
-69% أُوكَازيُون
1441 ملحق خط العرض للياقة البدنية - شريط على شكل حرف V مزود بكابل سحب لأسفل بمقبض مطاطي
1441 ملحق خط العرض للياقة البدنية - ش... Dhs. 70.00 Dhs. 220.00
سمات: قبضة مريحة لضمان الأداء الأمثل في أي تمارين مصنوعة من الفولاذ المطلي بالكروم عالي الجودة لبناء طويل الأمد ودائم. مقابض يد مطاطية متينة في مواقع متعددة لتحسين الإمساك بها. يتم توصيل هذا الشريط الفاخر للضغط لأسفل بصالة الألعاب الرياضية المنزلية ، وجهاز سميث ، وما إلى ذلك. تحديد: الأبعاد: ٦٣ × ٢٠ سم الوزن: 3.4 كجم
-64% أُوكَازيُون
Revolving Lat Attachment Bar with Rubber Grips-1441 Fitness
1441 Fitness - شريط ملحق لاتصال دوار ... Dhs. 110.00 Dhs. 300.00
سمات: مصنوعة من الفولاذ المطلي بالكروم عالي الجودة لاستخدام طويل الأمد ودائم.  يتم توصيل قضيب التمارين المتعددة المصنوع من الكروم بصالة الألعاب الرياضية المنزلية ، وآلة سميث ، وما إلى ذلك يعتبر ملحق القضيب متعدد التمارين المطلي بالكروم مثاليًا لتطوير مجموعة متنوعة من عضلات الذراع. مقبض دوار بمقابض مطاطية تحديد: الابعاد 21.5 * 40 ملم
-72% أُوكَازيُون
1441 ملحق خط العرض للياقة البدنية - قضيب سحب مستقيم للأسفل بمقبض على شكل حرف D - 35 بوصة
1441 ملحق خط العرض للياقة البدنية - ق... Dhs. 100.00 Dhs. 350.00
سمات: تم تصنيع مقبض قضيب LAT من حديد عالي القوة مع تشطيب من الكروم للحصول على بنية طويلة الأمد ودائمة. تم تصميم مقبض السحب لأسفل LAT بزاوية مثالية للسماح بامتداد أعمق لتطوير خطوط العرض بشكل أفضل. مصمم هندسيًا لراحة فائقة أثناء التمرين. يحافظ الدوران المركزي السلس والسلس على الشكل الخاص بك على المسار الصحيح مصمم لجميع أنظمة الكابلات. يضمن نسيج Knurl قبضة قوية وثابتة للسماح باستخدام الشريط في تمارين العضلة ثلاثية الرؤوس والعضلة ذات الرأسين. مثالي لتطوير العضلة ثلاثية الرؤوس والعضلة ذات الرأسين والظهر والكتفين والبطن وتحسين قوة قبضتك. تحديد: الأبعاد ٩١ × ٦٨ × ١٦ سم الوزن: 4.8 كجم  
-30% أُوكَازيُون
1441 مدرب اللياقة البدنية الوظيفي مع جهاز سميث - 41FC81
1441 مدرب اللياقة البدنية الوظيفي مع ... Dhs. 7,499.00 Dhs. 10,630.00
سمات: مصمم بمفهوم معياري مجموعة متنوعة من وحدات التدريب المساعدة الوحدات سريعة الفك والتركيب الهيكل موثوق والاستخدام مناسب مخطط دليل تدريب بسيط وبديهي تحتل مساحة صغيرة ويمكنها تحقيق المزيد تحديد: أبعاد: 147 * 196 * 223 سم وزن الجهاز: 360 كجم كومة الأثقال الفولاذية القياسية: 70 كجم * 2 الضمان: 2 سنوات
-25% أُوكَازيُون
1441 مدرب لياقة بدنية شديد التحمل مع جهاز سميث - 41FC90
1441 مدرب لياقة بدنية شديد التحمل مع ... Dhs. 8,999.00 Dhs. 11,850.00
سمات: تعد آلة سميث متعددة الوظائف هذه قطعة رائعة من المعدات للمبتدئين الذين يبدؤون رحلة اللياقة البدنية الخاصة بهم وصولاً إلى الخبراء الذين يتطلعون إلى نقل تمارينهم إلى المستوى التالي. إنه جهاز متعدد المهارات رائع أن يوفر لك تمرينًا لكامل الجسم ، مما يستفيد منه جميع مجموعات العضلات الرئيسية. يتميز بحامل القرفصاء ، والضغط على الساق ، وقضيب السحب ، والضغط على الصدر ، وبكرات الصف والمزيد ، مما يتيح لك أداء مجموعة واسعة من التمارين يحتوي على خطافات أمان مدمجة تعمل على إبعاد التخويف عن الرفع وتقليل خطر الإصابة بشكل كبير. يمكنك تعليق الشريط في أي وقت من التمرين ، مما يتيح لك الانتقال بالتمرين إلى المستوى التالي بثقة. كما أنه يزيل عنصر تثبيت القضيب ، ويعزز الوضع الجيد والشكل ويسمح لك بتدريب عضلات معينة بشكل أكثر فعالية. تتميز آلة Phoenix Fitness متعددة الوظائف سميث بكابلات بكرات شديدة التحمل ، وهي مصنوعة من أفضل المواد عالية الجودة ، مما يجعلها متينة للغاية. تأتي آلة سميث لدينا مع المرفقات التالية: مرفق ضغط الأرجل ، لوحة القرفصاء ، شريط الجلوس ، جهاز ضغط الصدر ، ملحقان كابل ، مقودان ، مرفق صف ، قضبان سحب ، أذرع متعددة الوظائف وشريط معدني طويل. تحديد: أبعاد الآلة: 210 * 196 * 222 سم وزن الجهاز: 450 كجم وزن الأثقال: 70 كجم * 2 الضمان: 2 سنوات
-30% أُوكَازيُون
تم تحميل 1441 لوحة ضغط الصدر للياقة البدنية - 41FGT905
تم تحميل 1441 لوحة ضغط الصدر للياقة ا... Dhs. 3,299.00 Dhs. 4,699.00
وصف: تمنحك آلة ضغط الصدر 1441 اللياقة البدنية هذه فرصة للحصول على قوة متوازنة من خلال توفير أذرع حركة مستقلة. وهكذا يمكنك تدريب قوة ذراع واحدة. لديها أذرع ضغط متقاربة لقوس الحركة الطبيعي. يمكن استيعاب معظم المستخدمين الحجم في هذا الجهاز نظرًا لأنه يحتوي على حركة قابلة للتعديل في المقعد. سمات: أذرع مستقلة لقوة متوازنة اختيار تدريب قوة ذراع واحدة أذرع الضغط المتقاربة لقوس الحركة الطبيعي ارتفاعات المقعد قابلة للتعديل يمكن استيعاب معظم المستخدمين الحجم تقارب الحركة إلى الأمام تحديد: أبعاد الآلة: 150 * 120 * 171 سم وزن الجهاز: 150 كجم الضمان: 2 سنوات
-30% أُوكَازيُون
1441 لوحة ضغط الصدر العريضة للياقة البدنية المحملة - 41FGT910
1441 لوحة ضغط الصدر العريضة للياقة ال... Dhs. 3,299.00 Dhs. 4,695.00
سمات: يساعد على تدريب عضلات أسفل الصدر تقارب الحركة إلى الداخل يمكن تحريك كل ذراع على حدة يضمن بناء العضلات بشكل متوازن يسمح بتمرين منفصل للذراع تحديد: أبعاد الآلة: 145 * 118 * 171 سم وزن الماكينة: 165 كجم الضمان: 2 سنوات
-44% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Multi Functional Trainer - 41FG11
1441 Fitness Multi Functional Trainer... Dhs. 4,499.00 Dhs. 7,999.00
Description : Bring the freedom and flexibility of your favorite commercial gym exercises into your own home with the versatile Functional Trainer. The two laser-cut 60kg cable-driven weight stacks and included attachments open up a world of training possibilities, allowing you to build strength and explosive power in your shoulders, chest, back, arms, torso and legs. Made with heavy-duty 14 gauge structured steel tubing throughout and commercial grade powder coating, this trainer will deliver years of gains without having to invest in individual pieces of equipment. THE FOUNDATION OF YOUR HOME GYM The 1441 Fitness Functional Trainer has been specifically designed for people who want the freedom and flexibility of a commercial gym experience in their own home or studio set-up. By including a range of strength and fitness exercises in one compact footprint, you can effectively target every muscle group to smash those training goals. BUILT TO OUTLAST EVERY OTHER HOME GYM The 1441 Fitness Functional Trainer was precision built and manufactured using the highest quality materials. With a lifetime warranty and 2-year warranty on parts and attachments, the trainer includes: Heavy duty  structured steel tubing throughout Tough PVC and rubber in heavy use areas to increase durability Long-lasting clear coating with anti-rust protection Eco-friendly premium commercial grade powder coating 2 Weight stack shrouds act as a safety barrier to the exterior of the trainer ULTRA SMOOTH 2:1 CABLE SYSTEM With the responsive 2:1 cable ratio, you can develop your explosive power and feel confident you are getting the most out of your exercises. This adds a dynamic element to your functional and agility training and also allows you to work out with friends and family. REPLICATES MOTION OF STAND-ALONE MACHINES The Lock-Out Swivel Cable Pulley Slider gives you the ability to replicate the consistent motion and safety of a stand-alone machine for your Lat Pulldowns, Tricep Pushdowns, Abdominal Crunches and Ankle Cuff work. SAVE ON SPACE AND MONEY The 1441 Fitness Functional Trainer is perfect for anyone who has a garage or studio gym set up, allowing you to save space with its compact footprint. It also means you don’t have to invest in individual pieces of equipment that take up extra room. Specifications: Weight stack: 2 x 60 kg weight stacks Cable Ratio: 2:1 Product Weight: 140 kgs Dimensions: 146 cm (W) x 106 cm (D) x 213 cm (H)
-19% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Power Cage Squat Rack - 41FG04
1441 Fitness Power Cage Squat Rack - ... Dhs. 2,999.00 Dhs. 3,699.00
Description : The 1441 Fitness Power Cage Squat Rack Base Unit is a highly versatile unit that is 100% customizable. It has a bulletproof base unit that is forged with precision welded, laser cut 12 gauge steel. It features westside spacing with 54 different numbered adjustment points to perfectly position any size user for bench press, squats and more. Features: Highly Versatile 100% customizable Precision welded, laser cut 12 gauge steel 54 different numbered adjustment points
-14% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Power Cage - 41FU3048
1441 Fitness Premium Series Power Cag... Dhs. 3,299.00 Dhs. 3,799.00
Description: Power Cage is a solid and stable strength tool that can serve as the foundation for any strength training. Whether a seasoned lifter or a beginner, you can train safely and effectively in Power Cage. Extensive expansion capabilities and easy-to-use pull-up handles for exercisers of all sizes and abilities. Features: Free Combination● Allow exercisers to execute various strength training and can freely combine accessories or gym benches to execute various workouts such as weightlifting and pressing etc. Functional Capabilities● Enhanced functional capabilities allow to use bands, chains, Torso Trainers, Battle Ropes, Suspension Training and more in addition to traditional power rack exercises. Stable and Durable● Reasonable weight distribution design makes the Power Cage structure more stable; the frame structure of the equipment is durable and has a five-year warranty. Specification: Dimensions: 157*124*234 cm Tube Thickness: 2.5mm Material: Steel Specification: 157x124x234cm Product Weight: 164kg
-11% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Prestige Series Functional Trainer - 41FE7017
1441 Fitness Prestige Series Function... Dhs. 7,499.00 Dhs. 8,399.00
Description: The 1441 Fitness Fusion Pro Functional Trainer supports taller users for diverse workouts, with 17 adjustable cable positions to accommodate most users of all sizes, making it even better when used as a standalone device. The double 95kg weight stack provides enough load even for experienced lifters. Features: High Space Utilization● Two weight stacks, ideal for small facility spaces, allow two exercisers to use at the same time, with interchangeable accessories and Adjustable Bench for a wide variety of workouts. Ease of Use● The easily adjustable handle height on both sides of the pulley allows one-handed adjustment, and the laser-etched markings provide accurate alignment. The 95kg weight stack on both sides provides a 2:1 ratio of power to resistance, providing sufficient weight for different exercises. Greater Adaptation● 17 adjustable cable positions provide a wider range of adaptability, high dual grip position pull-up handle allows taller users to execute corresponding exercises. Specification: ● Dimensions: 1570*1110*2330mm● Weight Stack: 95 kg X 2 Warranty Details: Machine Warranty : 2 Years Upholstery : 6 Months Frame : 5 Years Warranty No Of Free Service : 2 times in 1st Year
-24% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Prestige Series Functional Trainer with Smith Machine - 41FE6247
1441 Fitness Prestige Series Function... Dhs. 9,999.00 Dhs. 12,999.00
Description: The 1441 Fitness Functional Smith Machine features the most popular training types in one. The best strength training solution for limited space. It has pull up/chin up bars, spotter arms, j hooks for squat and barbell rest, an outstanding cable system and probably 100 other features. The stable and reliable smith system provides fixed rails to help exercisers get lower while stabilizing training positions starting weight. Support single or multi-person training at the same time. Features: 41FE6247 - The 1441 Functional Smith Machine features the most popular training types in one. The best strength training solution for limited space. It has pull up/chin up bars, spotter arms, j hooks for squat and barbell rest, an outstanding cable system and probably 100 other features. The stable and reliable smith system provides fixed rails to help exercisers get lower while stabilizing training positions starting weight. Support single or multi-person training at the same time.1. Multifunctional● E6247 focused on powerful functionality, which is an outstanding comprehensive strength training device that allows for a full body workout. Both beginners and experienced trainers can have a great training experience on this device.2. The Smith Bar System● Provides a low starting weight to simulate a more realistic weightlifting experience. The fixed track can help beginners to better stabilize the body and can stop and quit training at any time. For experienced exercisers, it can be combined with an Adjustable Bench to provide more and safer free weight training.3. Small but Complete● It is specially designed for training environments with limited space to ensure the maximum retention of popular strength training types, and they are reasonably integrated into one equipment, which is an ideal equipment choice for small spaces. Weight stack:  80 Kg x 2 Dimension: L 2130x W 1560 x H 2250 mm
-29% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Prestige Series Half Rack - 41FE6221
1441 Fitness Prestige Series Half Rac... Dhs. 4,999.00 Dhs. 6,999.00
Description: The DHZ Half Rack provides an ideal platform for free weight training which is a very popular unit among strength training enthusiasts. The quick-release column design makes it easier to switch between different workouts, and the storage space for fitness accessories at your fingertips also provides convenience for training. It not only ensures the safety of free weight training, but also provides an open training environment as much as possible. Features: 41FE6221 - The DHZ Half Rack provides an ideal platform for free weight training which is a very popular unit among strength training enthusiasts. The quick-release column design makes it easier to switch between different workouts, and the storage space for fitness accessories at your fingertips also provides convenience for training. It not only ensures the safety of free weight training, but also provides an open training environment as much as possible. 1. Quick Release Squat Rack● The quick release structure provides convenience for users to adjust for different trainings, and the position can be easily adjusted without other tools.2. Ample Storage● A total of 10 weight horns on both sides provide non-overlapping storage space for Olympic Plates and Bumper Plates, and 2 pairs of accessory hooks can store different kinds of fitness accessories.3. Combined Training Support● The hooks in the upper and lower positions allow the exercisers to use the elastic band for enhanced load training and support the user to combine the fitness bench for the corresponding combination equipment training. Specifications: (L x W x H): 174 x 180 x 247 cm Weight: 255 Kg Steel Tubing: 50 x 100mm Steel Thickness: 2.5mm
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Compact Functional Trainer - 41FU1017F
1441 Fitness Premium Series Compact F... Dhs. 5,999.00 Dhs. 7,999.00
Description: The 1441 Compact Functional Trainer is designed to provide nearly unlimited workouts in a limited space, ideal for home use or as a supplement to an existing workout in the gym. 15 selectable cable positions allow users to perform a variety of exercises. Dual 80kg weight stacks provide enough load even for experienced lifters. Features: 41FU1017F - The 1441 Compact Functional Trainer is designed to provide nearly unlimited workouts in a limited space, ideal for home use or as a supplement to an existing workout in the gym. 15 selectable cable positions allow users to perform a variety of exercises. Dual 80kg weight stacks provide enough load even for experienced lifters. 1. High Space Utilization● Two weight stacks, ideal for small facility spaces, allow two exercisers to use at the same time, with interchangeable accessories and Adjustable Bench for a wide variety of workouts. 2. Ease of Use● The easily adjustable handle height on both sides of the pulley allows one-handed adjustment, and the laser-etched markings provide accurate alignment. The 80kg weight stack on both sides provides a 2:1 ratio of power to resistance, providing sufficient weight for different exercises. 3. Multiple Details● Dual pull-up grips are rubber-coated for a comfortable and secure grip. The central attachment bracket with pegs stabilizes the structure while providing abundant storage functions. Specifications: Weight Stack: 80 KG x 2
-38% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Squat Rack - 41FU3050
1441 Fitness Premium Series Squat Rac... Dhs. 2,499.00 Dhs. 3,999.00
Description: The Evost Series Squat Rack offers multiple bar catches to ensure the correct starting position for different squat workouts. The inclined design ensures a clear training path, and the double-sided limiter protects the user from the injury caused by the sudden drop of the barbell. Features: 41FU3050 - The Evost Series Squat Rack offers multiple bar catches to ensure the correct starting position for different squat workouts. The inclined design ensures a clear training path, and the double-sided limiter protects the user from the injury caused by the sudden drop of the barbell.  1. Sturdy Frame● Sturdy construction and excellent productivity make for a durable Squat Rack that's fully supported for heavy-duty use. 2. Wear Covers● Protects the equipment from damage caused by Olympic Bars in contact with the metal frame and has a certain buffering effect. Segmented design for easy replacement. 3. Angled Design● The upright angle provides open access to various squat workouts, along with wide field of view and supports easy entry and exit of exercisers. Specifications: Dimensions: L 185 x W 173 x H 180 cm
1441 Fitness Wall Mounted Half Squat Rack
1441 Fitness Wall Mounted Half Squat ... Dhs. 1,799.00
Our wall mounted half rack is designed with foldable features, making it easy to store and unfold whenever you're ready to exercise. This innovative design ensures that it won't take up unnecessary space in your home gym or fitness studio. Built to last, our half rack is constructed with high-quality materials to ensure stability and withstand heavy loads. You can trust that it will provide a secure and reliable support system for all your workout routines. Equipped with barbell hooks, our wall mounted half rack offers versatility for a wide range of exercises, including pull-ups. Whether you're looking to strengthen your upper body or work on your core muscles, this rack is the perfect addition to your fitness equipment collection.
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Cable Crossover Evost - 41FU3016
1441 Fitness Premium Series Cable Cro... Dhs. 6,999.00 Dhs. 9,450.00
Description: The Evost Series Adjustable Cable Crossover is a self-contained cable crossover device that provides two sets of adjustable cable positions, allowing two users to execute different workouts at the same time, or individually. Supplied with a rubber-wrapped pull-up handle with dual grip positions. With quick and easy adjustments, users can use it alone or in combination with gym benches and other accessories to complete a variety of workouts. Features: Ease of Use● Cable position adjustment with handle supports one-hand adjustment, easy weight selection, suitable for various exercise needs. Variety of Workouts● Replaceable accessories allow users to execute different exercises, a large weight selection range and free training space support matching training with a gym bench, and an additional rubber-wrapped handle helps exercisers improve training stability. Sturdy and Stable● Even weight distribution ensures stability whether the device is used by one person or two exercisers at the same time, supporting the device to be fixed on the ground.Weight Stack● 95 KG's Each Side
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Prestige Series Multi Station 7 Stack - 41FE3064
1441 Fitness Prestige Series Multi St... Dhs. 24,999.00 Dhs. 33,748.50
Description: The Evost Series Multi Station 7 Stack has 8 weight stacks that combine workouts such as Adjustable Crossover, Long Pull, Pull Down, and more, this unit allows you to accommodate more users to train these traditional strength workouts at the same time, but the need of the training space is also larger. Features: Complete Basic Strength Training● 7-stack provides a variety of basic strength training modules to help exercisers of different levels find the most suitable training method for them. Stable and Easy to Maintain● The structure of the equipment is simple but stable, and the fully open design facilitates the cleaning and maintenance of the equipment, and the wide field of vision provides a good training environment. Advantages of Multi Station● A good multi-station unit can help operators save on equipment costs and maintenance costs, cause the units are generally durable and easy to maintain. The higher space utilization rate means an increase in the number of members, and more users can exercise at the same time in the same space. Weight Stacks● 95 KG's x 5● 72 KG's x 3Dimensions● 511 x 463 x 234 cm
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Functional Trainer Evost - 41FU1017C
1441 Fitness Premium Series Functiona... Dhs. 6,999.00 Dhs. 9,450.00
Description: DHZ Functional Trainer is designed to provide a near limitless variety of workouts in a one space, which is one of the gym’s most popular pieces of equipment. Not only can it be used as a freestanding device, but it can also be used to complement existing workout types. 16 selectable cable positions allow users to perform a variety of exercises. Dual 95kg weight stacks provide enough load even for experienced lifters. Features: High Space Utilization● Two weight stacks, ideal for small facility spaces, allow two exercisers to use at the same time, with interchangeable accessories and Adjustable Bench for a wide variety of workouts. Ease of Use● The easily adjustable handle height on both sides of the pulley allows one-handed adjustment, and the laser-etched markings provide accurate alignment. The 95kg weight stack on both sides provides a 2:1 ratio of power to resistance, providing sufficient weight for different exercises. Multiple Details● Three separate sets of pull-up grips are rubber-coated for a comfortable and secure grip. The central attachment bracket with pegs stabilizes the structure while providing abundant storage functions.Weight Stack● 95 KG's x 2
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Prestige Series Max Dual Cable Cross - 41FEMI1000
1441 Fitness Prestige Series Max Dual... Dhs. 9,999.00 Dhs. 13,499.00
Description: The EMI1000 Dual-Cable Cross The product developed by an Italian designer offers a high degree of variability, so the two arms can each be adjusted separately 12 times in angle and together 11 times in height. This means that the new device can perform an enormous number of cable pulling exercises. Highly interesting for fitness and also physiotherapy. Notes: The device must be fixed to the wall at the top or screwed into the floor! Technical Data: Item No: EMI1000 Total Weight: 237 KG Weight Stack: 64 KG Dimensions: Height 2.00 M / Width 1.65 M Frame: Pearl Silver
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Chest Press - 41FY905Z
1441 Fitness Premium Series Chest Pre... Dhs. 2,999.00 Dhs. 4,050.00
Description: The Discovery-R Series Chest Press uses a forward converging movement that effectively activates the pectoralis major, triceps, and anterior deltoid. The motion arms can be moved independently, not only ensuring a more balanced muscle exercise, but also supporting the user in individual training. Features: Nice Grip● The excellent handgrip design helps distribute the load evenly, making the push-pull movement more comfortable and effective. The surface texture of the handgrip both improves grip, preventing lateral sliding, and marks the correct hand position. More Balanced● The independent movement of the arms provides more balanced muscle training and allows the exerciser to perform unilateral training. Excellent Trajectory● The forward-converging motion trajectory provides a natural arc of motion along with a greater range of motion, providing the sensation of free weight training. Dimensions● 150 x 120 x 172 cm
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Wide Chest Press - 41FY910Z
1441 Fitness Premium Series Wide Ches... Dhs. 2,999.00 Dhs. 4,050.00
Description: The Discovery-R Series Wide Chest Press strengthens the lower pectoralis through a forward converging movement while activating the pectoralis major, triceps, and anterior deltoid. Excellent biomechanical trajectory makes training more comfortable and effective. Balanced strength increase, support for single-arm training, both thanks to the variety training possibilities offered by the independent motion arms. Features: Nice Grip● The excellent handgrip design helps distribute the load evenly, making the push-pull movement more comfortable and effective. The surface texture of the handgrip both improves grip, preventing lateral sliding, and marks the correct hand position. More Balanced● The independent movement of the arms provides more balanced muscle training and allows the exerciser to perform unilateral training. Easy Adjustment● The power-assisted seat allows exercisers to easily adjust to the right training height, providing stable support while enhancing comfort. Dimensions● 145 x 119 x 172 cm
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Incline Chest Press - 41FY915Z
1441 Fitness Premium Series Incline C... Dhs. 2,999.00 Dhs. 4,050.00
Description: The Discovery-R Series Incline Chest Press is designed to better train the upper chest muscles. Excellent biomechanical standards and ergonomic design ensure training effectiveness and comfort. The motion arms can be moved independently, not only ensuring a more balanced muscle exercise, but also supporting the user in individual training. Features: Nice Grip● The excellent handgrip design helps distribute the load evenly, making the push-pull movement more comfortable and effective. The surface texture of the handgrip both improves grip, preventing lateral sliding, and marks the correct hand position. More Balanced● The independent movement of the arms provides more balanced muscle training and allows the exerciser to perform unilateral training. Excellent Trajectory● The forward-converging motion trajectory provides a natural arc of motion along with a greater range of motion, providing the sensation of free weight training. Dimensions● 154 x 103 x 167 cm
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Pull Down - 41FY920Z
1441 Fitness Premium Series Pull Down... Dhs. 2,999.00 Dhs. 4,050.00
Description: The Discovery-R Series Pull Down provides a natural arc of motion and greater range, allowing users to effectively train the lats and biceps. The independently moving arms ensure balanced strength increase and allow for separate training. Excellent motion path design makes training smooth and comfortable. Features: More Balanced● The independent movement of the arms provides more balanced muscle training and allows the exerciser to perform unilateral training. Excellent Trajectory● Upward converging motion trajectory provides a natural arc of motion along with a greater range of motion. Additionally, the plane of movement in front of the shoulders is more comfortable and safer. Nice Grip● The excellent handgrip design helps distribute the load evenly, making the push-pull movement more comfortable and effective. The surface texture of the handgrip both improves grip, preventing lateral sliding, and marks the correct hand position. Dimensions ● 111 x 174 x 199 cm
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Low Row - 41FY925Z
1441 Fitness Premium Series Low Row -... Dhs. 2,999.00 Dhs. 4,050.00
Description: The Discovery-R Series Low Row offers activation programs for multiple muscle groups, including the lats, biceps, rear delts, and traps. Dual-hold position handgrips involve training of different muscles. The independently motion arms ensure the balance of the training and supports the user to perform independent training. The central handle provides stability during single-arm training. Features: Comfortable Support● Easy-to-adjust seat and thick chest pads provide stable support while ensuring exercisers' training comfort. Nice Grip● The excellent handgrip design helps distribute the load evenly, making the push-pull movement more comfortable and effective. The surface texture of the handgrip both improves grip, preventing lateral sliding, and marks the correct hand position. Stability And Variety● The central fixed handle improves stability during unilateral training. Dual handle positions allow for targeted training of different muscle groups. Dimensions● 157 x 129 x 163 cm
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Seated Row - 41FY930Z
1441 Fitness Premium Series Seated Ro... Dhs. 2,999.00 Dhs. 4,050.00
Description: The Discovery-R Series Row is designed to activate the lats, biceps, rear deltoid, and trapezius muscles. Provides variety training with dual-grip handles. The independently motion arms guarantee the balanced strength increase and allows the user to train independently. The central handle is responsible for the stability of independent workouts. Features: Nice Grip● The excellent handgrip design helps distribute the load evenly, making the push-pull movement more comfortable and effective. The surface texture of the handgrip both improves grip, preventing lateral sliding, and marks the correct hand position. Stability And Variety● The central fixed handle improves stability during unilateral training. Dual handle positions allow for targeted training of different muscle groups. More Balanced● The independent movement of the arms provides more balanced muscle training and allows the exerciser to perform unilateral training. Dimensions● 119 x 138 x 130 cm
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Shoulder Press - 41FY935Z
1441 Fitness Premium Series Shoulder ... Dhs. 2,999.00 Dhs. 4,050.00
Description: The Discovery-R Series Shoulder Press provide the feel of free weight training, with an excellent biomechanical design ideal for strengthening delts, triceps and upper traps by replicating the overhead press. The independently motion arms guarantee the balanced strength increase and allow the user to train independently. Features: Direct Transmission● Through the optimal torque transmission, the direct transmission of the workload is ensured, so that the training volume can be accurately controlled. Nice Grip● The excellent handgrip design helps distribute the load evenly, making the push-pull movement more comfortable and effective. The surface texture of the handgrip both improves grip, preventing lateral sliding, and marks the correct hand position. More Balanced● The independent movement of the arms provides more balanced muscle training and allows the exerciser to perform unilateral training. Dimensions● 119 x 138 x 130 cm
-26% أُوكَازيُون
1441 Fitness Premium Series Rear Kick - 41FY940Z
1441 Fitness Premium Series Rear Kick... Dhs. 2,999.00 Dhs. 4,050.00
Description: The Discovery-R Series Rear Kick replicates the rear kick movement with mechanically transmitted weight loads, which is an ideal choice for training glutes, hamstrings, and quads. The large footplates allow users to train in multiple positions, while the ergonomic pads provide reasonable stress distribution while stabilizing the torso. Features: Ergonomic Pads● Ergonomically optimized pelvic pads allow the exercisers to relax the back, while the lower leg pads reduce body weight on the supporting leg. Large Foot Plate● Large rear kick pad increases exercise range and provides a comfortable training position for users of different sizes. Hug-style Handle● Compared to the traditional hand-grip handle, the hugging position can better use the strength of the arms to fix the upper body, comfortable and focus on the training. Dimensions● 112 x 133 x 165 cm