي جميع أنظمة الجسم - القلب والأوعية الدموية ، والعصبية ، وأكثر من ذلك يقدم بديلاً تدريبًا تفاعليًا وممتعًا للغاية عن رفع الأثقال التقليدي وعمل القلب والأوعية الدموية مواد ذات جودة عالية متانة طويلة فوائد استخدام حبال اللياقة تعتبر Battling / Fitness Ropes أداة ممتازة لتحسين لياقتك العامة وتزداد شعبيتها بسرعة لأسباب كبيرة. إنها ممتعة جدًا للاستخدام وستوفر لك واحدة من أفضل التدريبات الشاملة المتاحة. ستلاحظ نتائج مذهلة في التحمل العضلي وتكييف القلب والأوعية الدموية وحرق الدهون. في كثير من الأحيان لا تجد أداة متعددة الاستخدامات بما يكفي لمعالجة كل هذه المجالات في وقت واحد. الفوائد تشمل: عظيم للقوة والقوة والتحمل. يزيد من القدرة الهوائية واللاهوائية. طور قوة قبضة أفضل. يوفر تمرينًا رائعًا لكامل الجسم ، بما في ذلك تكييف جذع الجسم. تدريب القلب والأوعية الدموية البديل منخفض التأثير ولكنه عالي الكثافة. من السهل ضبط شدة التمرين على الفور حسب الاحتياجات الفردية ، دون الحاجة إلى تعديل المعدات. يستخدم الحركات الطبيعية مع عملية ترحيل وظيفية عالية. آمن وممتع لجميع الأعمار - سيجعلك تشعر وكأنك طفل مرة أخرى!  
Premium Battle Rope in UAE
1441 Fitness Premium Battle Rope من Dhs. 175.00
Target muscles and boost endurance with our Premium Battle Rope. Product Description Introducing the 1441 Fitness Premium Battle Rope - an essential addition to elevate your fitness routine. This battle rope is expertly designed to deliver a challenging and effective workout, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts alike. Key Features: High-Quality Construction: Built with premium materials, the 1441 Fitness Premium Battle Rope is designed for intense workouts and long-lasting durability. Comfortable Grip: The 1.5-inch diameter ensures a comfortable grip while maintaining optimal resistance for maximum workout results. Versatile Workouts: Ideal for a variety of exercises such as waves, slams, and spirals, this battle rope targets multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Optimal Length: With a length of 50 feet, the rope provides ample space for dynamic movements, enabling you to unleash your full potential. Portable Design: Its compact and portable nature allows you to take your workouts anywhere, whether at the gym, in the park, or at home. Benefits: Strength Building: Enhance your muscle strength with high-intensity rope workouts. Endurance Improvement: Boost your cardiovascular endurance through dynamic, continuous movements. Full-Body Engagement: Achieve a full-body workout that targets various muscle groups simultaneously. Fitness Versatility: Perfect for a range of fitness levels, from beginners to advanced users. Convenient Storage: Easy to store and transport, making it ideal for any workout setting. Invest in Your Fitness Journey The 1441 Fitness Premium Battle Rope is the perfect tool for anyone looking to build strength, improve endurance, and enhance overall fitness. Experience the benefits of a full-body workout like never before and take your training to the next level with this professional-grade battle rope. Invest in the 1441 Fitness Premium Battle Rope today and achieve your fitness goals with a versatile, durable, and effective workout tool.
Prosportsae Weight Vest for Aggressive Training UAE - Prosportsae.com
1441 Fitness Weight Vest for Aggressi... من Dhs. 60.00 Dhs. 360.00
Description: The 1441 Fitness Black Weighted Vest is perfect for adding resistance to your workouts. It is perfect for speed, agility, endurance, aerobics and strength overload. Simply add or remove weighted pockets to perfectly customize to your level of fitness. Affordable, lightweight, portable and adjustable design so that one size fits all. Features:  Made from high quality materials  Great additional fitness gear  Serves its purpose well  High durability and strength  Easy and safe to use Product Details:  Color: Black  Size: 48 x 45 x 2.5cm
-22% أُوكَازيُون
Punching Dummy
1441 Fitness Punching Dummy Dhs. 1,899.00 Dhs. 2,425.00
Meet your new training companion: the 1441 Fitness Punching Dummy, designed to elevate boxing workouts for enthusiasts at any level. Description This sturdy stand is designed to hold a lifelike mannequin in place, allowing you to practice your punches, kicks, and footwork with precision and realism. Perfect for solo training sessions or as a supplement to your gym workouts, this stand offers versatility and convenience. Improve your speed, agility, and technique as you engage in dynamic boxing drills. Elevate your training experience with the 1441 Fitness Boxing Mannequin Stand and unleash your full potential in the ring. Features: Lifelike Training Experience: Practice your punches, kicks, and footwork with precision and realism against the punching bag. Versatile Training Tool: Suitable for solo training sessions or as a supplement to your gym workouts, offering versatility and convenience. Enhanced Stability: Suction cups hold the stand firmly in place, ensuring stability during intense training sessions. Durable Construction: Made to withstand furious strikes, the stand can be filled with water to provide additional weight and stability. Elevate Your Training: Improve speed, agility, and technique as you engage in dynamic boxing drills with the 1441 Fitness Boxing Mannequin Stand.
Clubbell for Strength Training - 2 kg to 15 KG
Clubbell لتدريب القوة - 2 كجم إلى 15 كجم من Dhs. 60.00 Dhs. 150.00
سمات: قوة الكتف والمرونة: يضمن لك تدريب النادي تمرين كتفيك باستخدام نطاق حركته الكامل ، وبالتالي توفير المزيد من القوة والمرونة الكاملة للكتف. إذا كنت منخرطًا في أي رياضة تتطلب أكتافًا قوية ومرنة (ومرفقين أيضًا) مثل البيسبول وفنون الدفاع عن النفس والتنس ، فستستفيد بالتأكيد من تدريب الأندية الهندية. قبضة وقوة الساعد: يتطلب حمل الوزن الموجود في نهاية المقبض قوة كبيرة من الساعد. أيضًا ، التمسك بالهراوات حتى لا تطير من يديك في منتصف الأرجوحة يساعدك على بناء قبضة مثل الملزمة. قوة أساسية: تتطلب حركة التأرجح إشراك عضلات جذعك لتثبيت جذعك. تنسيق الجسم: تتطلب بعض تقلبات الأندية الهندية الأكثر تقدمًا مهارات تنسيق الجسم متطورة للغاية.  الأوزان المتوفرة: 2 كجم ، 4 كجم ، 6 كجم ، 8 كجم ، 10 كجم ، 12 كجم ، 15 كجم.  
-30% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Boxing Bag / Punching Bag
1441 Fitness Boxing Bag / Punching Bag Dhs. 599.00 Dhs. 849.00
Description: Designed with precision and durability, this rotating suspension style sandbag is perfect for all your training needs. Experience the unparalleled flexibility and resilience of our boxing bag, as it effortlessly absorbs and rebounds the impact of your strikes. Its innovative design allows for multidirectional punching, enabling you to practice a wide range of techniques and combinations. Whether you are training in a gym, fitness center, or even at home, our boxing bag is adaptable to various environments. Its versatile nature makes it suitable for any place, ensuring that you can enjoy a high-quality workout wherever you are. Specifications: Dimensions: 180 X 40 cm  Weight: 40 Kg
1441 Fitness Fit Bag for crossfit training - 5 to 25 KG
1441 حقيبة فيتنس فيت للتدريب - من 5 إ... من Dhs. 99.00 Dhs. 265.00
وصف : 1441 حقيبة اللياقة البدنية يوفر إحماء سريع قبل التدريب. الاختلافات في المقبض وسهولة التخزين تجعل من fانها حقيبة أداة ممتازة لتدريب اللياقة البدنية والتزلج يمكنك حملها من مكان إلى آخر دون أي مشكلة. لقد ثبت أنه مفيد أثناء تمارين التوازن وتمارين القوة الديناميكية وتدريب التوازن.  سمات : تدرب في جميع الاتجاهات وتحت أي زاوية وفي أي وضع تدرب عمليًا على كل مجموعات العضلات مصنوع من نايلون متين وعالي الجودة مقابض لزوايا قبضة مختلفة تسمح لك المقاومة بتحديد كثافة التدريب المثلى ، وفقًا لمستوى لياقتك ومجموعة العضلات التي تمرنها وتركيز تدريبك يمكن أيضًا استخدام الحقيبة لتمارين الإطالة ، مما يوفر فعالية أفضل بكثير من التمارين الكلاسيكية عند ممارسة مجموعات العضلات الرئيسية ، هناك دافع وظيفي للمناطق المستبعدة في التدريبات المنتظمة تخصيص: القطر 22 سم الطول 55 سم  
-26% أُوكَازيُون
Fitness Bag
1441 Fitness Fitness Bag Combo - 5 KG... Dhs. 710.00 Dhs. 958.50
Unleash your strength with our dynamic Fitness Bag! Description A weight bag, also known as a sandbag or power bag, is a fitness tool that consists of a durable bag filled with sand or other weighted materials. It is designed to provide resistance and challenge your strength, stability, and endurance during workouts. Here are some features and benefits of using a weight bag. Features: Versatility: Weight bags are versatile fitness tools that can be used for a wide range of exercises and training modalities. They can be incorporated into strength training, functional training, cardiovascular workouts, and even rehabilitation exercises. Weight bags allow for movements such as squats, lunges, presses, carries, throws, and rotational exercises. Functional strength and stability: Weight bag training focuses on functional movements that engage multiple muscle groups and joints. The shifting weight and uneven distribution challenge your stability, core strength, and coordination, leading to improved functional strength and stability. Adjustable resistance: The weight of a weight bag can be adjusted by adding or removing sand or weighted materials. This allows you to customize the resistance level based on your fitness level and specific training goals. Grip strength and forearm development: Weight bags often have handles or grips that require a strong grip to maintain control during exercises. The shifting weight and dynamic movements challenge your grip strength and forearm muscles, helping to improve grip strength and forearm development. Core engagement: Weight bag exercises require your core muscles to work hard to stabilize your body and control the shifting weight. This helps strengthen your abdominals, obliques, lower back, and other core muscles. Full-body workout: Weight bag exercises engage multiple muscle groups, providing a comprehensive full-body workout. By incorporating exercises that involve the upper body, lower body, and core, you can target multiple muscle groups simultaneously, improving overall strength and conditioning. Enhances flexibility and mobility: Weight bags allow for dynamic movements and exercises that require a wide range of motion. Regular use of weight bags can improve flexibility and mobility in various joints, including the hips, shoulders, and spine. Portable and durable: Weight bags are typically made of durable materials like nylon or canvas, designed to withstand intense workouts. They are also relatively lightweight and easy to transport, making them a portable fitness tool that can be used in various settings. Specifications: Material: Crafted from durable PVC surface with a PU handle and an EPE covered sandbag interior, our sandbags offer exceptional quality and longevity. Special Features: Featuring a new design soft handle and air grommets, our sandbags provide a comfortable grip and enhanced breathability during workouts. Includes: 5 Kg to 20 Kg Fit Bags / Power Bags Compact Packing: Each sandbag is efficiently packed in dimensions measuring 55cm x 22cm x 22cm, allowing for easy storage and transport.
Premium Fit Bag for CrossFit
1441 Fitness Premium Fit Bag for Cros... من Dhs. 150.00
Description : 1441 Fitness Fit Bag provides a quick warm-up before your training. Its grip variations and ease of storage makes the fit bag an excellent tool for fitness and ski training that you can carry from place to place without a problem. It has been proven useful during balance exercises, dynamic strength exercises and balance training.  Features : Practice in all directions, under any angle and in any position Practice virtually all muscle groups Made of durable and high-quality nylon Handles for various grip angles Resistance allows you to determine optimal training intensity, according to your fitness level, the exercised muscle group and the focus of your training The bag can also be used for stretching exercises, providing much better effectivity than classic exercises When exercising major muscle groups, there is functional impulse of the areas that are excluded in regular workouts Specification: Diameter is 22 cm Length is 55 cm  
Premium Bulgarian Power Bags (5-25kg)
1441 Fitness Premium Bulgarian Power ... من Dhs. 100.00
Boost your strength training with high-quality Premium Bulgarian Power Bag. Description: Elevate your fitness routine with the 1441 Fitness Premium Bulgarian Power Bag – a dynamic and versatile tool perfect for anyone on the move. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or a professional looking to stay active on the go, this power bag is designed to meet the demands of your busy lifestyle. Key Features: Premium Construction: Crafted with a durable PVC surface and filled with sand covered by EPE, this power bag is built to withstand rigorous use. Its high-quality materials ensure longevity, making it a reliable choice for consistent training sessions. Functional Design: The 1441 Fitness Premium Bulgarian Power Bag is not just a standard fitness tool; it’s a powerhouse of convenience. Its sleek and stylish appearance allows it to blend effortlessly into both fitness and professional environments, making it suitable for a variety of settings. Dimensions: 70 x 29 x 24.5 cm. Comfortable and Portable: Designed with adjustable shoulder straps and a padded back panel, the bag provides a comfortable fit even during extended use. Its lightweight construction makes it easy to carry, whether you're heading to the gym or traveling. Versatility at Its Best: The 1441 Fitness Premium Bulgarian Power Bag is perfect for a wide range of exercises, from strength training to conditioning. It’s an ideal tool for anyone looking to enhance their fitness routine while maintaining the convenience of a portable, multifunctional bag. Invest in Quality: Experience the perfect blend of functionality and style with the 1441 Fitness Premium Bulgarian Power Bag. Stay powered, stay organized, and stay on top of your game with this exceptional fitness tool. Order yours today and take your fitness and professional life to the next level.
1441 Fitness Training Fit Bag - (5 KG to 20 KG)
1441 Fitness Training Fit Bag - (5 KG... من Dhs. 110.00
Description: Elevate your fitness routine with the 1441 Fitness Training Fit Bag – a versatile and durable accessory designed to take your workouts to the next level. Whether you're at the gym, at home, or on the move, this weight bag offers the perfect blend of functionality and convenience to help you achieve your fitness goals. Key Features: Premium Construction: Built with high-quality PVC surface material, reinforced with PU handles, and filled with sand inside EPE covering, this fit bag is crafted for durability and long-lasting performance. It’s designed to withstand the demands of intense training sessions, making it a reliable companion for all your fitness endeavors. Sleek and Portable Design: With its compact dimensions of 56 x 23 x 23 cm, the 1441 Fitness Training Fit Bag is easy to carry and store. Its modern design not only looks great but also ensures that it can be conveniently transported wherever your workout takes you. Customizable Workouts: The bag's adaptable nature allows you to adjust its weight by filling it with sand, gravel, or other materials. Available in 5, 10, 15, and 20kg sizes, you can choose the weight that best suits your fitness level and goals. This flexibility makes it suitable for both beginners and advanced users. Enhance Strength and Stability: The unique design of the 1441 Fitness Training Fit Bag challenges your core muscles, requiring them to stabilize and support your body during various exercises. This not only helps build core strength but also improves your overall stability, balance, and athletic performance. Why Choose the 1441 Fitness Training Fit Bag? Investing in the 1441 Fitness Training Fit Bag means adding a highly effective tool to your fitness arsenal. Its exceptional build quality, versatility, and ability to enhance your workouts make it an essential accessory for anyone serious about improving their fitness. Whether you’re focusing on strength, endurance, or core stability, this fit bag delivers. Order your 1441 Fitness Training Fit Bag today and experience the difference it can make in your fitness journey. Elevate your workouts, achieve your goals, and enjoy the benefits of a well-rounded training routine.
Steel Macebell for 4kg to 8kg
ماسبيل صلب لتمارين القوة (4 كجم إلى 1... من Dhs. 90.00 Dhs. 250.00
وصف : تعد Macebells تصميمًا جديدًا لأسلحة تدريب فنون الدفاع عن النفس القديمة. تم تصميم التصميم الأنيق لحركات القوة مثل: التأرجح ، والضغط ، والقرفصاء ، والتنظيف والحمل. إنها مصنوعة من الفولاذ الصلب المتين مع طلاء مسحوق أسود. تحتوي الصولجان على عمود مخرش للسماح بإمساك أفضل أثناء التأرجح. سمات: قبضة سميكة لبناء قوة القبضة والقوة في المعصم قطر رفيع على الأطراف للسائل خلف الرقبة / التقلبات العلوية توزيع كبير للوزن مقابض مخرشة لسهولة الإمساك بها الارتفاع - 106 سم تقريبًا البناء الشاق: صُنع جرس الصولجان هذا من الفولاذ ذي الجودة التجارية ، مما يجعله قويًا وغير قابل للتدمير ليدوم لفترة طويلة. الرأس ملحوم بالكامل ومثبت بإحكام بالمقبض ، لذلك لا توجد فرصة لتحطم أي جزء منه بغض النظر عن مدى صعوبة التأرجح. قبضة آمنة وقوية: يسمح لك تصميم المقبض بالحصول على قبضة جيدة دون أي احتمال لانزلاقها من يدك. هذا الجزء مخرش في المنتصف وبالقرب من النهاية لقبضة أكثر راحة وأمانًا أثناء التعامل مع الجرس. مصممة للأداء: تم موازنة الرأس الموزون والطول الطويل للماسبيل الفولاذي لمنحك تدريبًا أساسيًا أكثر كثافة وتمارين الحركة الدورانية. اختر من بين أحذية 6 كجم و 8 كجم و 10 كجم و 12 كجم و 15 كجم لتناسب مستوى لياقتك وبناء قوة وظيفية أرجوحة واحدة في كل مرة. تمرين كامل للجسم: سواء كنت في المنزل أو في صالة الألعاب الرياضية ، يمكن أن يمنحك جرس الصولجان المصنوع بالكامل من الفولاذ جلسة تمرين نهائية. إنه يعزز مهارتك وقوة قبضتك وقوتك العضلية وسرعتك وقدرتك على التحمل بينما تعمل مجموعات عضلاتك المختلفة مع كل حركة.
-38% أُوكَازيُون
Parallel Bars
باراليتس فيتنس 1441 - 41FWG186 Dhs. 280.00 Dhs. 450.00
سمات :  حامل غمس معادل الملاءمة - تم اختبار شريط Kobo Fitness Dip Bar لدعم ما يصل إلى 180 كجم من وزن جسم المستخدم. خفيف الوزن وقابل للحمل - مثالي لصالات الألعاب الرياضية المنزلية والتجارية ، ورائع للعبة crossfit ، والجودو ، وفقدان الدهون ، وبناء العضلات والتنغيم. الارتفاع - 72 سم ، مناسب للأشخاص من جميع المرتفعات. واجب ثقيل - إطار مغطى بالمسحوق ومقابض مبطنة من مادة البولي يوريثين وأرجل مطاطية غير قابلة للانزلاق ، مستقرة جدًا ، وتسمح بانخفاضات الصخور الصلبة. مثالي لعمليات الضغط والفتحات والانخفاضات التي تعد جزءًا من برنامج crossfit. باستخدام وزن جسمك كحمل ، يمكنك تمرين عضلات ذراعيك وصدرك وظهرك وجذعك.
-49% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Sled Push for Cross-fit Training
1441 ضغط الزلاجات للياقة البدنية للتد... Dhs. 899.00 Dhs. 1,755.00
سمات: دفع زلاجة السلطة Prosportsae هو مدمج وقوي ومتعدد الاستخدامات بدرجة كافية للدفع والسحب والتدريب السريع على أي سطح تقريبًا.  مدمجة وقوية ومتعددة الاستخدامات بما يكفي للدفع والسحب والتدريب السريع يعمل كزلاجة دفع أو سحب أو سحب مع القدرة على تقديم المزيد! ادفع أو اسحب هذه الزلاجة في أي اتجاه دون الحاجة إلى تدويرها. يمكن إدخال دعامات الدفع في أي من الجانبين ، وتكون المراسي على كلا الجانبين لإرفاق حزام السحب. يمكن استخدامها على العشب والعشب والخرسانة. تحديد: الأبعاد: 41 بوصة طول × 29 بوصة عرض × 42 بوصة ارتفاع الوزن الصافي 35 كجم
-42% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Power Sled
1441 Fitness Power Sled Dhs. 2,499.00 Dhs. 4,299.00
Strength and power development: Power sleds are often used to enhance lower body strength and power. Pushing or pulling a loaded sled requires the engagement of the legs, glutes, and core muscles, which can help improve overall lower body strength and explosiveness. Speed and acceleration training: Power sleds can be used to improve speed and acceleration. By pushing or pulling the sled with maximum effort, athletes can develop the necessary power and drive to generate speed and improve their sprinting abilities. N.W./G.W.:80/90KG
-31% أُوكَازيُون
Lebert Resistance Bar LFI-BAR- Black
Lebert Resistance Bar LFI-BAR- Black Dhs. 450.00 Dhs. 650.00
Introducing the Lebert Resistance Bar! Another versatile, cost effective and high-quality product from the team that developed the EQualizer!   The Resistance Bar was designed to help you build strength and burn fat by performing full body or isolation exercises easily and efficiently. It easily disassembles into two pieces so you can store it or take it with you anywhere, is made to last and is compatible with any resistance bands. Burn Fat and Build Strength with Resistance Bands - Studies show that training with resistance bands provide similar strength gains to using conventional gym equipment and can lower fat in overweight people better than other forms of exercise. Versatile and Effective: Our high-quality resistance bar allows you to do countless strength training exercises including chest press, dead lift, squats, upright row, biceps curl, shoulder presses, triceps extension and many more. Made to Last, Comfortable & Heavy-Duty Construction: this 36” long and 4lb bar is constructed of iron tube with comfortable and durable foam pads. Easy Set-Up & Compatible with All Resistance Bands: Unique rotating carabineer clips allows 360 degrees swivel for smoother movement and easy loading of resistance bands.  PACKAGE INCLUDES: One (1) Lebert Resistance Bar, Two 41”, 100% Latex Resistance Bands; 1/2" RED-Mini (13mm) 15-35lbs Resistance 3/4" YELLOW–Small (19mm) 20-60lbs Resistance
LivePro Anti Burst Core Fit Exercise Ball - LP8201
LivePro Anti Burst Core Fit Exercise ... من Dhs. 94.40 Dhs. 96.00
Description : This heavy-duty explosion-proof fitness training ball has different sizes and colors, so you can freely choose it according to your height. The ribbed surface of the ball is very stylish and beautiful, and the salient points provide excellent grip for safer use. The unique explosion-proof technology ensures that it can withstand years of regular use, and the ball has a high load capacity, which can withstand 400kg of weight by test, and will slowly deflate when punctured. It is environmentally-friendly material for more peace of mind during training. Features : 1.Multiple sizes chosen Fitness balls are 55/65/75cm in diameter and are available in three different sizes. The trainers can choose it according to their height. 2.High-quality materials It is made of high-quality PVC material with moisture, pressure, tensile, wear-resistant performance, which can be used for a long time. 3.Better grip and friction The ribbed design of the ball surface is not only beautiful, but also provides outstanding grip. salient points effectively increase friction and have better anti-slip performance. 4.explosion-proof With rough surface it is designed to deflate slowly without bursting after being punctured. 5.Logo and warranty Logo and specifications branded on the fitness ball, will not wear out with a full 1-year commercial warranty against damage. 6.Various scenes This basic fitness equipment is perfect for functional training, exercises the core, promotes total body muscle and coordination, and is a smart investment for the gym. Technical Parameters Brand Livepro Color purple / blue / black Material PVC Weight 900/1050/1200g Specifications 55/65/75cm Accessories 2 air plugs + an opener
Livepro - Weighted Wrist Band - LP8287
Livepro - Weighted Wrist Band - LP8287 Dhs. 189.20
Description : Weighted bracelets are made of durable silicone with good feel, which is easy to clean and odorless. It can be worn on the wrist and ankle for weight training to enhance arm resistance and increase muscle burn. Single bracelet consists of 8 pieces, with each piece the same weight, and the trainer can be freely adjusted according to their own movement. It is suitable for yoga, running, aerobics, Pilates, walking, travel and home fitness, core training, etc. Features : 1.High-quality materialIt is built-in iron ring weight, and is wrapped with the durable silicone externally, which is odorless, easy to clean and feels good .2.Fashionable and beautifulWith eye-catching blue color, it is very beautiful, stylish and beautiful after wearing.3.Free to adjustSingle bracelet consists of 8 blocks of equal weight, the webbing is made of rubber wire and trainers can adjust the weight and tightness according to their own exercise needs, which is comfortable to wear.4.Logo and warrantyLogo engraved on the bracelet will not wear out, with a full 3-month commercial warranty against damage.5.Various scenesSuitable for yoga, running, aerobics, Pilates, walking, travel and home fitness, core training, etc.
Livepro - Training Bands - LP8096
Livepro - Training Bands - LP8096 Dhs. 42.20
Description : Assisted training straps are designed to increase muscle growth by reducing the oxygen supply to the muscles through muscle blood flow restriction, allowing fast and slow twitch muscle fibers to respond differently to exercise loads in order to increase muscle protein synthesis. The straps are equipped with buckles for easy adjustment of the strapping. 2 straps can be used to exercise the legs and arms at the same time. Features : 1.High-quality polyesterMade of high-quality polyester material, which is of high strength, strongness and durability.2.Adjustable lengthTotal length is 66cm and free to adjust the length and tightness as needed.3.FasteningBuckle is at the top and after adjusting to the right length, it can be fixed by the buckle, so you donƒ??t have to worry about loosening during the exercise.4.Double reinforced sewingDouble reinforced sewing is on the strap, which is crossed in the sewing frame at the junction with the carabiner, making the strap stronger and more durable.5.Logo and warrantyCloth logo is attached to each strap so it wonƒ??t wear out, with a full 3-month commercial warranty against damage.6.Various scenesPerfect for weightlifting, hard pulling and squatting. ?ÿ Technical Parameters Brand Livepro Color black + blue Material rubber + polyester fiber Weight 78g??2pcs Length 66??5cm
-47% أُوكَازيُون
LivePro Multifunction Step - LP8246
LivePro Multifunction Step - LP8246 Dhs. 790.00 Dhs. 1,484.00
Description: This multifunctional pedal brings more creative thinking to pedal training sessions. One pedal can be used for a variety of purposes, including pedal exercises, push-ups, dumbbell benches, and strength training with a tensioner. The folding foot can be used to increase or decrease the height of the pedal, adjusting the brace foot can change the different tilt angle, experience a different way of movement. Non-slip padded feet and non-slip surface can increase the stability of the pedal, so that the movement is safer and more professional. Features: Anti-slip texture design:?ÿAnti-slip surface material plus texture is designed to enhance the anti-slip function. Stable as a mountain:?ÿRubber foot pad not only protects the ground but also enhances the stability of the pedal, ensuring that no displacement occurs during exercise. Adjustable height:?ÿOur multifunctional pedals can be adjusted to increase or decrease the height of the pedal by folding the foot, so that the trainers can adjust it according to their needs and increase the fun of training. Three levels:?ÿThe backrest angle of the pedal is adjustable in 3 gears, stretching the support column to adjust to the corresponding angle. Multifunctional storage:?ÿMultifunctional storage space inside the pedal for accessories such as tension tubes used with the pedal, is very convenient. Specifications: Brand Livepro Color Blue + black + gray Material PP+TPE Weight 12kg Size 122??33??20-35.5cm
-48% أُوكَازيُون
LivePro Stretch Trainer - LP8427
LivePro Stretch Trainer - LP8427 Dhs. 75.00 Dhs. 144.00
Description: It trains your entire body with a combination of variable resistance bodyweight training and instability, builds core strength, shapes your legs, hips and you can get a stronger core to support your whole body. The product is made of natural latex, with good elasticity, resistance value of 20LB, can be stretched more than 10,000 times, and long-term use is not easy to deformation. It is wrapped by nylon material externally, which increases the feel of the hand and also plays a role in protecting athletes and latex tube. Features: High-quality latex:?ÿLatex is odorless, more environmentally friendly, and super elastic to ensure long-term use is not easy to deformation, and at the same time, it is more silent and durable, different from tension tubes made of other materials on the market. Nylon fabric set:?ÿThe nylon fabric cover not only increases the feel, which is more comfortable, but also can effectively protect the athletes, reducing the chance of injury during the training process. Easy to install:?ÿEquipment can be easily installed, disassembled and adjusted in two or three minutes. High-quality elasticity: Elastic band has tension of 20LB, whose stretchable length can be three times of the original length, and can be stretched more than 10,000 times. Specifications: Size:?ÿ6??11??400mm Accessories:?ÿLatex tube ?? 2,?ÿWrist strap??2 , Door catch?? 1
-47% أُوكَازيُون
LivePro Resistance Bar - LP8400
LivePro Resistance Bar - LP8400 Dhs. 125.00 Dhs. 235.00
Description: Livepro Resistance Bar is a resistance workout gear used with resistance rope, which can be used for biceps and triceps exercise, standing bench press, push-ups. Both sides are disposed with steel hanging holes, one end is securely welded, the other end can rotate 360?øsmoothly, so that rope winding can be avoided. The inner core is made of high-grade steel, and the surface is applied with black glossy painting, which is durable, sturdy and resistant to rust. Two sections of high-density foam grips are disposed externally of steel pipes, which provide comfortable grip and safer workout. Features: High-grade steel:?ÿMade of sturdy and durable, high-grade steel material, the surface is applied with black glossy painting, which is resistant to corrosion and rusting. Comfortable grip:?ÿThere are two sections of foam grips, which are made of anti-tear, high-density foam material, offering comfortable and more durable grip. Movable hanging hole:?ÿOne end is formed by welding hanging holes, and the other end is disposed with movable hanging holes, which allows for 360?ø rotation and prevents rope from winding during workout. Two-section design:?ÿThe body is designed with two-section threaded bar, which is convenient to disassemble and portable. Quality resistance:?ÿThis gear comes with a latex resistance rope that can bear 30 lb resistance, with an extended cloth cover disposed externally, which provides a better hand feel. Specifications: Weight:?ÿ1.87kg Length of the Bar:?ÿ111.5cm Material:?ÿsteel + foam + latex + nylon
-38% أُوكَازيُون
LIvePro Wooden Gym Ring for Gymnastic and Crossfit training - LP8123
LIvePro Wooden Gym Ring for Gymnastic... Dhs. 175.00 Dhs. 279.00
Description: Wooden rings are designed for fitness training, which is more challenging than pull-ups. This ring is built from 32mm diameter birch wood and is mainly used in strength training. The wood material is strong, durable, light weight, easy to carry and can be assembled quickly. The wooden rings are smooth to the touch and have a strong grip, polyester webbing is stronger, and the iron buckle allows free adjustment of the sling length and a firm snap lock, making it a favored device for many sports. Features: Natural wood material:?ÿBirch wood enhances the hardness of the rings, giving the trainer a completely different texture and grip than steel or plastic. The wood is precision processed so that each ring can maintain a firm grip, and the wood can carry up to 200kg, which is a great improvement in safety. Safe suspension:?ÿEach ring is equipped with polyester webbing and iron locking buckle with 4.6m long and 38mm wide, which can be quickly and easily adjusted indoors and outdoors. The webbing has a load capacity of 200kg or more, and with the iron buckle fastening equipment, it is safely hung where you want it to be fixed. Anti-slip handle:?ÿAfter handle is grinded and polished, its wood texture enhances the friction of the hand and is easier to grip. Wooden is sweat-absorbing and comfortable in the hand with better anti-slip effect. Specifications: One Set Weight:?ÿ1.66kg Load Capacity:?ÿ200kg Ring Diameter:?ÿ32mm Outer Diameter of Ring:?ÿ23.4cm Material:?ÿpolyester + birch
-47% أُوكَازيُون
LivePro Rope Puller - LP8167
LivePro Rope Puller - LP8167 Dhs. 1,150.00 Dhs. 2,169.00
Description: The Livepro Rope Puller is based on the simple principle of rock climbing and utilizes a magnetically controlled resistance machine that provides an isometric aerobic workout. People of any age and athletic ability can safely use our rope for training. It has a total of six levels of resistance, and we can change the speed of the rope puller by adjusting the resistance for different fitness purposes to provide maximum resistance training for athletes. The polyurethane material of the rope can provide comfortable grip and reduce friction and slippage during exercise. Features: Magnetic control resistance:?ÿThe product uses magnetically controlled resistance, constantly adjusting the resistance mechanism to change the speed of pulling the rope, and the tension is linear and uniform. Comfortable grip:?ÿHigh-strength TPU material rope is very resistant to pull and with flat pull rope, dragging it is not easy to deformation. Its length is 4m, and diameter is 25 ?? 20mm. Six levels:?ÿThe product is equipped with six gears adjustment, with rotary adjustment, using the magnetic resistance, and athletes can adjust the corresponding resistance according to their own needs. Enjoy Anytime Anywhere:?ÿWith simple installation method, whether at home or outdoors, just fix it to the bracket, wall or other places, and you can start your sports at any time. Specifications: Weight: 4.7kg Rope Length:?ÿ4m Resistance Adjustance :?ÿ6 gears
LivePro Solid Medicine Ball - LP8112
LivePro Solid Medicine Ball - LP8112 من Dhs. 75.00 Dhs. 134.00
Description:?ÿ The medicine ball is an air-filled rubber ball.?ÿIt is used not only in school or known sports, but also in fitness and other functional exercises.?ÿ It can even be used in physiotherapy.?ÿJust like in football, you can adjust the bounce level depending on the amount of air in the ball. Features: Made of High quality materials Non-slip texture for safe grip Enhance core strength, exercise balance, and coordination Suitable for all kinds of upper and lower body exercises Made of pure rubber Can bounce off hard surfaces like floors, walls, and trampolines Material: natural rubber Diameter: (1-2 kg) 190mm (3-5 kg)230mm (6-10 kg)286mm
LivePro Wall Ball - LP8100
LivePro Wall Ball - LP8100 من Dhs. 150.00 Dhs. 283.00
Description: The Livepro Wall Ball is particularly suitable for rehabilitation, strength and athletic training. Thanks to its bi-material coating, it is very durable and retains its shape after regular use. The inner foam core creates excellent weight distribution so it never sways. Minimum impact force provides optimum firing power and speed. Features: Material: High quality PVC Size: 35cm diameter Fill: Sand and steel-gravel weighted filler protected by a high-density foam.
-51% أُوكَازيُون
Livepro 3 In 1 Wood Plyobox - LP8157
Livepro 3 In 1 Wood Plyobox - LP8157 Dhs. 415.00 Dhs. 840.00
Features : Provides three different heights of 50/60/75cm Can be simply flipped without complicated adjustments Made of high-quality birch wood Beautiful, non-slip, and feature special texture Sturdy plywood and internal reinforcement components 60cm plane is designed with inner holes for easy handling Wood thickness of 1.8 cm and can load 400kg Durable, stable, and safe Honeycomb texture design on the box surface Three wooden boards that are cross-supported inside the jumping box Technical Parameters Brand Livepro Color Black Material Birch Weight 23kg Max user weight 400 Kg Sheet thickness 1.8cm Size 50x60x75cm
-48% أُوكَازيُون
LiveUp Balance Gym Ball 65 CM - LP9005
LiveUp Balance Gym Ball 65 CM - LP9005 Dhs. 55.00 Dhs. 104.00
Features: Enhance core strength while working your upper and lower body muscles Includes hand pump for easy inflation Durable, 1000-lb burst resistant ball Superb quality, durable and top performer The ball with expanders offers many ways to exercise ?ÿ