معدات رياضية لها

1441 Fitness Barbell Landing Pad - Sold as Pair
1441 وسادة هبوط الحديد للياقة البدنية - تباع كزوج من Dhs. 650.00 Dhs. 1,338.00
144 الميزات: تتميز وسادة Barbell Landing بإسفنج سميك وعالي الكثافة لامتصاص ونشر الضوضاء والاهتزازات المرتبطة بقطرات الحديد الثقيلة ، مما يساعد على حماية الأرضية من التلف تأتي كل وسادة من Barbell Landing بمقبض حمل من أجل لياقة بدنية مريحة أثناء التنقل للمدربين الشخصيين والرياضيين. تعتبر Landing Pad رائعة لكل من التدريبات الخارجية والداخلية رغوة دعم متينة وعالية الجودة لن تمزق أو تتسطح أو تفقد شكلها. غطاء PVC مصمم لتحمل الضرر الناجم عن القطرات الثقيلة وقوي بما يكفي ليحافظ على لونه وشكله للاستخدام طويل الأمد مقاس وسادة رفع الأثقال 30 × 24 بوصة لمنحك مساحة كافية لتخفيض وزنك بشكل مريح وسُمك 6 بوصات لتقليل التأثير والاهتزاز والضوضاء من كل قطرة المكونات المتضمنة: وسادة زوج واحد تخصيص: صغير - 76 × 60 × 15 (10.6 كجم) كبير - 100 × 60 × 15 (14.5 كجم)
-63% أُوكَازيُون
Skinners Barefoot Shoe - Metal Grey - Prosportsae.com
Skinners Adults Minimalist Footwear - Metal Grey Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 255.00
  Simply with you. Anywhere… Introducing SKINNERS Minimalist Footwear Uniquely Designed for Your Outdoor & Indoor Activities!Socks or shoes? Neither, yet both. We combined the best from both worlds - the freedom of socks and the protection of shoes into one nifty entity. SKINNERS! You may enjoy the variability of the SKINNERS footwear that can replace many other lightweight shoe styles like the barefoot shoes, lightweight runners’ shoes, finger or toe shoes, driving slippers, travel shoes, water and beach shoes, and much more. The Main Reasons to Choose the SKINNERS: UNMATCHED WALKING EXPERIENCE – they will support your feet’s natural position, give you enhanced stability and help you exercise by strengthening your feet while coming closer to the nature and feeling the round. LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN – you can pack them in your backpack, suitcase or even a pocket and take them with you anywhere! NON-SLIP & DURABLE CONSTRUCTION – the 2 layers Swedish polymer molded and pressed together with the textile upper means that our sock shoes don’t include any glues or seems and that’s why they are virtually unbreakable. Additionally, the SKINNERS have a high level of abrasion, puncture, cut and water resistance together with perfect stability on both dry and wet surfaces. TAILOR THEM TO YOUR NEEDS – you can wear them with or without socks and choose the color that matches your style. And Don’t Forget!SKINNERS are 100% machine washable, so you can just slip them in your washing machine, set a gentle cycle (30°C/86°F) and you’re good to go! Move without limitsThe ultimate pocket footwear designed for all your adventures, travels and sports. Minimalist. High-tech. Anti-Odor. Durable. Awesome. Walking Running Cycling Camping & Hiking Travelling Water sports Office Roller blading Yoga Fitness Questions / answers: - Are they shoes or socks? * Neither. We have made the ultimate combination. It is just a new item of clothing! - Should I walk with or without socks? * Thin 'ankle' socks go great together. But: bare feet can also! - Skinners seems a bit fragile. Are not they going to break quickly? * No, they are very durable. The hard outsole is long and supple. No glue is used, and the seamless attachment ensures little risk of tearing, etc. - Can they really be in the washing machine? * Yes No problem. She was inside out at 30 degrees. - Sometimes black grains fall off the sole of the foot. Is that bad? * No, the excess material will wear off, but enough remains! - Can I send back Skinners? * Unfortunately, from a hygienic point of view, we have chosen not to take back Skinners. - Can I use Skinners in extreme conditions? * Skinners is not a replacement for the shoe. If you are going to have a heavy load, it is wiser to wear shoes.    
-66% أُوكَازيُون
Parallel Bars
باراليتس فيتنس 1441 - 41FWG186 Dhs. 199.00 Dhs. 583.00
سمات :  حامل غمس معادل الملاءمة - تم اختبار شريط Kobo Fitness Dip Bar لدعم ما يصل إلى 180 كجم من وزن جسم المستخدم. خفيف الوزن وقابل للحمل - مثالي لصالات الألعاب الرياضية المنزلية والتجارية ، ورائع للعبة crossfit ، والجودو ، وفقدان الدهون ، وبناء العضلات والتنغيم. الارتفاع - 72 سم ، مناسب للأشخاص من جميع المرتفعات. واجب ثقيل - إطار مغطى بالمسحوق ومقابض مبطنة من مادة البولي يوريثين وأرجل مطاطية غير قابلة للانزلاق ، مستقرة جدًا ، وتسمح بانخفاضات الصخور الصلبة. مثالي لعمليات الضغط والفتحات والانخفاضات التي تعد جزءًا من برنامج crossfit. باستخدام وزن جسمك كحمل ، يمكنك تمرين عضلات ذراعيك وصدرك وظهرك وجذعك.
-56% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Vertical Dumbbell Rack - 10 Pairs
1441 رف دمبل عمودي للياقة البدنية - 10 أزواج Dhs. 399.00 Dhs. 901.00
وصف: شد عضلاتك وحسّن قوتك وقم بإجراء مجموعة واسعة من التدريبات والتمارين الفعالة باستخدام أدوات التمرين الممتازة هذه المناسبة لجميع المستخدمين. احصل على النتائج التي تريدها من التدريبات الخاصة بك مع الدمبل المطاطية السداسية. يمنعها التصميم السداسي من التدحرج بعيدًا عندما لا تكون قيد الاستخدام ، كما تساعد الرؤوس المغلفة بالمطاط الزهر المُثبتة على تقليل الضوضاء والأضرار عند وضعها على الأرض لمزيد من التدريبات الممتعة في المنزل وأثناء الاستخدام التجاري.  سمات: يمكن استخدامه للدمبل المطلي ، الدمبل الثابتة ، الدمبل المطاطي ، الدمبل المطلي ، الدمبل للغطس وغيرها من مواصفات الدمبل.  مثالي للبالغين أو الأطفال ، ولعشاق اللياقة البدنية وكبار السن الذين يسترخون في المنزل في منطقة التمرين لممارسة الرياضة بشكل فعال سهل التجميع والاستخدام ، قابل للتعديل في الارتفاع والعرض ، مناسب للأصدقاء من مختلف الأحجام والأعمار. تمنع فتحة البطاقة البلاستيكية ABS مقبض الحديد من الاتصال المباشر بالإطار الفولاذي ، ولكنها أيضًا تجعل من السهل وضع الدمبل. عدم الانزلاق: وسادة القدم غير قابلة للانزلاق وتمنع تلف الأرضية ، مما يزيد أيضًا من السلامة تخصيص : أبعاد المنتج: 125 × 55 × 55 سم (الطول × العرض × الارتفاع)
-57% أُوكَازيُون
Lebert Fitness Equalizer - (28'' x 21'' x 15'')
Lebert Fitness Equalizer - (28'' x 21'' x 15'') Dhs. 389.00 Dhs. 833.00
Features: Separate, unconnected bars offer superior stability and versatility, and are critical to any dip stand exercise as it creates the instability needed for an effective parallette bar style routine with proper form and tower alignment. With over 100 workouts available for beginners to advanced athletes, this sturdy and stable dip stand works great as a pullup bar, dipping station, push up bar for arm exercises, L-sits, knee & leg raises, and more.  Lebert Equalizer Bars are tested rigorously to ensure the right fit for you and your safety - Regular (28" high) fits users up to 5' 10" . As a welcome to the Lebert Fitness family, you will be invited to join our private online fitness group featuring free workout programs, extensive support and coaching tools designed to get you started and stay motivated. Two Equalizer bars with heavy duty foam handles, resistance band, exercise guide, and access to an online coaching group. Bars support up to 400lbs, are easy to assemble, stack and store and are great for your home gym or group class bootcamps.
-48% أُوكَازيُون
Barbell rod
Lebert Fitness SRT Barbell Dhs. 100.00 Dhs. 191.00
Description: Introducing the new Lebert SRT™ Spring Resistance Training Barbell with SPRING TECHNOLOGY. The Lebert SRT™ Barbell adds another plane of movement, taking regular exercises like the bicep curl, and adds chest and delt activation, hitting muscles you never knew you had! Users SPRING IN and SPRING OUT on either side of the two sliding hand grips activating more muscles and creating more resistance with every rep. Features: Innovative spring technology, for a more effective weight training. 1 x Lebert SRT barbell and 2 x 2.26 kg (5 lb) Weight Plate. Total Weight: approx. - 8 kg Ideal for personal trainers, gyms and the the home. 1 x Instructional DVD 1 x Set of green springs with its light resistance and 1 Set of grey springs with heavy resistance. 4 x jaw lock collars.
-60% أُوكَازيُون
Spinning Bike in Dubai
1441 دراجة مقاومة الهواء للياقة البدنية - 41FCC14 Dhs. 2,299.00 Dhs. 5,650.00
وصف :  1441 دراجة تمارين اللياقة البدنية مثالية للتدريبات المنزلية والتجارية. هذه الدراجة الجذابة هي وسيلة رائعة للحصول على الشكل. يسمح لك نظام الحزام السلس والصامت بالتمرين دون إزعاج الآخرين. أنيقة وعملية ، الدراجة الرياضية المنتصبة بمقعد مبطن قابل للتعديل رائعة للتمارين الهوائية منخفضة التأثير. تتطلب مساحة صغيرة فقط للاستخدام ، يمكن إعداد دراجة التمرين وتكون جاهزة دائمًا للتمرين التالي سمات :  أزرار الوضع السريع سهلة الاستخدام مع لوحة مفاتيح تحكم بسيطة مقاومة غير محدودة مدفوعة بالهواء بنيت بأنابيب فولاذية ثقيلة للغاية السماح بضبط المقعد لأعلى ولأسفل تخصيص: الحجم: 1100 * 550 * 1150 مم الوزن: 70 كجم الحمولة القصوى: 200 كجم الجنس: للجنسين
-63% أُوكَازيُون
Sissy Squat
1441 لياقة سيسي سكوات Dhs. 855.00 Dhs. 2,288.00
وصف: يوفر Element Fitness Sissy Squat طريقة رائعة لتشغيل الكواد من زاوية مختلفة. إن Sissy Squat مضغوط للغاية ، ولكنه شديد التحمل للغاية وسيوفر قاعدة صلبة لأداء هذا التمرين الذي تم التقليل من شأنه. إنه مصمم للحفاظ على الجزء السفلي من الساق عموديًا أثناء أداء القرفصاء القائم بذاته (وهو أمر مستحيل القيام به). قطعة مدمجة للغاية من المعدات يجب أن تمتلكها كل صالة ألعاب رياضية. سمات: 11 قياس البناء الصلب.  لوح قدم كبير غير قابل للانزلاق.  وسادة ربلة الساق قابلة للتعديل مبطنة بشدة.  بكرات إسفنجية لقفل القدمين.  دائم مسحوق المغلفة النهاية. تحديد: سعة وزن 150 كجم أبعاد المنتج: 80 60 × 50 سم (الطول × العرض × الارتفاع)
-63% أُوكَازيُون
Skinners Barefoot Shoe - Granite Grey - Prosportsae.com
SKINNERS Adults Minimalist Footwear - Granite Grey Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 255.00
Introducing SKINNERS Minimalist Footwear Uniquely Designed for Your Outdoor & Indoor Activities!Socks or shoes? Neither, yet both. We combined the best from both worlds - the freedom of socks and the protection of shoes into one nifty entity. SKINNERS! You may enjoy the variability of the SKINNERS footwear that can replace many other lightweight shoe styles like the barefoot shoes, lightweight runners’ shoes, finger or toe shoes, driving slippers, travel shoes, water and beach shoes, and much more. The Main Reasons to Choose the SKINNERS: UNMATCHED WALKING EXPERIENCE – they will support your feet’s natural position, give you enhanced stability and help you exercise by strengthening your feet while coming closer to the nature and feeling the round. LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN – you can pack them in your backpack, suitcase or even a pocket and take them with you anywhere! NON-SLIP & DURABLE CONSTRUCTION – the 2 layers Swedish polymer molded and pressed together with the textile upper means that our sock shoes don’t include any glues or seems and that’s why they are virtually unbreakable. Additionally, the SKINNERS have a high level of abrasion, puncture, cut and water resistance together with perfect stability on both dry and wet surfaces. TAILOR THEM TO YOUR NEEDS – you can wear them with or without socks and choose the color that matches your style. And Don’t Forget!SKINNERS are 100% machine washable, so you can just slip them in your washing machine, set a gentle cycle (30°C/86°F) and you’re good to go! Move without limitsThe ultimate pocket footwear designed for all your adventures, travels and sports. Minimalist. High-tech. Anti-Odor. Durable. Awesome. Walking Running Cycling Camping & Hiking Travelling Water sports Office Roller blading Yoga Fitness Questions / answers: - Are they shoes or socks? * Neither. We have made the ultimate combination. It is just a new item of clothing! - Should I walk with or without socks? * Thin 'ankle' socks go great together. But: bare feet can also! - Skinners seems a bit fragile. Are not they going to break quickly? * No, they are very durable. The hard outsole is long and supple. No glue is used, and the seamless attachment ensures little risk of tearing, etc. - Can they really be in the washing machine? * Yes No problem. She was inside out at 30 degrees. - Sometimes black grains fall off the sole of the foot. Is that bad? * No, the excess material will wear off, but enough remains! - Can I send back Skinners? * Unfortunately, from a hygienic point of view, we have chosen not to take back Skinners. - Can I use Skinners in extreme conditions? * Skinners is not a replacement for the shoe. If you are going to have a heavy load, it is wiser to wear shoes.  
-60% أُوكَازيُون
Skinners Barefoot Shoe - Speckled Black - Prosportsae.com
Skinners Adults Minimalist Footwear - Speckled Black Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 252.00
Simply with you. Anywhere… Introducing SKINNERS Minimalist Footwear Uniquely Designed for Your Outdoor & Indoor Activities!Socks or shoes? Neither, yet both. We combined the best from both worlds - the freedom of socks and the protection of shoes into one nifty entity. SKINNERS! You may enjoy the variability of the SKINNERS footwear that can replace many other lightweight shoe styles like the barefoot shoes, lightweight runners’ shoes, finger or toe shoes, driving slippers, travel shoes, water and beach shoes, and much more. The Main Reasons to Choose the SKINNERS: UNMATCHED WALKING EXPERIENCE – they will support your feet’s natural position, give you enhanced stability and help you exercise by strengthening your feet while coming closer to the nature and feeling the round. LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN – you can pack them in your backpack, suitcase or even a pocket and take them with you anywhere! NON-SLIP & DURABLE CONSTRUCTION – the 2 layers Swedish polymer molded and pressed together with the textile upper means that our sock shoes don’t include any glues or seems and that’s why they are virtually unbreakable. Additionally, the SKINNERS have a high level of abrasion, puncture, cut and water resistance together with perfect stability on both dry and wet surfaces. TAILOR THEM TO YOUR NEEDS – you can wear them with or without socks and choose the color that matches your style. And Don’t Forget!SKINNERS are 100% machine washable, so you can just slip them in your washing machine, set a gentle cycle (30°C/86°F) and you’re good to go! Move without limitsThe ultimate pocket footwear designed for all your adventures, travels and sports. Minimalist. High-tech. Anti-Odor. Durable. Awesome. Walking Running Cycling Camping & Hiking Travelling Water sports Office Roller blading Yoga Fitness Questions / answers: - Are they shoes or socks? * Neither. We have made the ultimate combination. It is just a new item of clothing! - Should I walk with or without socks? * Thin 'ankle' socks go great together. But: bare feet can also! - Skinners seems a bit fragile. Are not they going to break quickly? * No, they are very durable. The hard outsole is long and supple. No glue is used, and the seamless attachment ensures little risk of tearing, etc. - Can they really be in the washing machine? * Yes No problem. She was inside out at 30 degrees. - Sometimes black grains fall off the sole of the foot. Is that bad? * No, the excess material will wear off, but enough remains! - Can I send back Skinners? * Unfortunately, from a hygienic point of view, we have chosen not to take back Skinners. - Can I use Skinners in extreme conditions? * Skinners is not a replacement for the shoe. If you are going to have a heavy load, it is wiser to wear shoes.      
-62% أُوكَازيُون
Skinners Barefoot Shoe - Olive Green - Prosportsae.com
Skinners Adults Minimalist Footwear - Olive Green Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 253.00
  Simply with you. Anywhere… Introducing SKINNERS Minimalist Footwear Uniquely Designed for Your Outdoor & Indoor Activities!Socks or shoes? Neither, yet both. We combined the best from both worlds - the freedom of socks and the protection of shoes into one nifty entity. SKINNERS! You may enjoy the variability of the SKINNERS footwear that can replace many other lightweight shoe styles like the barefoot shoes, lightweight runners’ shoes, finger or toe shoes, driving slippers, travel shoes, water and beach shoes, and much more. The Main Reasons to Choose the SKINNERS: UNMATCHED WALKING EXPERIENCE – they will support your feet’s natural position, give you enhanced stability and help you exercise by strengthening your feet while coming closer to the nature and feeling the round. LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN – you can pack them in your backpack, suitcase or even a pocket and take them with you anywhere! NON-SLIP & DURABLE CONSTRUCTION – the 2 layers Swedish polymer molded and pressed together with the textile upper means that our sock shoes don’t include any glues or seems and that’s why they are virtually unbreakable. Additionally, the SKINNERS have a high level of abrasion, puncture, cut and water resistance together with perfect stability on both dry and wet surfaces. TAILOR THEM TO YOUR NEEDS – you can wear them with or without socks and choose the color that matches your style. And Don’t Forget!SKINNERS are 100% machine washable, so you can just slip them in your washing machine, set a gentle cycle (30°C/86°F) and you’re good to go! Move without limitsThe ultimate pocket footwear designed for all your adventures, travels and sports. Minimalist. High-tech. Anti-Odor. Durable. Awesome. Walking Running Cycling Camping & Hiking Travelling Water sports Office Roller blading Yoga Fitness Questions / answers: - Are they shoes or socks? * Neither. We have made the ultimate combination. It is just a new item of clothing! - Should I walk with or without socks? * Thin 'ankle' socks go great together. But: bare feet can also! - Skinners seems a bit fragile. Are not they going to break quickly? * No, they are very durable. The hard outsole is long and supple. No glue is used, and the seamless attachment ensures little risk of tearing, etc. - Can they really be in the washing machine? * Yes No problem. She was inside out at 30 degrees. - Sometimes black grains fall off the sole of the foot. Is that bad? * No, the excess material will wear off, but enough remains! - Can I send back Skinners? * Unfortunately, from a hygienic point of view, we have chosen not to take back Skinners. - Can I use Skinners in extreme conditions? * Skinners is not a replacement for the shoe. If you are going to have a heavy load, it is wiser to wear shoes.    
-62% أُوكَازيُون
SKINNERS Adults Minimalist Footwear -Green
SKINNERS Adults Minimalist Footwear -Green Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 334.00
Simply with you. Anywhere… Introducing SKINNERS Minimalist Footwear Uniquely Designed for Your Outdoor & Indoor Activities!Socks or shoes? Neither, yet both. We combined the best from both worlds - the freedom of socks and the protection of shoes into one nifty entity. SKINNERS! You may enjoy the variability of the SKINNERS footwear that can replace many other lightweight shoe styles like the barefoot shoes, lightweight runners’ shoes, finger or toe shoes, driving slippers, travel shoes, water and beach shoes, and much more. The Main Reasons to Choose the SKINNERS: UNMATCHED WALKING EXPERIENCE – they will support your feet’s natural position, give you enhanced stability and help you exercise by strengthening your feet while coming closer to the nature and feeling the round. LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN – you can pack them in your backpack, suitcase or even a pocket and take them with you anywhere! NON-SLIP & DURABLE CONSTRUCTION – the 2 layers Swedish polymer molded and pressed together with the textile upper means that our sock shoes don’t include any glues or seems and that’s why they are virtually unbreakable. Additionally, the SKINNERS have a high level of abrasion, puncture, cut and water resistance together with perfect stability on both dry and wet surfaces. TAILOR THEM TO YOUR NEEDS – you can wear them with or without socks and choose the color that matches your style. And Don’t Forget!SKINNERS are 100% machine washable, so you can just slip them in your washing machine, set a gentle cycle (30°C/86°F) and you’re good to go! Move without limitsThe ultimate pocket footwear designed for all your adventures, travels and sports. Minimalist. High-tech. Anti-Odor. Durable. Awesome. Walking Running Cycling Camping & Hiking Travelling Water sports Office Roller blading Yoga Fitness Questions / answers: - Are they shoes or socks? * Neither. We have made the ultimate combination. It is just a new item of clothing! - Should I walk with or without socks? * Thin 'ankle' socks go great together. But: bare feet can also! - Skinners seems a bit fragile. Are not they going to break quickly? * No, they are very durable. The hard outsole is long and supple. No glue is used, and the seamless attachment ensures little risk of tearing, etc. - Can they really be in the washing machine? * Yes No problem. She was inside out at 30 degrees. - Sometimes black grains fall off the sole of the foot. Is that bad? * No, the excess material will wear off, but enough remains! - Can I send back Skinners? * Unfortunately, from a hygienic point of view, we have chosen not to take back Skinners. - Can I use Skinners in extreme conditions? * Skinners is not a replacement for the shoe. If you are going to have a heavy load, it is wiser to wear shoes.  
-77% أُوكَازيُون
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Sand
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Sand Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 424.00
SKINNERS 2.0. Ultra-versatile, 4-in-1 minimalist footwear with a lightweight, weatherproof, yet durable design. Packed with a perforated insole, long-lasting polymer sole and functional fibers. Designed to keep up with you no matter what adventure you soak into. Where to use Skinners 2.0? Our mission is to provide you with compact yet protective footwear for sports and traveling without all the bulk and weight of regular shoes. The footwear that is easy to use, transport, and maintain without sacrificing comfort, functionality, fit, or safety. The product that adapts to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and lets your feet do their thing. To simply let you move without limits. Thanks to the compact size and "second skin" feeling Skinners is the perfect footwear for sports (short runs, workout, yoga, watersports) and works equally well as a pair of backup shoes (traveling, camping, hiking, cycling). WALKING & HIKING... Stretch and activate your feet! Skinners adapt to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and let your feet do their thing. GYM... Non-marking, zero-drop outsoles are perfect for indoor use and promote better posture during squats, deadlifts, and other exercises. WATERSPORTS... Slip- and cut-resistant outsoles give you the perfect grip, even in wet conditions, and help stay safe around sharp corals. To be clear, Skinners aren’t intended to completely replace your regular shoes. Instead, think of them as an addition to your shoe rack and training tool for your feet that reminds you what is natural for your body. The use of hard-wearing Swedish polymers, adhesive-free technology and three-layered Stretch Knit(TM) makes Skinners durable yet comfortable to wear.
-76% أُوكَازيُون
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Carmine
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Carmine Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 437.00
SKINNERS 2.0. Ultra-versatile, 4-in-1 minimalist footwear with a lightweight, weatherproof, yet durable design. Packed with a perforated insole, long-lasting polymer sole and functional fibers. Designed to keep up with you no matter what adventure you soak into. Where to use Skinners 2.0? Our mission is to provide you with compact yet protective footwear for sports and traveling without all the bulk and weight of regular shoes. The footwear that is easy to use, transport, and maintain without sacrificing comfort, functionality, fit, or safety. The product that adapts to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and lets your feet do their thing. To simply let you move without limits. Thanks to the compact size and "second skin" feeling Skinners is the perfect footwear for sports (short runs, workout, yoga, watersports) and works equally well as a pair of backup shoes (traveling, camping, hiking, cycling). WALKING & HIKING... Stretch and activate your feet! Skinners adapt to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and let your feet do their thing. GYM... Non-marking, zero-drop outsoles are perfect for indoor use and promote better posture during squats, deadlifts, and other exercises. WATERSPORTS... Slip- and cut-resistant outsoles give you the perfect grip, even in wet conditions, and help stay safe around sharp corals. To be clear, Skinners aren’t intended to completely replace your regular shoes. Instead, think of them as an addition to your shoe rack and training tool for your feet that reminds you what is natural for your body. The use of hard-wearing Swedish polymers, adhesive-free technology and three-layered Stretch Knit(TM) makes Skinners durable yet comfortable to wear.
-78% أُوكَازيُون
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Ivory
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Ivory Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 460.00
SKINNERS 2.0. Ultra-versatile, 4-in-1 minimalist footwear with a lightweight, weatherproof, yet durable design. Packed with a perforated insole, long-lasting polymer sole and functional fibers. Designed to keep up with you no matter what adventure you soak into. Where to use Skinners 2.0? Our mission is to provide you with compact yet protective footwear for sports and traveling without all the bulk and weight of regular shoes. The footwear that is easy to use, transport, and maintain without sacrificing comfort, functionality, fit, or safety. The product that adapts to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and lets your feet do their thing. To simply let you move without limits. Thanks to the compact size and "second skin" feeling Skinners is the perfect footwear for sports (short runs, workout, yoga, watersports) and works equally well as a pair of backup shoes (traveling, camping, hiking, cycling). WALKING & HIKING... Stretch and activate your feet! Skinners adapt to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and let your feet do their thing. GYM... Non-marking, zero-drop outsoles are perfect for indoor use and promote better posture during squats, deadlifts, and other exercises. WATERSPORTS... Slip- and cut-resistant outsoles give you the perfect grip, even in wet conditions, and help stay safe around sharp corals. To be clear, Skinners aren’t intended to completely replace your regular shoes. Instead, think of them as an addition to your shoe rack and training tool for your feet that reminds you what is natural for your body. The use of hard-wearing Swedish polymers, adhesive-free technology and three-layered Stretch Knit(TM) makes Skinners durable yet comfortable to wear.
-78% أُوكَازيُون
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Aqua
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Aqua Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 462.00
SKINNERS 2.0. Ultra-versatile, 4-in-1 minimalist footwear with a lightweight, weatherproof, yet durable design. Packed with a perforated insole, long-lasting polymer sole and functional fibers. Designed to keep up with you no matter what adventure you soak into. Where to use Skinners 2.0? Our mission is to provide you with compact yet protective footwear for sports and traveling without all the bulk and weight of regular shoes. The footwear that is easy to use, transport, and maintain without sacrificing comfort, functionality, fit, or safety. The product that adapts to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and lets your feet do their thing. To simply let you move without limits. Thanks to the compact size and "second skin" feeling Skinners is the perfect footwear for sports (short runs, workout, yoga, watersports) and works equally well as a pair of backup shoes (traveling, camping, hiking, cycling). WALKING & HIKING... Stretch and activate your feet! Skinners adapt to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and let your feet do their thing. GYM... Non-marking, zero-drop outsoles are perfect for indoor use and promote better posture during squats, deadlifts, and other exercises. WATERSPORTS... Slip- and cut-resistant outsoles give you the perfect grip, even in wet conditions, and help stay safe around sharp corals. To be clear, Skinners aren’t intended to completely replace your regular shoes. Instead, think of them as an addition to your shoe rack and training tool for your feet that reminds you what is natural for your body. The use of hard-wearing Swedish polymers, adhesive-free technology and three-layered Stretch Knit(TM) makes Skinners durable yet comfortable to wear.
-78% أُوكَازيُون
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Marine
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Marine Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 449.00
SKINNERS 2.0. Ultra-versatile, 4-in-1 minimalist footwear with a lightweight, weatherproof, yet durable design. Packed with a perforated insole, long-lasting polymer sole and functional fibers. Designed to keep up with you no matter what adventure you soak into. Where to use Skinners 2.0? Our mission is to provide you with compact yet protective footwear for sports and traveling without all the bulk and weight of regular shoes. The footwear that is easy to use, transport, and maintain without sacrificing comfort, functionality, fit, or safety. The product that adapts to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and lets your feet do their thing. To simply let you move without limits. Thanks to the compact size and "second skin" feeling Skinners is the perfect footwear for sports (short runs, workout, yoga, watersports) and works equally well as a pair of backup shoes (traveling, camping, hiking, cycling). WALKING & HIKING... Stretch and activate your feet! Skinners adapt to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and let your feet do their thing. GYM... Non-marking, zero-drop outsoles are perfect for indoor use and promote better posture during squats, deadlifts, and other exercises. WATERSPORTS... Slip- and cut-resistant outsoles give you the perfect grip, even in wet conditions, and help stay safe around sharp corals. To be clear, Skinners aren’t intended to completely replace your regular shoes. Instead, think of them as an addition to your shoe rack and training tool for your feet that reminds you what is natural for your body. The use of hard-wearing Swedish polymers, adhesive-free technology and three-layered Stretch Knit(TM) makes Skinners durable yet comfortable to wear.
-70% أُوكَازيُون
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Stone
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Stone Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 414.00
SKINNERS 2.0. Ultra-versatile, 4-in-1 minimalist footwear with a lightweight, weatherproof, yet durable design. Packed with a perforated insole, long-lasting polymer sole and functional fibers. Designed to keep up with you no matter what adventure you soak into. Where to use Skinners 2.0? Our mission is to provide you with compact yet protective footwear for sports and traveling without all the bulk and weight of regular shoes. The footwear that is easy to use, transport, and maintain without sacrificing comfort, functionality, fit, or safety. The product that adapts to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and lets your feet do their thing. To simply let you move without limits. Thanks to the compact size and "second skin" feeling Skinners is the perfect footwear for sports (short runs, workout, yoga, watersports) and works equally well as a pair of backup shoes (traveling, camping, hiking, cycling). WALKING & HIKING... Stretch and activate your feet! Skinners adapt to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and let your feet do their thing. GYM... Non-marking, zero-drop outsoles are perfect for indoor use and promote better posture during squats, deadlifts, and other exercises. WATERSPORTS... Slip- and cut-resistant outsoles give you the perfect grip, even in wet conditions, and help stay safe around sharp corals. To be clear, Skinners aren’t intended to completely replace your regular shoes. Instead, think of them as an addition to your shoe rack and training tool for your feet that reminds you what is natural for your body. The use of hard-wearing Swedish polymers, adhesive-free technology and three-layered Stretch Knit(TM) makes Skinners durable yet comfortable to wear.
-78% أُوكَازيُون
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Anthracite
SKINNERS 2.0 Adults Minimalist Footwear - Anthracite Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 535.00
SKINNERS 2.0. Ultra-versatile, 4-in-1 minimalist footwear with a lightweight, weatherproof, yet durable design. Packed with a perforated insole, long-lasting polymer sole and functional fibers. Designed to keep up with you no matter what adventure you soak into. Where to use Skinners 2.0? Our mission is to provide you with compact yet protective footwear for sports and traveling without all the bulk and weight of regular shoes. The footwear that is easy to use, transport, and maintain without sacrificing comfort, functionality, fit, or safety. The product that adapts to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and lets your feet do their thing. To simply let you move without limits. Thanks to the compact size and "second skin" feeling Skinners is the perfect footwear for sports (short runs, workout, yoga, watersports) and works equally well as a pair of backup shoes (traveling, camping, hiking, cycling). WALKING & HIKING... Stretch and activate your feet! Skinners adapt to your body, activates each muscle and tendon and let your feet do their thing. GYM... Non-marking, zero-drop outsoles are perfect for indoor use and promote better posture during squats, deadlifts, and other exercises. WATERSPORTS... Slip- and cut-resistant outsoles give you the perfect grip, even in wet conditions, and help stay safe around sharp corals. To be clear, Skinners aren’t intended to completely replace your regular shoes. Instead, think of them as an addition to your shoe rack and training tool for your feet that reminds you what is natural for your body. The use of hard-wearing Swedish polymers, adhesive-free technology and three-layered Stretch Knit(TM) makes Skinners durable yet comfortable to wear.
-70% أُوكَازيُون
Skinners 2.0 Minimalist Kids Footwear- Rose
Skinners 2.0 Minimalist Kids Footwear- Rose Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 341.00
Description: Footwear for kids Unique sock shoes for leisure, games and traveling. The ultimate pocket footwear designed for all your adventures, travels and sports. Minimalist. High-tech. Anti-Odor. Durable. Awesome. Let children explore the world without unnecessary constrictions. Skinners gives the little ones the freedom and protection that allow their feet to develop at a healthy pace. Protective. Comfortable. Lightweight. Move without limits Light - 50 g | 1.8 oz. Compact - 9x4 cm | 3.54”x1.57” Machine Washable - 30 °C | delicate cycle Harmless - 0 % BPA & phthalate Protective - 3mm thin sole Unisex Skinners are designed to fit both boys and girls flawlessly with maximum comfort and protection. Machine Washable Getting dirty never stops children from having fun. When the little adventurers return from their expedition, just throw their Skinners in the washing machine. Removable Insole With improved moisture-wicking capability, your kids' feet will remain cozy and dry. Easy to put on No ties, no hassle, no time to lose! Let your little ones be ready for any action in a matter of seconds. Non-slip Accidental falls and slips are a constant in kids‘ lives. In Skinners, a dirty floor or spilled water is nothing to worry about. Durable and Flexible To endure hundreds of miles of use while maintaining a flexible and thin (3mm) bottom layer, Skinners are made of premium anti-abrasive Swedish polymers. All that without BPA, phthalates and other harmful substances, of course. Protective Underside The kids' world is full of games and discovery. That's why Skinners have a bottom layer that protects their feet and doesn't slip.   Designed For: PLAY & EXPLORE: For all the little expeditions. Kids shouldn’t be held up by anything in their discoveries. Let them play and explore while making sure their feet are well protected and developing naturally at the same time. HIKE & TRAVEL: Walk together. Even a little kid can walk up to 20,000 steps daily. Be ready to spend the most of this precious time together with protective, light and durable footwear on. JUNGLE GYM. SANDBOX. ANYTHING: Ready for adventures. A good grip is crucial for your young firefighter, pirate or racer when enjoying a day full of fun in a jungle gym, at a playground or a sandbox. This means dirt and mud. That's why our sock shoes are durable enough to be machine washable and built to last while protecting your children's feet. CAMPING: Let your kids enjoy being barefoot and free. No matter if you are going to travel through deep woods, just walk around campfires, or go for a family trip abroad, your kids can always make it with their Skinners. WATER. SEA. BEACH: Soak up the fun. Exploring near waters can be lots of fun, but bruises and cuts from sharp stones at the beach can spoil it. Protect your children's feet with our durable sole that was designed to protect and last in the water.
-70% أُوكَازيُون
Skinners 2.0 Minimalist Kids Footwear - Lagoon
Skinners 2.0 Minimalist Kids Footwear - Lagoon Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 380.00
Description: Footwear for kids Unique sock shoes for leisure, games and traveling. The ultimate pocket footwear designed for all your adventures, travels and sports. Minimalist. High-tech. Anti-Odor. Durable. Awesome. Let children explore the world without unnecessary constrictions. Skinners gives the little ones the freedom and protection that allow their feet to develop at a healthy pace. Protective. Comfortable. Lightweight. Move without limits Light - 50 g | 1.8 oz. Compact - 9x4 cm | 3.54”x1.57” Machine Washable - 30 °C | delicate cycle Harmless - 0 % BPA & phthalate Protective - 3mm thin sole Unisex Skinners are designed to fit both boys and girls flawlessly with maximum comfort and protection. Machine Washable Getting dirty never stops children from having fun. When the little adventurers return from their expedition, just throw their Skinners in the washing machine. Removable Insole With improved moisture-wicking capability, your kids' feet will remain cozy and dry. Easy to put on No ties, no hassle, no time to lose! Let your little ones be ready for any action in a matter of seconds. Non-slip Accidental falls and slips are a constant in kids‘ lives. In Skinners, a dirty floor or spilled water is nothing to worry about. Durable and Flexible To endure hundreds of miles of use while maintaining a flexible and thin (3mm) bottom layer, Skinners are made of premium anti-abrasive Swedish polymers. All that without BPA, phthalates and other harmful substances, of course. Protective Underside The kids' world is full of games and discovery. That's why Skinners have a bottom layer that protects their feet and doesn't slip. Designed For: PLAY & EXPLORE: For all the little expeditions. Kids shouldn’t be held up by anything in their discoveries. Let them play and explore while making sure their feet are well protected and developing naturally at the same time. HIKE & TRAVEL: Walk together. Even a little kid can walk up to 20,000 steps daily. Be ready to spend the most of this precious time together with protective, light and durable footwear on. JUNGLE GYM. SANDBOX. ANYTHING: Ready for adventures. A good grip is crucial for your young firefighter, pirate or racer when enjoying a day full of fun in a jungle gym, at a playground or a sandbox. This means dirt and mud. That's why our sock shoes are durable enough to be machine washable and built to last while protecting your children's feet. CAMPING: Let your kids enjoy being barefoot and free. No matter if you are going to travel through deep woods, just walk around campfires, or go for a family trip abroad, your kids can always make it with their Skinners. WATER. SEA. BEACH: Soak up the fun. Exploring near waters can be lots of fun, but bruises and cuts from sharp stones at the beach can spoil it. Protect your children's feet with our durable sole that was designed to protect and last in the water.
-71% أُوكَازيُون
Skinners 2.0 Minimalist Kids Footwear - Moss
Skinners 2.0 Minimalist Kids Footwear - Moss Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 358.00
Description: Footwear for kids Kids sock shoes for leisure, games and traveling. The ultimate pocket footwear designed for all your adventures, travels and sports. Minimalist. High-tech. Anti-Odor. Durable. Awesome. Let children explore the world without unnecessary constrictions. Skinners gives the little ones the freedom and protection that allow their feet to develop at a healthy pace. Protective. Comfortable. Lightweight. Move without limits Light - 50 g | 1.8 oz. Compact - 9x4 cm | 3.54”x1.57” Machine Washable - 30 °C | delicate cycle Harmless - 0 % BPA & phthalate Protective - 3mm thin sole Unisex Skinners are designed to fit both boys and girls flawlessly with maximum comfort and protection. Machine Washable Getting dirty never stops children from having fun. When the little adventurers return from their expedition, just throw their Skinners in the washing machine. Removable Insole With improved moisture-wicking capability, your kids' feet will remain cozy and dry. Easy to put on No ties, no hassle, no time to lose! Let your little ones be ready for any action in a matter of seconds. Non-slip Accidental falls and slips are a constant in kids‘ lives. In Skinners, a dirty floor or spilled water is nothing to worry about. Durable and Flexible To endure hundreds of miles of use while maintaining a flexible and thin (3mm) bottom layer, Skinners are made of premium anti-abrasive Swedish polymers. All that without BPA, phthalates and other harmful substances, of course. Protective Underside The kids' world is full of games and discovery. That's why Skinners have a bottom layer that protects their feet and doesn't slip. Designed For: PLAY & EXPLORE: For all the little expeditions. Kids shouldn’t be held up by anything in their discoveries. Let them play and explore while making sure their feet are well protected and developing naturally at the same time. HIKE & TRAVEL: Walk together. Even a little kid can walk up to 20,000 steps daily. Be ready to spend the most of this precious time together with protective, light and durable footwear on. JUNGLE GYM. SANDBOX. ANYTHING: Ready for adventures. A good grip is crucial for your young firefighter, pirate or racer when enjoying a day full of fun in a jungle gym, at a playground or a sandbox. This means dirt and mud. That's why our sock shoes are durable enough to be machine washable and built to last while protecting your children's feet. CAMPING: Let your kids enjoy being barefoot and free. No matter if you are going to travel through deep woods, just walk around campfires, or go for a family trip abroad, your kids can always make it with their Skinners. WATER. SEA. BEACH: Soak up the fun. Exploring near waters can be lots of fun, but bruises and cuts from sharp stones at the beach can spoil it. Protect your children's feet with our durable sole that was designed to protect and last in the water.
-69% أُوكَازيُون
Skinners 2.0 Minimalist Kids Footwear - Stone
Skinners 2.0 Minimalist Kids Footwear - Stone Dhs. 130.00 Dhs. 363.00
Description: Footwear for kids Unique sock shoes for leisure, games and traveling. The ultimate pocket footwear designed for all your adventures, travels and sports. Minimalist. High-tech. Anti-Odor. Durable. Awesome. Let children explore the world without unnecessary constrictions. Skinners gives the little ones the freedom and protection that allow their feet to develop at a healthy pace. Protective. Comfortable. Lightweight. Move without limits Light - 50 g | 1.8 oz. Compact - 9x4 cm | 3.54”x1.57” Machine Washable - 30 °C | delicate cycle Harmless - 0 % BPA & phthalate Protective - 3mm thin sole Unisex Skinners are designed to fit both boys and girls flawlessly with maximum comfort and protection. Machine Washable Getting dirty never stops children from having fun. When the little adventurers return from their expedition, just throw their Skinners in the washing machine. Removable Insole With improved moisture-wicking capability, your kids' feet will remain cozy and dry. Easy to put on No ties, no hassle, no time to lose! Let your little ones be ready for any action in a matter of seconds. Non-slip Accidental falls and slips are a constant in kids‘ lives. In Skinners, a dirty floor or spilled water is nothing to worry about. Durable and Flexible To endure hundreds of miles of use while maintaining a flexible and thin (3mm) bottom layer, Skinners are made of premium anti-abrasive Swedish polymers. All that without BPA, phthalates and other harmful substances, of course. Protective Underside The kids' world is full of games and discovery. That's why Skinners have a bottom layer that protects their feet and doesn't slip. Designed For: PLAY & EXPLORE: For all the little expeditions. Kids shouldn’t be held up by anything in their discoveries. Let them play and explore while making sure their feet are well protected and developing naturally at the same time. HIKE & TRAVEL: Walk together. Even a little kid can walk up to 20,000 steps daily. Be ready to spend the most of this precious time together with protective, light and durable footwear on. JUNGLE GYM. SANDBOX. ANYTHING: Ready for adventures. A good grip is crucial for your young firefighter, pirate or racer when enjoying a day full of fun in a jungle gym, at a playground or a sandbox. This means dirt and mud. That's why our sock shoes are durable enough to be machine washable and built to last while protecting your children's feet. CAMPING: Let your kids enjoy being barefoot and free. No matter if you are going to travel through deep woods, just walk around campfires, or go for a family trip abroad, your kids can always make it with their Skinners. WATER. SEA. BEACH: Soak up the fun. Exploring near waters can be lots of fun, but bruises and cuts from sharp stones at the beach can spoil it. Protect your children's feet with our durable sole that was designed to protect and last in the water.
-53% أُوكَازيُون
Lebert Fitness HIIT Suspension Trainer
Lebert Fitness HIIT Suspension Trainer -Black/Grey Dhs. 299.00 Dhs. 632.00
Description : This brand-new, multi-functional training system is the first of its kind and perfect for at-home and in-gym use. The ability to incorporate dynamic unilateral, rotational, and bilateral strength-building movements makes it the most effective high-intensity trainer ever—perfect for beginner and hardcore athletes alike. That’s because this innovative trainer allows you to leverage your own body weight as a tool to gain strength and improve muscular endurance through dynamic resistance. The best part? The level of resistance and difficulty is fully and instantly customizable. No weights or time-consuming setup required.  Features: Transition easily through hundreds of exercise options that target specific muscle groups, work your core, improve stability, or provide a full-body challenge.  The integrated friction ring allows one side of your body to resist the other in every plane of motion. Use it to load any exercise you can imagine: rows, presses, arm curls lunges, squats, and more.   Then, change the placement of your feet to switch it up and use it like an old-school suspension trainer for a full upper body and core workout.  Designed with versatile anchors and a third handle for partner training, the HIIT System works in virtually every setting. It’s lightweight and portable, making it easy to store and easy to throw into a bag to use while travelling.  Breathe new life into your workouts with the Lebert HIIT System. The possibilities are endless. 
-53% أُوكَازيُون
Lebert Resistance Bar LFI-BAR- Black
Lebert Resistance Bar LFI-BAR- Black Dhs. 450.00 Dhs. 938.00
Introducing the Lebert Resistance Bar! Another versatile, cost effective and high-quality product from the team that developed the EQualizer!   The Resistance Bar was designed to help you build strength and burn fat by performing full body or isolation exercises easily and efficiently. It easily disassembles into two pieces so you can store it or take it with you anywhere, is made to last and is compatible with any resistance bands. Burn Fat and Build Strength with Resistance Bands - Studies show that training with resistance bands provide similar strength gains to using conventional gym equipment and can lower fat in overweight people better than other forms of exercise. Versatile and Effective: Our high-quality resistance bar allows you to do countless strength training exercises including chest press, dead lift, squats, upright row, biceps curl, shoulder presses, triceps extension and many more. Made to Last, Comfortable & Heavy-Duty Construction: this 36” long and 4lb bar is constructed of iron tube with comfortable and durable foam pads. Easy Set-Up & Compatible with All Resistance Bands: Unique rotating carabineer clips allows 360 degrees swivel for smoother movement and easy loading of resistance bands.  PACKAGE INCLUDES: One (1) Lebert Resistance Bar, Two 41”, 100% Latex Resistance Bands; 1/2" RED-Mini (13mm) 15-35lbs Resistance 3/4" YELLOW–Small (19mm) 20-60lbs Resistance
-50% أُوكَازيُون
Combo Offer | Power Cage Squat Rack J008 +80 KG Apus Bumper Plate Set + Adjustable Bench A8007
حامل قفص القرفصاء Power Cage مع ملحق Lat J008 + طقم لوح ممتص للصدمات Apus 80 كجم + مقعد قابل للتعديل A8007 Dhs. 5,555.00 Dhs. 11,106.00
عرض الكومبو يشمل: قضيب أوليمبي 7 قدم مع ألواح مطاطية - 80 كجم مقعد قابل للتعديل A8007 حامل قفص القرفصاء Power Cage J008 مع ملحق Lat البند 1 : قضيب أوليمبي 7 قدم مع ألواح مطاطية - 80 كجم وصف : صُممت الألواح المطاطية الأولمبية بوزن 80 كجم مع باربل لتمرين الجسم بالكامل ، من الساقين والظهر عند القرفصاء إلى الذراعين والبطن عند أداء الضغط على الصدر.تجعل القدرة على استهداف مجموعات عضلية معينة من وزن 80 كجم إضافة متعددة الاستخدامات لصالة الألعاب الرياضية المنزلية الخاصة بك. سمات : هيكل مطاطي يمنع تلف الأرضيات حتى عند سقوطها. مثالية لتمارين القوة ورفع الألعاب الأولمبية. مصنوع من مطاط عالي الجودة وإضافات فولاذية قوية لمتانة لا تصدق. ارتداد منخفض جدًا لتجنب الإصابة. مادة متينة للغاية. ضوضاء أقل من الألواح الفولاذية. تخصيص : تحتوي مجموعة الوزن على: 1 × 7 قدم حجم أوليمبي بار - 20 كجم 4 × 10 كجم = 40 كجم 4 × 5 كجم = 20 كجم الوزن الإجمالي لجميع القطع 80 كجم. البند رقم 2: مقعد قابل للتعديل A8007 سمات: هيكل من الدرجة التجارية قوي وشديد التحمل. قابل للتعديل على الوضعيات المسطحة ، والميل ، والمنحدرة ، والعمودية. 2 عجلات نقل مدمجة ومقبض ، فقط ارفعها وادفعها. يمكن نقلها بسهولة عند الحاجة. وسادة عالية الكثافة بسمك 5 سم. 4 وضعيات مسند الظهر و 3 أوضاع للمقاعد. مناسب لممارسة تمارين الجسم بالكامل. أغطية مانعة للانزلاق من أجل ثبات جيد. تحديد: سعة الوزن: 250 كجم الأبعاد: 130 × 53 × 90 سم (الطول × العرض × الارتفاع) وزن المنتج الصافي: 30 كجم العنصر رقم 3: حامل قفص القرفصاء Power Cage J008 مع ملحق Lat مصمم خصيصًا لصالة الألعاب الرياضية المنزلية: يبلغ ارتفاع إطار الباب 220 سم ، والذي يمكن أن يوفر لك تجربة صالة رياضية متعددة الوظائف مناسبة لمعظم أماكن اللياقة البدنية المنزلية. وحدة قائمة بذاتها بمساحة رحبة وأقدام مطاطية لضمان الثبات وحماية الأرضية إعادة تأكيد وظيفة الأمان: هناك مجموعة من البكرات القابلة للتعديل للتمارين الآمنة والفعالة ، وأكمام مطورة ، ومجهزة بقضيب حماية من الحديد ، ودعامات فولاذية صلبة يمكن تعديلها بحرية أقصى وزن للحمل 300 كجم ، وأقصى حمل للكابلات 100 كجم توفر لك هذه القوة دعمًا أكبر ، ويمكن أن يؤدي الحديد تمرينًا عالي الكثافة.  يشتمل الجزء الأمامي من الإطار على قضيب سحب علوي متعدد المقابض للتمارين الأخرى وتمارين الشد. يمكن أيضًا استخدام العارضة في تدريب الفرقة والمقاومة القرفصاء ، السحب المنبثق ، العضلة ثلاثية الرؤوس المنسدلة ، العضلة ذات الرأسين ، السحب لأسفل ، الضغط على المقعد المنحدر / المسطح / المنحدر ، الضغط على الكتف ، الصفوف الخلفية إلخ تخصيص : أقصى وزن للحمل: 300 كجم أبعاد الرف: 115 × 115 × 215 سم (الطول × العرض × الارتفاع)
-52% أُوكَازيُون
Hex Dumbbells Set (2.5 KG To 15 KG - 6 Pairs) With Flat Bench
مجموعة دمبل سداسية (2.5 كجم إلى 15 كجم - 6 أزواج) بمقعد مسطح Dhs. 1,599.00 Dhs. 3,285.00
عرض الكومبو يشمل: مجموعة دمبل سداسية (2.5 كجم إلى 15 كجم - 6 أزواج) مقاعد البدلاء شقة البند رقم 1: مجموعة الدمبل السداسية (2.5 كجم إلى 15 كجم - 6 أزواج)  وصف : احصل على النتائج التي تريدها من التدريبات الخاصة بك مع الدمبل المطاطية السداسية. يمنع تصميمها السداسي عالي الجودة من التدحرج بعيدًا عندما لا تكون قيد الاستخدام ، كما تساعد الرؤوس المغلفة بالمطاط المصبوب على تقليل الضوضاء والأضرار عند وضعها على الأرض لمزيد من التدريبات الممتعة في المنزل وأثناء الاستخدام التجاري. شد عضلاتك وحسّن قوتك وقم بإجراء مجموعة واسعة من التدريبات والتمارين الفعالة باستخدام أدوات التمرين الممتازة هذه المناسبة لجميع المستخدمين.  سمات : متين ودائم تصميم سداسي لمنع الدمبل من التدحرج مطلي بالكروم ، فولاذ صلب ، مقبض مخرش مصمم هندسيًا رؤوس مثبتة لقوة تحمل طويلة الأمد رؤوس من الحديد الزهر مطلية بمطاط عالي الجودة لمزيد من المتانة والحماية سهل التنظيف تفاصيل المنتج : الطقم يحتوي على: زوج 1 × 2.5 كجم   زوج 1 × 5 كجم  زوج 1 × 7.5 كجم زوج 1 × 10 كجم زوج 1 × 12.5 كجم زوج 1 × 15 كجم   البند رقم 2: مقعد مسطح  تصميم إطار قوي وسهل التجميع. مصنعة من الفولاذ شديد التحمل 2 بوصة. مسحوق مطلي لمزيد من المتانة. الجزء العلوي 48 بوصة × 12 بوصة ، مصنوع من 2 بوصة فوم قوي ومغطى بفينيل أسود غير قابل للانزلاق.
-63% أُوكَازيُون
Hex Dumbbells Set - 2.5 KG to 20 KG ( 8 Pairs)
مجموعة دمبل سداسية - 2.5 كجم إلى 20 كجم (8 أزواج) Dhs. 1,699.00 Dhs. 4,493.00
وصف : احصل على النتائج التي تريدها من التدريبات الخاصة بك مع الدمبل المطاطية السداسية. يمنع تصميمها السداسي عالي الجودة من التدحرج بعيدًا عندما لا تكون قيد الاستخدام ، كما تساعد الرؤوس المغلفة بالمطاط المصبوب على تقليل الضوضاء والأضرار عند وضعها على الأرض لمزيد من التدريبات الممتعة في المنزل وأثناء الاستخدام التجاري. شد عضلاتك وحسّن قوتك وقم بإجراء مجموعة واسعة من التدريبات والتمارين الفعالة باستخدام أدوات التمرين الممتازة هذه المناسبة لجميع المستخدمين. سمات :  متين ودائم تصميم سداسي لمنع الدمبل من التدحرج مطلي بالكروم ، فولاذ صلب ، مقبض مخرش مصمم هندسيًا رؤوس مثبتة لقوة تحمل طويلة الأمد رؤوس من الحديد الزهر مطلية بمطاط عالي الجودة لمزيد من المتانة والحماية سهلة لتنظيف وتخزين تحديد : تحتوي مجموعة الدمبل على: 2.5 كجم × 1 زوج     5 كجم × 1 زوج  7.5 كجم × 1 زوج   10 كجم × 1 زوج  12.5 كجم × 1 زوج     15 كجم × 1 زوج  17.5 كجم × 1 زوج     20 كجم × 1 زوج مجموع 8 أزواج من الدمبل